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t"' <br />81-00327 ~,~.,... (~t,,~U,1~ <br />(f) Exercise all rights, duties and responsi- <br />bilities delegated to it or authorized by the Master Geed. <br />ARTICLE VII. ~- <br />Officers <br />2. Nueaeration of Officers. The. officers of this <br />Rssociation shall be a Fresieient, one or more Vice Pre~~- <br />dents, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and such other off3:csrs <br />as the Board may from time to time by resolution designate. <br />Any two offices may be held by the same person except the <br />offices of President and Secretary. <br />2. Election of Officers. The election of officers <br />shall take place at the first meeting of the Board of IIirectars~ <br />and each officer shall serve for one tl) year and until his <br />successor is duly elected and qualified. <br />s. Special Appointments_ The Board may elect Bach <br />other officers as the affairs of the Association may require, <br />each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such <br />authority, and perform such duties as the Board may from <br />time to time delegate to that officer. <br />4. Resi nation and P.emoval, Any officer may be <br />removed from o flee wzth or wi*_hout cause by the aet of the <br />Baard. Any officer may resign at any time giving written <br />notice to the Baard, the President or the Secretary. Such <br />resignation s`rall take effect cn the date of receipt of such <br />notice or at such later time speeiried therein, and unless <br />other-rise specified therein, the acceptance of such resig- <br />nation shall not be necessary to make it effective. <br />~j. Vacancies. nn}' YdCBnCy n t:l~-' Baard 5tlail De <br />autr~matically fall.ed lrv t?:e then rer-orded uwrer of any villa <br />in the ~~ondar~ir,i~am Property .~?e3ime. <br />?ss~T1CLE `-iliI. <br />unties of the vtfictrs <br />The duties of the officers are as fellows: <br />President <br />fihe President shall preside at ail meetings of the Board of <br />Gisectors; shall sev that orders and resolutions of the <br />Baard are carried nut; shaiL sign all leases, mortgages, <br />deeds and other written instruments, and shall cosign all <br />checks ar=d promissory notes. <br />Vice President <br />The Vice President shall .TCt in the place instead of the <br />President in the event ~ his absence, inability or refusal <br />to act, and shall exercise and discharge such ether duties <br />as may be required cf him by the Baard. <br />Secretary <br />The Secretor} shall record the votes and keep the minutes of <br />all meetings asad 2rrocecdirtys of the: E3aard, and keep thw <br />corporate seal of the Association ~snd affix it or a harrd- <br />dr$wn facsir==sale thereof to all papers requiring sand seal.; <br />serve notice of mc'etinys of the L3aard, and keep appropriate <br />eurr~ant reccardB shrwiny the ;.?hectors of the ;~ssociatian, <br />together with Chair addresses, and ::hall perform all such <br />other <:e~tties as are rewired by th~> Soars:. <br />