~3- tt~a330'7
<br />Said'~cy trots was ~trett La secure a loan in which tote Sma11 8ttsinesa Administration, ao agency of the
<br />t3eeimed::S~asaaiaf Attareelris. ksa.participated. la tmmptiagee, with aeetian 107.1tdi of thr Rules and Regnktions of
<br />the S>,aU 7lasiaesa Admiwiatntion { 13 C.F.R. 301.1 i d 1 1, this itutrument is to be construed and enforced in accord-
<br />atMS irotdi.~a~e ~edata! latr.
<br />~!. - ti~at~~s-et:d + ~ follorrat
<br />H`e-will PT~P~7' PaP ~ iadebtadrew evidmeed br said ptsanirocy note at tlue ti>6as ~d in the
<br />tratteer -provitt#ed.
<br />fr Ha vriR' I~l' all iaasw aattara wutltt cafes, atad other gtrverttmeatal or tartzieipal ohar~esr fittasr oc
<br />iarps> ~ vr4fth pcavi®ats has aot Gem reads ltaeittL- efrae, ate wifl promptly deliver tits t€IGeiai reosipss
<br />thaeefar to tba rigid ~oet~ae.
<br />a ~,wilY pap s~ mpg sad few ~ may be int:ntrnl in the proteetian sad tttaiatettaaca of-acid
<br />prapsctr, iaelt the fees rrf arty attorney emplnyrd by the morsga{tee for the colketloa of any oc all of
<br />t6c isttsedaca ley aerated, or €asarlossrr by :rsrt}Ca¢rr-s sale: ur court. proeeedittgs, or in any othee
<br />iitzpptiea os ptroceedityt aft'rrtirti said property. Attorticvs` (res rras<ms}rly inrnrrrtl in am- other wav shall hr
<br />paid by the mortita}tor.
<br />$. For Ixtler secttrity of the indebtedrxrui hereby +rrurrd. ,+}run thr ,e:}urFt of thr. ninrt~aRec. its
<br />sttacasaera oz assittns, hr eltalf rxeenlt and dr„livrr a •uppkmental mnrt~a}tr ur nmrtttattes rnvrring env
<br />atlditiotts, improvrments, nr Irettersnents made to the pro{rrrtr brreina2rurr ,frr•rribe+i .+nd al! property
<br />acquired by it after the defy herrof : aii in form .attitartorv to o,ortt;a;;rr ~ Furthrrmnrr..houid mortIIaKur
<br />(ail !o rutr. env default in tht }iavment a€ a {rnnr ,rr uttenor :•nctunl+ranrr .,u thr pro},rrtr dr•srribril by
<br />this insirnment. tnonr-aRor hrrrlty aatrrrs to }+rrnstt mnn~a~rv to +.irr -Writ ,irfault. but mnrt>;aKrr is r+nt
<br />oltlia:atrd to +io rri: and sorb advattrrs Thal! Fx'rnmr trait nl thr rttdrhtrdnr-• -r.-arrd by t}r it in trunirnt.
<br />sitbgect to the samr irrms and rmtditinn+.
<br />r~ ~1'hr ri~ltts rrratrd by thtit i-nnvccaace shalt rxniaru iii tisil tnrrr acid rtfert :tttt•itta our t~s1}xii:ruerut
<br />+ir esimkiWt of the rimy ui thr {ravmrnt nt t}ir rndNhtednr.+ r~-td»irr+t h. wed prnmiwirs rrutr ur any p,irt
<br />Ihsmrf sriwred hrrehr.
<br />f, lie r.i7l etustlottatserls rn,antaia 6aaard inauranre, of sttrh type or types and in ettch amounts as the
<br />erwrtt[atiawr trots frost €itne fn tiers rrt}uirr +,tt thr rrnpnevrtrirnt. nr+r. .,r C«~r,•stirr ««r. .wi+3 l+rnpr•rri. .+rui
<br />vnll pap praaaptip aohra dm say pretairtma therefct. ;ill ir'uxsraerc shall try rurird iri riimpanirs acceptable
<br />to rnor€#ya}eee :nd the po{icaa and rrnewa2s ehrrerat r2iatl he hrh2 by" mnrtRasee and have attached thtreto
<br />~ psysbk ristar_ :_n favtiz sf and in €orn: aerrgcabir tcs tF~x stnrtsap,rr. to rvriit rf loaa, tttortgagos will dive
<br />immediate nolicr in writiatt to mort{ca{ger, sad mart~aser may make pxitnf of lose tf trot made promptly by
<br />tsor#Ra sad rash inptraaer cearpaay raneei~ird i• hereiiv authorized snd dircetril to make payment for sorb
<br />loar dimtlr to mort{tat{tee instead of to mort{ta}{ar and mort~agre jointt~. and the ituuratrce proceeds, or env
<br />part thrre~f, rttay tie appiied bs triortKat[+er st its rrptinri rithrr to the rrduettiin ut thr indebtedness hereby
<br />ssantrad or to tlfe rteituration or rrpair of the property s2amaped rir drtiroyrd. In rvrat ii€ fotncloaure of Chia
<br />inoettta{pr. or ntbrs tnasirr of title to said grnpertv in exttn{tuirhtarnt a€ the indrbttniueto srcared hereby, a!I
<br />r`-(fit. €ittr, asd int€rrst of the ~ it and €~ aa~ iruurart€e psli,--ire €hen in fivrre all gars to the
<br />pattitaaer ns ~' ur, at the nptimt of the nrm•tttaarr. mai t>f• .iirrrrn}rrn2 fur a rrftu:d.
<br />g. fie will lasp all Isuildis}pt attd tdhrs i>;tpravetrtenrs riit :std praprrtr to sued rrpait and ruttditiou:
<br />will prtTait. commit, or suer au warts, irttparttnent. +lrtrrtaratinn <it .aid prupcnv nr env part thrrent:
<br />in t~ rvmt et failarr of tl~r rnozt{}rgar !tr ks€p tltr buildia~ ntt aaut prrattses artd 41xs,•e rrrrtrd :_.n said
<br />pretnita«a. ur imprwrmrnta thrreon, sn teood rryrair, thr tixnrtaat:rr ma} uiaite ~urli rrpairs a= in it+ discretion
<br />it tnay deem tiserxaar}' for thr pmprr prrservaiiutr thrrrot: and the toil atnnuttt of rant and rvrn zurh
<br />parntrat sltali Irr iimm~iiatriv dt~ and pavabk: atiii shall he .rritrr.i by the Iirn of thi. tnnnsaKr.
<br />Jr: lie will sot .ohmtariiy create or prrmit to Ise rrr:red a{}ainat the properip subject to this mortRsE{r aav
<br />firm ar lirm iakrior or superior to the firs of this monde without thr written consent tsf [he mari¢asee i and
<br />futtlre2, that hr w"i12 krrp aml ntauttarn thr ,atnr trrr fnrtei thr eiatn: ul a!i prrwn• .upptyintt iabnr nr
<br />tttateriala forr~taatrtrelisa aF ass-grad. all huildiatte ar impzrartn~nts nrn. brine rrrrtrri ur to hr rrrrtrd mt
<br />rrti+l'
<br />i. Ilr ivyt# ttnt rr9rt or assiRti am part of thr retsi of +aid mnrtttaged proprrty nr rfrrnstlit2€: or rrttt.rr•r,
<br />rrs atttrsstantially altrr auv huildina rvitttaut t2ir writlrtt r,tntrnt nt t2ir martpaaer.
<br />' }.:~1!`ittirazdsef drt~Et{~essatm witiraap coadraraatinn for pubfir ttnr of ar injury to say of ttie
<br />psi>p~tyt-ta this rttrwttt+tiCe are hrrebv a~it~rii snd cdtai2 he pau$ to ninrttea}sen.arlasattai==:apply tht
<br />.ease to pavnrrnt of` tip ittatallmrnta lsst der emirs waid note, stul manEa~rt t• Iirrrba authwizrtf, in thr
<br />nimt isf 1ttt± : to^ts atMl ilelixer valid argaittancra Ehrreof ratl to appral frrrnt arty siirlr avsasd.
<br />lu f`d:. a rltali haws the sit~# to ittspttr! tlsr mort~aaed pwmiw. xt env mmarnais{r tiuir.
<br />2: '1'Stifat3! ins tip a~;ilfia ~°~ €rmditittae sr( this .iattrtatttrut ar of this acts or Irma- aatertt aertsrt~d
<br />}ies.•!r+ *lvalf €+rtt~rtat,s t$ae tgort~altor`s ri{eht to paaasrrirut,-itsttt, an8 enjoytstrnt of the prcprrts, at -the eptiag of the
<br />os hit{ aasipw bit attreed that the rrtert~rttror shall bevy sttckt ritthi ttatil $efsal!}. llport any ttteh
<br />+lrtit~t, thtti ~ sfta{1 hS/?OMaR the tttrper ia~`ttll-l>f 1~ rests iad pro&b at+ecataF aftr~r ilefialt u arrnTity
<br />P+tr the ~ trs+tsal hera3iy, with stlri aim to ptMtte ~ propenr for t>,e parpoao of erlkctirt}e rush
<br />rt~t ttad pr+shPa= 7'Ai:+ stroll :as-mRt~+~# rrsttata on ssrid ~Opetsli-tar3~Eitc t€strrtt,
<br />5#R rtr ssty its E{.xrt
<br />