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, . _ . <br /> i;9.�.; _ s,� :-�- . 1 ._ .�;�;; <br /> '_— _ `.` .__'_ _ T__ ._—. ._—`___'_'T_ _ ___.-.'___� __���,__' <br /> =�2t �'1'7.:y-�: u. - . - �-1���"�' .C. . _ . . _ _ ( c - — _ � . _ '_ __- <br /> . � • L _ . ', �". _ ' - , '.. {,' � "' <br /> •.�,. . . t.` .. _ .. "' .: � ___ _ . . __. . . ` . . . — <br /> -�----. 'c'G <br /> � '. "' <br /> . • <br /> . . .. - _ <br /> : . .. _ <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . � . <br /> ._��_.."... : . . .:� . ; � ._.� . ,.. _. _ . _ . ' _ - _ •-'c-�. <br /> :� T. " . . . _ .._[...—.ua ' �.,,�- �.�.�.�..� ; , , ' ct' '. " ., ____ �. .` . . . <br /> , � _ _ (i <br /> `_--�.--. -��„°� . � � -� ��-- . �aQ996` . ` <br /> — � �INIFORM COV�1l4l�1'I� Hnrr�v►�aad I.a�dac�reaaataiid agra�s foliov►s: � . . <br /> � l. p'a7�t oE Nri�c[/d a�i I�te�+e1�Pre/ayae�t a�d I.ate C�7iirg�.< 8orroWer shail pramptiY PaY��hen slue . <br /> y� 16e principtl of and intere�on the debi the Note and any prepaymrni and Iate charges duo ynder the 2`ate; _ -- <br /> --_���:� 2. F�t�dsfarTuest�diswrarca Su6�ecttoapp&cablelawortaawrittenv�ai�erb}Lendcr.Borrow�rshalip�} — _ <br /> _,..��„� --� <br /> ,��,�__:_ to tender on the day mouithly payments are due underthc�iote.until the Note is�id in fu11,a�um t"Funds°1 eys�al co ' --- <br /> .����r.''�'.- one-tadith of(a)yearty taaes and assessments ahich may attain priority�»•er tbis Security,fnstrum�nt; (b} crarly �„�..�-___ � <br /> �„�.�.�.. _ _•_—�:.�- <br /> _ =�a�•-_� lp�sthotd pa�menta or ground ra►ts on the Property. if any;(c)}earty hazard insurance pttmiums:and (d1 yearly —�. � _ <br /> �.,_�c:.�: . : <br /> _.���_ __ mortgage insura�ce prrmiums;if any.These itetns are ealted 'escroa items."l.ender may e+timate the�undy due on the �_� -�=i�__ <br /> '�— "�' ----�sisas�arr�z ksstirrPettsoffatureescro�items. . - --- � <br /> — ���.���� _ The�unds shall be hdd in an institetion thedepasitsoraccoants of Rtuc6 are insured or gUaranteed bg a feder�l or • ;,°:,��� <br /> �r.�wx�s'2u- - <br /> ;� . :� ,F �` ' state agtncy(including I.ender if Ltnder is stsch an institution).L,ender s}tall appl}the Funds to pa!;.the escr'av�items. `� _z.s.Q _ <br /> :;� ;� :��'�, � Lender may not charge for hplding and applying the Funds.analyziag the account ar veriPying the�cmw items.�nless , �,� � «, <br /> , ..,�._.- <br /> •: i.eadet pay�s Borrov�er inttrest on thc Funds�and appficable taa permits i.ender ta matce suc6 a eharg�Bonower and �,�;:.�--._- <br /> ` Y �.':°=°L Lender a ar wtitin tf�at interest shall be on the Funds.Unlecs an agreement is made or applicable taw . • . •;�`;"'�f�,'�-�; <br />:'s,; ;, �. . �Y � 8 P� - - _.• -,.,.xt��-.. <br /> `�" :�,f requim interest to 6e paid.Lender shaA not 6e required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.Leadcr � ,; �'_..s•�.�;�.;'T:� _ <br />�a�°�' �h"��=�'"z'=� � shallgivewBanawer,withoutsbarge.anannualac�ountin aPtheFundssha cceditsanddebitstolheFundsandthe '. 1. :`_�* '�'} <br />°- �.-•«�_^,�_� 8 ��8 _ ;'-�'�.1`,.,''_�t,.ti:!•'- <br />'''=- - = purpase�as which each debit ta the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional secarity far the sums secured by ' r-: ' <br />`��' �T s ; - thisSecurity In.urument. • < �`�.�",,, !,- <br /> . .�:;''�`•�.-�"� Ef the amnnnt of the Funds heid by Lender,toge4�ner vvith ttie futnre montbly payments of Funds payai�t�priar tp _,- _--�` <br /> J•;;!,� _ . � :'�''�3�`: <br /> . -. - - .- _ _ the due dates otths�crowe items.shal!exceEd�he uuam�t ceqmred to pay the escrow items when due.the e�tse�Si�all be. --_ , -•�---_. <br />'c,1. :- • �' "�sr.�; <br /> '.: lr�:.,i�:* . . at Borrower s option,either pramptly rep3id to SQr��cor cre�eted to Bono�rer o�t monthly payments of Fii6ds.ii the , ��.'�, .�-:.-,-:- <br /> amaunt af.the Funds hetA bp I.ender isnotsaffdeat�Q�i}t�e�caav�itcros wheadae,Borrowersball pay to Lenderany. .. . . �?' <br /> � :=`.. .` ` amountnecasarYtamakeupthedefiei�c�-IIecs�ceacz�e�epapnsea.ESastequiredbyl.ender. ` " � - -- <br /> .. �, :�.:. � Upnn payment in full of a0 svms secare�f b;r r�fi"ss5ecurit}:.�.s#Ument.�I�ader'shall promptly refimd to Barrowet��` : <br />�;, �: `.'°:-= any Funds held by Lendet.lf undet paragraph 19 t�e Ps�perty is suld otacquice�f Cry Leader,Lender shall tatEc' '. : ,,.' '� �"',.. - <br /> ' ""' ocz iis'ixnder �n. Funds held b Lender at the time of� ' � '�T���� �• - <br /> - __ . than immcdiately prior to the sate of the Ptoperty a�r�ES acquiscti > s . _ Y '.f,s:,<::�'>: <br /> . �- . appticatian�s a credii agaiast the sna�sssocured by thisS�curity I�c�s�G � ' . . • ..,;:_,_,_:�,-:,,': �` <br /> ;���•-• <br /> ' ° 3. Ayolkatiot of Fsya�e��. [T�css applicabtr law pr.�ia.Tk�:otherwise,all payments received 6y Lender und,er :::.;le,..��,_.y'a,�fi . '.;;�,: <br /> cs <br /> ._.�_ _,� ,_ paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be apglied:fust,t.o late chargestfue uac:es cP�e NotC second,to prep�g�rient chargcs due under t�e �'r ,F., �� `� <br /> M Not� amounts yahle ander h 2:Eauit�to ini�re"st du�and tast,ta cf.f�e. • �` ` " -` _ ;— <br /> Pa P�S�P prit�c�g'�C: . �.,. <br /> . - 4. Charge�I.iax. gomov�e+r shall pay alY�•as.ussments.charges,.�aad E�pesitions ari��ii,a�ab2e to tht. n: - <br /> . . :t � ' ' � i. <br /> ,. =' ., Property wbieb may attain priarity ac�r:tbis Secr.�cit��instrutstent, and feasehaic� payaxe�s:ar ground�rc��s. if any. .� f.`•, <br /> � Borrower shall y these obli rnu m tE�.�anaer "za��:�rd in h 2,or if rtot, m t3iat�annec,Borrower shall � � '��'- � <br /> `;9: � &'`i� t� .. ��aP �.�.. ,s;r�:,r,s ; <br /> paY them on time ditectly to the��o�a�.pay-��t:�orroRer s�.�31 pramptiyr fai�as�tb;Cen�a1T notices of amounts �-.`r:::.;_, � <br /> _ to be paid uader this paragtaph:if B�uuG�?�r.i23r���paycri��;directiy.Hu���}`��Pdy fumi�fi to I.erider ,. . - .' <br /> .. . '°�:�, r�ceipts evidencing the pa��neafs. ' ���.. : .;' : .�:,..:. ':;`:?',.`:. - <br /> ei - . _ . ':'� � <br /> �. ` • Borroaer shall pso�pily discharge any tiea vr�iich has priority over this 5ee-arity lnstrument unies�ffi,-irawer:(a) :"�:°•�' ;-: �, �� <br /> ' • ' agras in writing to the p�pment af the obligarion securat by the liea�a manner acceptabie to Leader;(b}wt�i�s in good `""t.._� .�-�'- ��,�;:;,Y. .a <br /> ' ��,::�;� faith the liea by.or defends aga�nst ent'orcement af the lien in,le�:��xeedings which in the Lc�r s opm:on operate to. . •�:�:�..�_ '- <br /> �� � revent the eaf'arccmrnt of the lien ar forfeiture o F any part o f t k�l�??perty;nr(c)secur e s fr�c�i e h c l d e r e f t h e l i e n a d:.: � �"+;; �; <br /> ............... P <br /> agreement sa�isfactory to Lender snbardinating the lien to this Seci�'rty lnsirument.It'Lmder d�a e s�f i i�r�:r;Y Part o f '' ' �' , ��`,t ��: <br /> . � . the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,I.eiir�i�rir.��°�i�r��'rower a i , <br /> '. notia identifqing the lien.Borcower shaU satisf'y the lien or take ane or more of the actions setfai�ii;�ic-:�wz�Izn]0 days f i <br /> �� of the giving of notice. �,� '.'' : �:� <br /> ' "•� ' S. Haz�rd lesurance. Borro�er shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafrstr�ected on the Property i � <br /> ',,.�;;.,;.'. <br /> ;�;�.:; iruured against loss by fire,hazards i�cluded within the term"extended coverage"and any atherkazards for which Lender 7 _ <br /> • �equires iasurance.This insurance shall be maintained jn the amounu and ti�r the periods that Lender requires.The� t. �;_ <br />" , � , � insurance carrier p�oviding the insurance shaU be cbasen by Barrower subject to I.ender's appraval which shall not be � <br /> ' , � unrtasonably withheld. � ' � � <br /> • . �i;� �� All ta$urance policies and renewals ShaU be acceptable to.£.�nder and shall include a standard mongage clause. � . <br /> ��:'., � �;��;''.:��� � . - ' <br /> ,••,,, Lender sha11 kave the right to hald the policiey and reaewats.If i:au3�r requires.Borrower sba1T.�romptty give to Lender �� �` <br />,;,�. ' � � ".:.:��;. a1)rtaipt5 6fpaid premiums and renewal noticea.ln the event ot.1r�,,:Borrower shall give pmm�r notice to the insurance ; ;��' ',. <br /> � ' ' �cairier am��:ender.Leeder may make prooPof loss if a?t.m«de�r:iz`�r:1y by Borrower. • � <br /> Unlas I,ender and Borrower atherwise�tr?�i,a�;ia�:::�ance proceedsshaU be apQ[ied to restoratian or repair � ' <br /> -. oiFtht Prvperty damaged,ii the ratoration or rep�ir C��.i;ctisinj�:.x.iis�feasible and Lender's seEUrz�y is aat la�ened.It'the ; <br /> ��'�"•�� � '.r+estar��ia�s i�repair is not economicaAy feasible or T:ier��eC"s�zr'rry would be tessened,the iir-��stxace prdceeds sha11 be � ...'�°'''�' <br />`�- � • �`�"�^�� '.'�lied`ta�tEir:sums secured by this Security Instrurm:nr.��r.etfiec cs not then due, with an}�.�s paid to Borrower.If : ��+�� <br /> 1�: i ` . . `''T;:�`��? :'Borrowet::�.:..^dons tt�Property.or does not anss►ei�w�:�':e 3Q�ays a natice froai Lender that the insurance carrier has �' <br /> � • , o}Perod to xttle a cta:r.r,t3;�Lendcr may collect the in���nee proceeds.LendeT m�y use the proceeds to repair or restore i • <br /> '-I ',' ' the Ptoperiy or to pay s•.:�s secured by ihis Securh}Ci��itument.whether or nat 3zen due.The 30-day period will begin <br /> ��!•'� when the notice is�iven. ` . . <br /> • � '' '� Unless l.ertdec and Barrower otherwise agree in�riting,an4:iFplicatioh of proceeds to principal shall not extend or � <br /> '�,:,.� , <br /> . poslpone the dae date af the monthiy pay�nents refert�l r�in para�phs 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amount of the paymenis.lP , <br /> undtr patag�aph 19 thei�roDerty is acquired by i>eitazr:Qorrower v right to any incuranre policies and procceds rerulting � • <br /> .. :-;'• fram damage fo the['ra�prior to the acquisiNo,i�1Li1.E pasv to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secutity j , '' <br /> ��"`'t' lastrumrnl immediateiy�ri;�r to ihe acquisilian. . ' . <br /> . . q.n.,i .. , . ...ii <br /> • • ,;�;'j,>. 6. PR�seeation and Mdnten�nae of Pro�esry;t.easeholds. &�rrower sh�ll not destro�.darnage ar substantially , . <br /> " , •. chaage the Pt�aperiy.attow the Prop� deteriorate or cammit waste. if thi�Secunty Ins�rurnent is on a leaschold. . � <br />" • Bartok�t shaii camply with the prrnision4 oPehe lease,and if Bnrrua�er acyuires fee ti11c ta the pmpeny.the lea�chold and � <br /> � � " fa title sha11 not merge untess Lender agrces to ehe merger in wnting. ' � <br /> `���� � 7. I'rateetlon ot LenQer•S Rights in the Prooerty; ltortgaFee lesurance. lf Bocrowrr faits to perform t6e [ �+ <br /> t,;' ��:, cavenantsandagseementscontainedinthisSecurityinstiument.«rlherci�alegalproceedinglhalmaysignificantlyafFect � <br /> ' ' °' tender's ripthts in Ihe Prapeny(such as a praceeding in bankruptry.prc�bate,for coademnation or to eaForce laws or ' � <br /> : regnta�ons):ehe�t,ortdes may doand pay for whatever is necessary to prntcet the value of the Pra�+erty and Lendei v ri�hts , <br /> . • in tRe Propen}. Lertder's aetiaas may inclucie paying any�umc secureci 6y a tien which h�priority o��er this Security <br /> � . tnsttument,appranng i�e eourt.payia�g reasanable attorne}s fces and entcrinF on the Property ta makr repairs.Althuugh • <br /> „ Leades may tafce action undet this patagr�ph 7.Lender does ttot ha�c to di�so. <br /> Any amounts diybursed by Lender under this paragruph�shalE Necome sdditiun�il debt of BorrvNer se�ured by th��: • <br /> Secusity lnstrument.Untesg Bonavirertucd Lertdcr�Rtee to vt1►er tcrm�oF��yment.these am��unt�tihsil6�:at intcrc�t frc�m <br /> . � �. tbe d�ie oF dis6ursranene ae the Note rate und shall[�e payabie.�vith intcrest, up�n nrurc from Lendcr t��Hc+rroa•ct <br /> . _ . __--�-�- --�--. -_. - <br /> �tquestiaSFrrYr�trnt . _ . _ <br />