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<br />gt ~ i1t1330~ <br />~a. e726 <br />~ As ozdiaesca creating Street 2~soveme»t Disuict No. 1010; definfng ttis bou=edazias <br />of the district; providing far the improvement of a sitter within the dfatsict bq paving, <br />~~, sftttezing, atfd all-incidental nark is cotmsetion therewith; aft to provide <br />', tbus effective date of this ordinance. <br />~> _ <br />H8 IT Q8DAAIffED $Y 'INi< IUIYOE ADD CADNCIL QF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. NESBASKA: <br />~Cl'YONi 1. Street improvesmtst, Disiziet No. 1010 to the City of Grand Island, <br />lhetzasica, is hassby crested. <br />~L1ZON 2. The boundarfes of the district shall be as follova: <br />ing at s point on the Heat Line of Zndiana Avenue, said <br />also being the Plortheast ccrxser of Lot 3B, Black 3, Slain <br />Addition; thence South an the Weat tine of Indiana Avenue and <br />the South eztension of the :test tine of Iadiaoa Avenue far a <br />distance of 327 feet to the South line of Block 4, Blain Addition; <br />~ thsree iJest on the South sine of Block 4, Blain Addition for a <br />t ~ distatua of-4~.3 feet; thence Yorth on the South eatensioa of the <br />~ .+ ~ East lice of Illinois Avenue-and the East line of Illinaia Avenue <br />wt ~ fns a distance of 327 feet to the Narthvest corner of ~t 20, <br />.s block 3 in $Iaia Addition: thence East parallel to the North line <br />of Ei~fteentia Street for a distance of 4k3 feet to the-point of <br />begifmiaa, ali as shown oa the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached <br />hereza sad iacozporated herein by reference. <br />SEtIION 3. The following street in the district shall be improved by paving, <br />ensb3stg„ Euttarfag, ~ ali work in copnsctioa therewith: <br />ffijhtNath Street from Illinois Aveaut to Indiana Avenue. <br />Said is~rovemsnts shall ba meuie in accordance with pleas and apecificatioaa prepared <br />h)r lift E~iaesr for the Cfty sad approved by the ltsyar end Cofmcfl. <br />SZStSIQli 4. Tt~ improvemEats shall De made ac public coat, but the cost thereof, <br />rftelffdinb is:sezsaetiona, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands is the district <br />rpssiall] benafitted as pzovidsd by law. <br />SEL?lOp S. This asdinance ahali be im force and take Effect from and after its <br />prsaap, approval, attd pubiicatian, witifout the plat. as provided bq Inv. <br />bEG31011 b. This ozdineae.~, with the plat, is hsreby dizastad to ba filed in <br />Rhs otf3,rs of the ~gister of DEads, Hall Cotmty, Dtebraska. <br />biLTYOW 7. Aftai passage, appr®val, and publication of this ordinance, notice <br />of the creation of said di;trice shall be publishsd in the Gsaad Inland Daisy <br />Iad!$it, a legal newspaper published and of gestezal eirculatioa is said City, as <br />pzalvtdrd by Inv. {{ ^, y~~g <br />-.. biOiCtrd L~S.~i7 ~ t.7LT~ <br />z . <br />ezt y~i of <br />w~ - <br />` _ - <br />