<br />~ $~.- U~~2$~'
<br />h1U8TGAGE
<br />Thic Afortgage is entered into between . ro .n 8. Hoes and ~g~,ky~.. Hoes : husband and wife;
<br />I ggch as -the spouse tsf- the other (hen(n "b~utgigai") sirs -
<br />-FISL {harsin _
<br />is indebted Eo .Mortgagee in the principal cunt of $ S ~S ~ Rb~_ 4747 , evFdQneed kq ~tsrt~oYs twt.
<br />tlsEed ~~~i (tutu "'4ote") providing forpayshents irf ptincip~ and tntensta v~itTt tltEb~rtece of the
<br />mdab-adnEss, +€ not copses pstd; dare and papabte at,_ SI I5,~`t Q91 -
<br />- Tesecure ihEPayrtMntot.thE t~ill~c, with int¢rEat as provided therein, the peymeat ot,all other sttine,~rrtittiinterat,
<br />advateced bq Mortgagee ta.protect the security of this Mortgags,-and the performance of the eoveiaeta and'a~eemanh:of
<br />Ne r rnrrtained herein;-.Mortgagor- does hiartby mortgage and convey ttr Mortgagee the faUolvtng-deieafbed
<br />prupedp Located in __V. Hall ._._ .__.- County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Trap (2) in Block One (I) IIsie Roush Subdivision; is Hall County,
<br />Rebraska in F~Siity Section 14. Tatrrtship ii Horth, Range IO tdest of-the
<br />6Lh P.M. _.
<br />7'trgetber with aft buitdirtgs, impn"rmtnts, fixtures, tiimea, alleys, passagetsays, easements. rights. privileges and
<br />tenan.~tas la,cared 'Yvrrnn or in anywsr prrteinin4 thereto. and the rent. es5ues and profits, reversions and nemaintirx'6
<br />thereof; iodtedirtg, but not limited to. heating and ctwiing equipment and such perstxta! property that is attsclted to the
<br />itaproveatrNlta so as W coasiitutr a fixture: aft of which. inciudtng mpiacemrtts and additions theretp, is 6Erebg declared
<br />Un be a part of the tea! estatE secured by the lien of then 4ortgage and all of the €oregotng being referred to herein as the
<br />'~np"-
<br />~ further coaswnanu sad ttgrees, with ?ttortgagvr, as ioflaws:
<br />I. payaaeal. To pay fire tndebiednera and the intrrrat thereon a, prurteird rn thee ;vtotrigage and the Note.
<br />Z. Title. 3t;ortgagor t5 the owner of the iltrrprn} _ fine thv ngts( and authaniti to mortgage the Property, and
<br />wartania that the lien etEttted hereby is a hest and prior lien un trey Proprn}, rxctKrt as may otherwise be set forth herctn.
<br />~.; The Property es wbject tv a ;Nvrtga~ whrr,er, - _. --.. -._ _... _ - .._... _._. _,_~..,_.._._.__
<br />b the Mortgagee, rrcu:ded at Book _._ __. __ _.. Page - ._. i,[ the :47.3rcp.' Rrsortt4 of ..._-__ -- -.----_ _ ,~.Ctutnty,
<br />~. which Mortsrge ~ a tiers prrnr to rtes fern created atereb~ -
<br />LI Other prrw tiers or eneuintxurcrs: - _. _
<br />3. T7ntaa, :sta. To pa+; when due a!i taus. special asseasareenax and ail ether charges against the Property
<br />apd, uPEat wrigen demand by Mortgagtr. to add to flee paz•mentc required under i}se \ute r~eurrd hereby. such serpent as
<br />tasty be araf8ckat ttr eaatdE for ~artaager to pay ,ueh taxes., asseumrnts or other charges as they become due.
<br />4. ttrstxmee. To keep the irnprovementx stow or hrrrafter k,catrd on the real estate described herein insured
<br />by Ere auA sects otter hitrards ~ htort#,sgrr may esquire. in amounte and with r:umpartiea.aeceptabte to [hr
<br />~, sad xiffi toes payable to the Mmt>g~rr. to case of bass unikr such policies the Sortgagee is suthorired [o
<br />atl~st:._coitect aitd toUtpromlae, in its-discretion, ail etattrts thereunder at ets sore vgtion, authari2edtbeitherapply the
<br />P~et+_to.ttte ratitatttttoa of tttE Property or upon the indirbtEdtttiss secured hereby, twt payirnrata.taemundetabdl coeM
<br />~tse tt~ssagura~d ttar>•by sae prt4d ~ futt.
<br />5:_ ~ ,For Taaaa newt lnattntntar. ?lotwittestanding~nything contatnrd in psragraphs 3 and ~ harm€ to the
<br />~~'• ~ r Pay W 6tte Mairtrigre at the titer o€ paying the ntonthty ittstaiirnents o€ prinripd and nlEtvst,
<br />friar-taevtfttll-ref the yaady tartas, aweeameao,, haztrd ittsuratace preaaiums, and ground rents (if any} which may attain a
<br />Y trtattthi* + dt set reaauaaabiy estimated from time trr:tirrte by the ~4ortgitgrt. The amounts ao Paid shaft be
<br />AM4 A7 t11e .aa~lt ia#aeast Ntd app)iEt1 to ibe paYtrten6 of the items in rt+sprct to which such amouata waere
<br />dked,:.~'41s, pt$F ta;~ hrtsatrnttrBr are pt~dged as aaltlltiaaat srcttrity for the indebtednaas rer:ttred by this
<br />~. f~a; ~#strtlpaat to l~f~tr ttae aaaount oC any defnurtey betwevu the actual tame;, ascevwemenis, ituugnrsa
<br />a~ > errata irt~ ttta de{~asits heretttrdpr a'itlttn ltl claps after ttEmand uc asade upmt Atw7rE~gut rastuaating
<br />~+
<br />~ i'~~ into Cye, 't`a-promgity ttipaut, fRStrne m rebtdld arty KwtieBngs ur Itrtptvcretnents aow tx
<br />bwltealtat ost tAtr ~: tat ktieP tz~ !'irty i#t-gtwd ets~+d3titia And n!r; w's#h4aat wssis, after hv+r €rnnt rnEr~atttc's or
<br />_ - 4tgYrt itaut_rtRt ~ ttratsd kr-ibr ricer ~; trot-ta-ttratte. suffice ra purtnAt arty nutasnar t» ?rust, nc+r to ditain•
<br />let/ ar irii~iiif tYr restart of tar ~ by airy. set ttt triadu+ton to arts. nerd et>rmt+ly with-ail tequirEttutits of tax ayth
<br />rarer ~ tree tY.
<br />