<br />MORTGAGE R 1_ -~'~ ~! 3 3 3 ~
<br />- MORTGAGE LOAN NO. _ L 73 ~96Fa
<br />KNOiV ALL MEN by TW'FSE PRESFN'I'S' That Billie V. CdrC'd~S, an tinranarried widve,
<br />Mottgasor, whether one or mote, N wtuideration of the ta®of
<br />Ft~rtwsix. ~rtt~LSana Eic~i~tuudrad_arl~l ~ull4o_----~_---~ ~------------ noi.uRs
<br />Maned to sand mtxtgasor by The I:quitsbte Buitditeg and Iran Astasckalirm of (:rand liland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon Q68 ~ ~ ~
<br />said ASS.^,''IATiON, Certifrcate No. L 23 966 . rio hrrcby grant, rnyty and rrxstYgage unto tls said ASSOCIATION the fo9awets
<br />deserilsed real estatt, sittnfed bt NaA County', Nebraska:
<br />`IN.E SOLFtff SIX {6) FEE: QF ~ ~'IGEPPY^
<br />Q'.7F, (& 1) Ar~3 AI.I, OF T,C7[' FI!'t'R'Y-`R11C)
<br />(32) , B.? i~7FST I13t+fi, FiTJ ADBITICN `lb
<br />near.' r^TR++t nF r~tanln TCT.AAih_ }IATS. C`CYTyIrY_
<br />Vf~RASK11.
<br />together weth ail [ir Irysetsentx, hcrcduxmenls and appw:enatras thereunto treksnpmgt, rrtcltrdittg attached Flom tpreriap, ad srittdWr saaas,
<br />seiedrw sitarSrs. hleruh. storm rrraksws, awnmp. fN~atttgt, mr ;xnxluxxttrtq, amt ptumttitgt and watst egtt~nreat and acoeauries [huem,pttaya,stoses,
<br />refrtgeratrm, and Miter t±xturcs :mt rgwpment mnv .x Iternltn attasrred to ur used en cxmrsctivn wtth card teak estate.
<br />Amt wfineas the saxi rtxxtlnROr has agaeW amt Jves isrcfsY agree that ±hc martgpgetr shat! and Wilk pry all taxes std trttteasmeats tested a
<br />atar;srti upsrn card prcmnn arx3 tgxtn thn rrxxiFiRr ansl tfic twml secs:rext tlsrrehy rxforr tttr xatrte shalt t:etilma delirrpreet; to fefalali apttns.+d
<br />tnsuramx upset ttsr t?uddutltt .+n saved prtmtscs anuatts; rn the sum nl S 46 OOO. DO payable tv sad ASSOCIATION sad to rleliser to sad
<br />ASS(7t'IA"I'if}N the psitctcs ..x saxl rnxutanrc, xrd mq to usmauf or }srmt4 any wash vn or abrm Ead premises:.
<br />In .gse ut drfault m the pctfvtntatsu of any of the tcrttn and uxddxsns ul thss tmrrigzgt ni Ctte hard tcetucd hereby, tfle tmitgee shall,
<br />eNt tktra.:1, ts. en!t!}ed !<. r_natrt;satr ;w~±3srxa r.! shr +±x.rsra~d prcersrxa ar±si rate ..turt~sx lterrby assgina- traders a»d seta oset to Lila
<br />trturit*}(tec ail the Berri s, revenues xtx3 cnnrr/K to M sltrrrtti fntm the rsxxtd premises dwtrtR sueft tithe as its trtwtpBe irtdebtetlaeID shall tCH0ki1
<br />unpaattf. and the nxxttytyee shall tux [He pvwtr rrs appumt any sierra sx agrnu rt trwY Jastre fsx the pmptts oC repaibrtg said asld tenting
<br />the tantr amt soikcirrgt the rcnls, rcventrs and rna:me, and rt rtsay pay c,ur :ri sa,d inamsc aiI expeaacs of repairut6 aid premita calf t'~Y
<br />.zsysrnr sxsru and rxpenxs rmwrcd :n rrnuty, arw rtranaxrtw ehe sansc aril rd isslkeisrye rcntah ttterci'wtn; the haLuae r~_~, if arty, to be
<br />applied seswatd the drsctu+gr ,.f sassl nxstlr,aspc rsNktttdrua, nc~sr tstttts .+t thr xsurt}RRCC may be rxcrctsad at any tuna durtog tits exisuooe of sttde
<br />defadt, arespeitrx of any tentpexaey wasvet ut the sarrr.
<br />These F'rescnls, Mrr.evrr • arc upwr List t-sudrtx.n, i tut ,[ the sassf !skxry,aRssr shah rrpry sad tort sNS yr "tseture the vtatWrty of ad chases by
<br />payment: pay rtxmlhly te, sa:J ~titiLlt'lAIIthY ~tf ttsc amt speufvd in thr Ftssmi suvrdi Mrcby u mtereu and quscapal on sad loan, onar6efore
<br />the Tweuttelh Jay ui rasa ntN1 r.tty ntvn:h,+mol sad hxan is i oily paw, lay sli Uxc+ x+ul asressssteois kvsesi agautst card pseatsea tttd on thin Moripgt
<br />sett the Ftwd sacutrd ttserelsv, hrttne s'rttaquaruy, ttuodt approved mwratwx ssew,rr the trvtktmgs tlsrarn m the sum of S 46,$dQ.O~ PaY~
<br />tv sad ASS(X'iATItiN, repay iv seal ASSC)CfATit}N upon Jtnarnd ail ttxusry tsy ;i paw iN sucft axes, assassatenis and insttrarroe with inteteA to
<br />ttse nra:trrwm yak raft rherrsNe from datr :rf pav:rtent aft vt why. Mvrtgagw txtrby ateeas to pay. partrut ttu waste on aid prasmses;keep std ooaply
<br />wtth ail rise agrettttenis std .xsrdttxrns of the fkmd tau SG6, ~(}~ JQ tear Jay ~xn by the ud Mvttggur to nrd ASSO(:IATIOIM, and co®pty
<br />with all the r xluurnacnts of the f`:xsuetuixxt atxf fsY-i.sws uC sa ASS(7t tATiUM1i; then these presents stall bee:ortte nail and varid, otheswiae they
<br />sltatl rttnai+t m full torte std may ht itxc<ttseed ai the srpt,sra of tftc sad AJ.1()t,.'IAftUN ait~t failure im throe rnunths to truke any of said
<br />payments or be three msmths an aneats nt ttukutg sad nxNtihly payotenia„ .x tv tarp std snnsp{y cash the agreements and cantlitiprla of laid bond:
<br />site} MmtygsN agrcrs iv havr a tererser appuutteJ fcxlhwtth ut xta:h fwnkssutr pructes7tttgs.
<br />If ttserc u any e.~hange m owtsrshtp oe tM teal estate rtxxtga¢J hereto, tsy rak w ottterwiac, than its entire retrtatutiug ttdebtedneu hereby
<br />sxured drill, ai the .sptiuo sd Tts l~gwtabk I}tntdusx x:sd f zsan Ass>xutarn oC t..r-atd islutd, Nebraska, became itmrtedeately due attd payable without
<br />iurttser ituinx, std Lis suavest rcntuntrye due wsdar saw twnJ, and any other brsttd frx any addttiorwt ad,rsutves nude thaerulder, shatl, from tht
<br />Lists of exrttite ut card optaxs, hear mtrtesY at the ntaxsmum Legal rstr, atsd ehh nwrtgagr rttay tlseo be fortdosed to satisfy the a[notmt dae oa aid
<br />btmd, std any other bond for addaitxui as4risoers, t:.gctttrr watt iii sunn pad hY sad "fts fquitsbk Btriidiog and Loan Asmraatioa of Grand lslattd,
<br />Nebraska for inwrance, Lases aid assersitrcntx, arw' atnt; actarat, cxtcnsxxt shargcs, with mtetest tisereon, froth date of payment at [is rtuximtrm
<br />tegtd ntt.
<br />As ptavtdcai is Lire iierttd seuurd hereby, whsle t}sue ntw tgagt rrutauu :n rffecr thr nxxtgagac n'ssy hereafter advatxr additiotta7 cams to the
<br />rtnkers of vxsl Nutd, t.hru a~gcss .=t asx:+:rssws to tnretcsi, whxh scans r!-ntt hr w,rnut thr xcw:ay of thu trxs:tgage the same as the funds origirtaUy
<br />aecored tlsereby, the twat attpun! .,. Crtutrtlsl Jebt rwt s.. exaxxx! ae any tsrx° nc~ .mtgtnai antuuat vl ttus rrxsttgage.
<br />IYated the 25th' -~ ~Y of Jt2iit: A. E7., 19$L
<br />_~ _~ ~. K ~ e _ -~.-__
<br />~illie V. Caredis _
<br />4TATE Itf~ #s~bfl.ASl;A, ~
<br />~. th, ttus ~5t[i xtar of Jtute tv $1 . before ms,
<br />Lis rsodtrs~.u>i, a Nvury I tsbtw m and tvr sad (.'aunty. I+ae rsrullyssrne
<br />!~iLLi~ z}. C~ZGs41£i, cv7 t}Sll@tSieiZTlt+~ wit1UW, uhu t5 iw+stmally known lv
<br />ttae tt, tar tfta sLrast.n~aA prsTtxs wttwe truer i$ affixrt ts, thr aixva uxutwstez:t xs :twttspgvt xrd 5t1+.' X>~t(
<br />ax><rxtwkaai~u the rxrd rnLtautiiant to he kS~T wttwstary act and Jad
<br />tkt l';itF t»Y harPf atilt w:rsarta; .`.e;f the stator aisncaartt . ~.~^ '"'~
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