<br />81--OOt3297
<br />D~rcACe D.OAN rfa. r.~, 965
<br />Df1i[xDN tU.D. ii~t DDY Tf1E4F. DAD: Tian Axnold C. LJenn and I,ir~d G, t^tenn, each in his and her
<br />owft right atie7 as spouse of each other, Dlorthat3et, whether ooe « mote. is eermidmatioo ~ the tatm o[
<br />~_ _ _ _ _ DoLtARs
<br />Di+taed ~ tatisf hY The erta+i.s red tare Aaoso~oa of C.atd ishatd, tdelsatlta, Mor~ee, npon . 464. rirtesof aradc of
<br />~~! AS~C7G7A'1'N19~t, CnuV~ No. L 23.955 . eio r ~+. ~y gad tamf~e voro the said A'SSOC(ATiON fns faYowie~
<br />deaaimd gel ~«. ttkmtwad ~ NdD t•.e+a.ty, Naied[a
<br />Id725 EIL~Tt` {8} Ate N2N£ (9) IN BLOtSt 'FS+1G {2}
<br />~ Pc.Fa~nrrr xrLr, aoorrsaa ~o ~ cxmsr of t~.~ua
<br />isrru~, Emla. OC7Uf~Ti9t, rr~+.~.
<br />te~ethar with aR tke teaaemaxn. his red appateawess tiaeeteo beleatt~t5, itrlttdug attatitmd Hoot wrmiap, ad wiraiew actems,
<br />wiedoar aiades, bieda, dorm +7edoa+, aadap, hneq{, atr maek;oo.ryR.,ea phtatbog gad weer ea~etgntteatt asd tax~riea thereto, pat~a,ateaea,
<br />tefti(ietattss, red artier fiataea ad egteipeaeet notr err hsraef~r attached to err mud to ccxmectnrn with ~ rear satire.
<br />Md whmaa the raid netrtpw has ~ red does Merry aKtee chat the mextpga~r aha8 std will pay aH taxes and amweseeta Dneied «
<br />ttttaatad apoe wid t and ~ thss and the toad aarrrad ttte,reby before ttae agars t~fl became deiitt~taat; to fttrttirh r-~<oced
<br />iawtaase eq+an the baldo>s an aa.d ! rtwsed a tie a~ d S 46, 400.OQ tM-YSi+b to said ASSOL:fATiC)It red to daierr b acid
<br />A~ftYATltIlf tic poicica far grad iemnasae; and eat ea > rr permit aaY waare ere :# about sad ;
<br />is gore td ddaerti a tie perfaeereoc of gay cif the tetmr art a:rrtditioeer d the rrtart®eoe ex the Goad gamed hdeby, lie emrtdeder tir®,
<br />cis daaaod, bt retitled to iotnaadiate pereeaawa d the rquer~aRed ptemeses red the txtxtpicx Hereby aaripra, trawftm std sera over to the
<br />etor~ee a$ ttie ogre. rereeeaea std esaeate to & eiaritbd from the tttoetdtt(}ed preaesaee dueler trecb tams r the tnurygye ®debgdeeat the tersest
<br />eapaid: toad ttie aaott~as sia9 here We puree to appetist any greet rrr agsts it may donta E« the gnrpoae d fud peaveiast gad ~l
<br />thlt acme asd nrYatied tic reetf, tetrsras and iaaome, gad it asry pay earl ~ geed itxarrne affi exprxaea of ropdtiati ~d red ateenaty
<br />ai~aioaa std oxpemrx aacrtrred m rcgirtg gad rveaut the gorge amt of aAkk.;trott revttda ihiYrefeant; the bdiats . $ rmy. to be
<br />toward tie efistiat~e err raid etnet~te ~. these eiahta td ttx tsart gay be aattcaed err any tetet dam tie axieraaoe gf tbeh
<br />. otesperaiee e$ gay lssnpuerY raiVer of ttic arse.
<br />Tivae D4vaerts, heleoYp, sea qwa the (:a~adiRamb, r~et d tbs sad llaet~w shah sepsy amd lags em tx befaae tic tstiAr of acid ti+stsa by
<br />tyraaoer; pry meetly to sad ASS(1CIAT'iQkf aaf tDtt ran spadl~iad d tie ilrtnd aesaeed Meby as easceeat red ptiaaJpel w acid Dena, ov «tiaferr
<br />tDs flaaatisaitiay e>f eaei red ~ asters. ~ said terra u farliy prd: Psy a~ tares sad amasmewas ieairei apitrt and pseeieer and a rile ~aoa+eeer
<br />gad tie DRaad reversed tDttRby, bafaee dY . ftesifi eypprawf i~anae apace tier bra1tlttp ehrarse of tie attw eaf ~lfi, 400, 00 payable
<br />>a rid +~SStDi'IA'f1Qbi; repay w raid ASR~G'DATIQPt ~ denied ad esuse)' i+y n pad f« web taints, aaaa~rwts red imstaeie wits irrtsaaat ai
<br />the taaeauasdaa Dt~d tau tineom frog dde +rC @syesaat ah of carries Dbortat~t lsme#y attasca ter pay; pctait ao worts en add ti> l~ snd+anpll'
<br />vests r11 tie s and rnedttiaes nt the Dtraad fee 54fi 4pQ~pp ~ daY !aa* ~' die red M«tAgw to red ASSt7ClAT1(DN, and aompy
<br />caps ai tie npsimoaets of tie Catta[itWiva gad fly darc3 drf thud AS~JL7A1!(7ttt: tins tnae preasats abaft brooms sell gad wid, otiaaeiee tnry
<br />d4a! eeaaeie ie fitC fsaw gad amY be faret3oted at tier aptiae of tDm said Aye~OfYATDt>td after iaalttre far time ttraaths to orrice any ~ tdd
<br />payttraas err be timq ttttaatlm in atanua or taslfod add monUdy paymwus, err to Dxap and tnth the t~eeemeeta std csodrtbra of add Dlasd;
<br />std Mwtp(ioa apcat to Itne a recairw apptrintad foethwitti is tares farazinatra prapadoya.
<br />ff thane bt aey tdattttie of orranalti¢ of tier tad ~Eate meefprad lassie, tiS' atle a etigewtte, tier the aaHim rmsidv6 eadaitrdane herby
<br />ae~erd tlrr, at the arptimi of Tnr llgad taaw Aatocittioe dCsand Iahtd.lfafiudu,blwvree imterdiaWy die andpayahle eaifdtoe[
<br />ttaturn varies. ntd tic rwotre dab tmtkt read hand. tmd goy ottiat bead for aaf' additioeal atlsirooamade titusaadar, tntdl, [reo the
<br />lets ad'sttr:~=;. of at~d bm ittraar at we aa.z~ ipi rya. ad tiia t,.ar~yr .erg, tiw i. fata~ciaard to ~itfj. the atpaaat dnc oa and
<br />bead.aed wigs-din b~oddeioet tda..tr~ wee .aDr a0 sates Dmd h and The Ntpiea0ie •s red tram AaeaciYina a€t=aa~ed ldtrd.
<br />btai.mrae fee irnsaecs, tatam and aaaweaau,, red edrattaatord etd~tiena ti.tdet, .iYr itlasaa titrors, figo dais of paymaaa st thn maawmew
<br />~~
<br />Is[ m vie Dlard aestsa6 iesaby. wDde tars martp~t raesaon is r tie retarptetape may haoat'tar adwnce addriimW isms a tie
<br />ntaDaen veld . rLeo aaei(pts w nwceafms m ouetea<, wb3ci anms ~ be ,riUde tier aneaei;y of tie tier core m ebe fuada «i~sDly
<br />tnarad tbewhy, tie aaaearaa of pe~apaF aebt caul w eaoted ere aey temr tier cui~rat raators d this mrryrye.
<br />David ti: dtla ~ der ear JtaDe A. D., is 81 `
<br />~.. _.
<br />~ ~ ,.. fy. ttiie loth ~1' d JtDrle t4 81 . bd`eee tea.
<br />tie ssd, a tiauc7 Devils iw rid fee ted+Caeaay, pcamealdreaote
<br />l~-~,3ty.~Di..d C. l aauxi I,lalcit: C, 54ett2t, each itt his 3rce3 her oFit1 rf+~t at>d~a8 spw~se of~i~eovrtr to
<br />e r j
<br />ate w bt rha -adaraiad 6s whas aaserS +DIrE~ affhtsd to cite aba+ae ~eunwt u raritpas s and tt~y swarrlb
<br />the riff i Gtr is t~i.t' xRSry ad asd dead. r
<br />atp Dirad read l~loaarWA Bed the dpa dt+am~d.
<br />.._,....
<br />~ ANf lrQfetPti < itaea a Mtisakt r ; `~ ~ Y '~ ` ~' ~`~ ~ti ,
<br />,tct~r ter; Ott ~`.__...
<br />efvaaet as X14+. ~. ~. ~, tip r ~,.
<br />