<br />g~~.iU329~
<br />~
<br />(6) Tb iae the (mn evideaced by the nt#a sok}q for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />(Tj pay whoa dve all ra~s, liens, jud~neetu, entumhrances, sad assesamtnts Iawfu}ly attaching to or assessed
<br />ro
<br />}
<br />i
<br />di
<br />a
<br />'
<br />p
<br />peTry.
<br />at
<br />ag
<br />u+
<br />nd Sanesaaenxasn
<br />conneedon with water, water rights, and .water atodt
<br />psn~taiaimg to or reasoaahEy necessary to vse of the real prnperty deictibed airsvts, and ai} tazts and assaszsne4ts }evied
<br />ttpoa this, most~age or dst stole or say indtbtedaess-hcrebpp securrd or against say kga} balder hereof or of the note oe of
<br />~~ tsatetcr ~{ t lass oE;'ft#ir#aka, and promptly $eiivrr to the Government without demand rectipts evidencin
<br />.
<br />g
<br />paymsnts,
<br />~$}'- To Ittcp the ~+ iasatest.xat~-bq and solder insusaace policies approvtd isy tbt Gnverts sad, at its.:.
<br />regiseat, tts delive# sucfi p~ m tbt C=o+retamcaY.
<br />[yl 7'o maiatain~osr€nersts in repair sitd maEe Frgairs required by tits Govtmmtnt: operate the property in a
<br />sad hustiaradnt a LaariLSrr; com
<br />l
<br />h
<br />f
<br />f
<br />p
<br />y wtt
<br />atc
<br />#
<br />arm cLmservaton prazticeb ztd East and home man#gcmtnr p}ana a .
<br />t!s¢ GeweanaLent frost tiaae to tiau
<br />b
<br />d
<br />b
<br />•
<br />- rasv pprr
<br />k; att
<br />alit t6i a
<br />andon the propet2q, nr cane or permit wastk, lessening at
<br />beat u!' rht co*ercd betck
<br />~a
<br />a
<br />h
<br />h
<br />i
<br />"
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<br />, w
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<br />Cltaber
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<br />~o~ g~
<br />tttC}
<br />tRn odiar mia+ct
<br />ls e
<br />b
<br />f
<br />,
<br />+
<br />,
<br />,
<br />zctpr ss may
<br />d
<br />a necessary
<br />or ordiLSary domestic purposes.
<br />f t47} T~ seaoply still, i~hewLr Luca, isd segsdaxiates affe~g the property.
<br />t!? j tTa paq ~ r#herksurse tha Gu*etruteenx for ezpeasts reastirtabiy nacessary of iracidentat to the protectibo of the lien
<br />`
<br />~
<br />sad pr~ur hereo#
<br />sad to tha tnforcettseat of nr rice covtpli#nce with
<br />ehe pmaisions hereof axui of the note sad any supple-
<br />; rasxstazq agnea#rteat €wbethet btfttrt +tr afro dcfanixS, isar3esding h3tt act limned to cons of evidtnce of title to and bttsvey of
<br />t}+t ptoprrtT, ctxtf of xtftarding sibs said other nzstntrtirnu, artarnc4•s` }'era, €rustaes' foes, Court costs, and expcases of
<br />'
<br />teiis
<br />xsg, sad cnavapiog rite prrapersy.
<br />t'22~ i+faithc3 thtpr operxv nos sny prmtzscn t3tettwf rat' ireurar tiserrtin chsll Esc }eased, assigned, sold, tranxfetrod, nr
<br />Yt~lun
<br />itt7j nr Lstlsatisi#a
<br />vritho
<br />€
<br />i?
<br />i
<br />f
<br />h
<br />.
<br />a
<br />,
<br />u
<br />t
<br />t wr
<br />tten curxant o
<br />L
<br />c Gamtuneat. The Gr2arrnment shall have the sok
<br />anti ras;lusrrr ruts +rs tTt4fCt~a~'('C `t=estLLn;ttr, inciLx;ling I:ux ntst iimtte+i to tar powrr fu granx casnsenx;, parseia} rekaan
<br />,
<br />- asbaedirtiititans, ?~ ~~riv~as•-"'~, #ad tlfi ii'rbixL'e4I hi?}Y}CF t!?iEi hYYe Ynp idgxrt. L3tik 4t tnTttt;[ ttt qt i~ tLir hCa Ot a!{Y ~R'nkfiCb
<br />- htt[t~
<br />.
<br />. '
<br />3
<br />.
<br />il~i - dtt ~ r~'~}Spti## t)$4!1 t~Y ~£`rVfr5tn1f{x #t i~ SLb i~Kati Sti3Y 3D#UfCt the p[Up{Cy t4 a#l';Txa]n Whlt}'t4I x}I[ rnTl/xanL3
<br />and s~esLrTirE;ts tLxaxaSttrd htrrixt rx in ariy' xup{x4rktsentary s{iTeemrnt art tsein2 prriarsnai.
<br />=14i ?ixt L:tfv~rtraeat x4ap :;i? rxt~ac{ t;r drLEt tiTC matuTL t t, xrs+i rkrsei. anu «scitcdulk thr paymeats nn, thr deist
<br />tTideaxrd by '`F`at r3nt€ <sa snt ~t.SrE+tksx`r{rss .
<br />~ rlsr f trtcnsr t
<br />d ~
<br />i
<br />u i
<br />.
<br />se:x:re
<br />_ ,
<br />s
<br />nururnrnt, {> rc}assr sap parry who is
<br />liataie ~.tdn tits rsnxr .x Sass €
<br />he isist #;.arn traitu?tw ... ,Rc t;r.vrrr;rsr :L. _` rrtcnaT ts•=rtt„na ::f rile proptrzy xt:d suEturdsruik
<br />t
<br />" 1tf ileac and t'~it! tsLas.e alEt tntilCT !IC 3{A ti,$}t ti lint PT }'Sty Y-r.tturnanL. .}4 s} p1t:i ~~~ t3?!5 CJEi and W3ii isr ;innc ,Alt}?rAtli #ffCCtti
<br />S$_
<br />tits =5C`n .•~ txyC pr'Rar1tt ir# tPra ItaYSTL~3Ste;a•
<br />,aF SS
<br />r
<br />`
<br />'
<br />,
<br />t
<br />.
<br />ti_1trYtf
<br />} :rt }FEY .e:Yart iAdr{T
<br />y iti~tileY f, L}:{ tei?treTrtm£nt i,i( pwS'rn£nS tlf Ci7k
<br />`=14Rtt`• #it t7C~i 3itE/Yf~d ~' 1i1ti Ynttt -}nt£6 .Fii.#iS SISt C PtP,frL+_}YX Y,dPM1 - SFY'a!'Sti Y it i'2/`,
<br />w. {{#Y~`~'L ~~_ '.tL Ct?TU4'
<br />A33nCC 64'
<br />.
<br />-
<br />thk ~erwrtnmtnc isdtcxTxrr *Tetr xyr >8€en-,se Tce'etx=nt; suv zi~;fs s.rntx?Y €. ,i. s e+sh?<rssr..,f, ,. :sLhtrie:se affurdtd hY
<br />aytplie3ble Isw
<br />d?a8 net 5r i +iLTrr
<br />i ,se
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<br />srt
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<br />rta~. 3fiaEKiLltxt4a, i ~'eslrraf cant bank, ~%E n<.lrtr Efi#~Rrf,Crislt tcxapn_ittra +Et prtY.iLe 3'2:itL tii2see,i€ rtitr3asii}r raLCt atiY
<br />~ t6rt
<br />t
<br />,
<br />n
<br />- ft#t x±rans fvr Sutatnar petpttia~ .b'iii Q9rN~# €xi sirriC. ~; ~:2tgrCr 9II2.~. ~p~'Y taiG C. ic3>Fe•(4gFC~t't irq~C52, ipptY ~nr 14d Ht£ipt 311Ch
<br />bias irT ss ffsrunt ax
<br />~+
<br />t
<br />l
<br />a
<br />=a y s
<br />mt
<br />at sate xYad use sadn~tr lrxTis sea -:ose# htrrS#c ans Lt:= pap t«.»- anw start nct~t=itv_ fn }it
<br />pur~it:a~ itL # C'~prrit tYE .kP
<br />~ Y
<br />r'rP<'9 #t
<br />tx
<br />6
<br />D
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<br />fFYi&itb ~tt
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<br />.#~iz<
<br />3e L?ifsfisit lures-#r#n ~~3 c ~=uar,Yt~ defy-.cif ~tz.9£tanx -t<gt F. si tritatr. ,.x vs+,#ek atiy prruutsl propniy xu uiltkr
<br />,
<br />aecYaYtp #rdtrittIIttirt taClCl i+f SA##Sd ftt tErC {i±3KrnmrAi brii C,'fYkttred ,,.x i13iiLRr'{s teT Ift~tL~Ylrt, 3ii:i d£.tiuit undtLt RP
<br />a
<br />fist=}i
<br />-
<br />.
<br />i
<br />otber brcitttsp is?xr?tstTieat shalt er2aftitwtr iitFiulr i?CYtiTfA+irt - .
<br />- .. ' tT. ~4~~~
<br />:;H ltir~~~ ~K C.M '.i. t4~i' pCT{£sT1R SCYe i'.?:' ;{tfr.- - t,-Ct -:` x...1 r::~^{~'y3:ttFn n: t}iti lEtbLtLKltfYt e.2[ tPw Lirrd I)y t{!tb
<br />}
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<br />ibPRCOt. Eh i.#>~ti~ if=s ~£S2Ft;r =?~CI.t~ )x ~',H~e+,r,~ ;:z -K ~> .Y.>.. ;P-..:;r,Y3 ~C[rft(, = Y af- 3Ti9~ :•r=,Y {,f C}et {,srt tt3
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<br />aY art tnisiLaCr3t :li tttaae arc
<br />x
<br />rtt stir trfC CsasetYt S7: ~rrditutf. tiro SsltYCtLy-
<br />tAes#t. #t /t} npttmn. Math +Sf a^y#~a€st P tae is a!+=",t' '~2'6SY:Y' S~ 2'3t'~t 3i45Y Brit t:.i~#FiC iiric~fif f}iC 4tfL7 brW Jc4p ilidC6C2dnESi
<br />to the {imeffasteat htYabp teeuttt# ate
<br />Eai+aiiatl3r ~tc#~t asssi
<br />aazhte
<br />t
<br />~b=
<br />§
<br />±
<br />-
<br />p
<br />,
<br /><sr :
<br />.
<br />r .ae~cs4t cs
<br />flrrcrtsvres~ a°ts:t ar{si pap reasnttaiylr
<br />' ~ 'fie rst{ ;~ ~"«.:.~, ;sx ~ ~,-~-~F - := yt,~y#f ,a! Frfl4 ffttk tfTr,~,krii .~~!~t31 `.3pStn 3pp,~t+CaLLFin L~J it ili#I
<br />Elf t
<br />~
<br />B- LBbT#'ixiniFftx, lr3L,atcY~t [szrsrr r?'tdaYa#d artd+•Mii&~etr ~t)rA£ ~2
<br />'
<br />t
<br />h
<br />Ti;
<br />lPk~ ~
<br />wq S~p
<br />t#LF{in. ~;YA a tlCttT~f
<br />a
<br />~
<br />xKK Lha ~. WYFh 3At itbi;;b3 ~35ii`ri '.,i rctCl S't7 i!'k ii~H filF}, - ~j CZdILChYft L~tr3 mS3TSimrnC ii pl'ni'iifCd htr&T#i
<br />~~
<br />~
<br />isF txtts a
<br />s
<br />x
<br />,#'
<br />su
<br />ordisx tT~frtx rrsr~eotes pruseste,a berets w tv prestos at fissure i
<br />+T
<br />q~~
<br />~
<br />~'
<br />" ~~
<br />~
<br />" ~
<br />.
<br />a
<br />!
<br />' i Ifll a1H 8f f~Ar#CiSgeyr; Yala ~Tfit fri" tippl~Pd to Lilo ~ ai#ifC't ti.S tIK #»'rntnt t,f . si cf~ta dEtd E.ipe'Ab d
<br />iac~sss
<br />t
<br />tL
<br />S
<br />3
<br />_
<br />as c trrt
<br />t th+t prt*riziastf bct+rnf, Ll ssLt }esa4s isr~ r~t€tissa~ E~ ht+K ar a c~ taaL cuttrt ttt
<br />~
<br />~
<br />3
<br />~a! ~ >"+rw l~l tfl'e d;~z bq tha !r4'+te ASSS1 #ii xadeiattsirs#^ba C;y the 1,i43Y+FT$int LrS~xxtCLi h£re %dj iaferina lteab
<br />sd tests} a
<br />@ h
<br />° §
<br />La2st9
<br />?
<br />ifs 4e a compesiaa roust tti We ~ prasd ,r F at tits i;smrkLSmeat ~1 iipLioa. any :er usdtbtcdxsra of
<br />~ uwittg ~ rx wsaci le'p the Gravtrturessnc. 'f; i` net Lu r;>~z. lit cssc4+ssucm air srtstr ale of aE3 cka sag
<br />~
<br />l
<br />*s"+
<br />i
<br />C}r, s
<br />P
<br />at £eovsia[t: an±i its + ~q aad~ ~ i ~ aa,d~ry-paq tit's Goveenamnr's altare
<br />~etaKr hp s~ atLCr. arstnsmt csrr 3np ~t+ts ~t ~urotrrr snvisr€ to sr €L~trtxt 6Y T?re t.,,yvttnmtnL. to rise
<br />:_,__~~~~`,~,~=39} fi~srrrrwri "_'~-. fir tom, ths..G;ssest wih' mrt Ssk ~.rnnst itp sn;r pss~nt or fs+tura -firsts tour. ba ptesentirtg fur
<br />~ay{G4+sq. i tats!}, !t~ tc eX~7a~ -52 3~6! prtM~tS~ty,
<br />I%i tRZCritt~Sitt~ #UaAatt.ffiSn1:R Gf ~n YlfiIIn ft>~ 3 d
<br />fK
<br />~
<br />t
<br />14t1C$
<br />~t ~~ the t~ti~Lrant-Lb.6dty Cyr flat fstrit *a'itttsa •rix>t}t arbGft act`ts~ Arr93t i..k ~7~'Or4 j ~rI.~SCrF~7"iD~ #AY zNhec
<br />ttatlitlt Yak ms
<br />s;
<br />?+$, ail ^n}L tit ~c" Tedaeaptura c~
<br />era*asss~m icd}n
<br />irir
<br />f
<br />~~~'~1
<br />F
<br />p
<br />r
<br />tg say
<br />xt u,.e soft. tar lei tFnHSn~ xhr
<br />t #r~~ tlM- Vii'PttlTrRrtat mAq 6# Lr~itiaiECan 7ingii~. F??zludi~ lt[t eTStbrCit ra1C ;b txi4<' fh~,r~t, .5-Y# tWtRttl4n n1
<br />raft si# dre }~r~r {~ a i~rr @r~srntr. itart<r+asr 8xprvsfi9 x^zm3 rise benr~t of ~t ? Stara awl
<br />
<br />~
<br />.
<br />~. #•;i 41i~ K~f1„ CY`7ER.'A, 8n~ Li.'t4cY2'g1 ill T~ixi. 3~G1tr33Lk sat i"?}L~triLYi#tiE. ~f ~£RE1if. dt?tl4Y%, inti 4"LtrLCfy. 7
<br />
<br />