<br />to vats at such meeting at least thirty (30} and not more
<br />than sixty (b0} days prior to the meetin:fi. 'I`he notice ~t the
<br />proposed amendment to the f~zticles rsf Inaorparation-may-he
<br />incorparated in as a Bart of the regular notice of meetxnq.
<br />The proposed amendment shall be .:kdcspted only ugori re€~ivinq
<br />the affirmative v,dte of seventy-five percent t75~) or more
<br />of the then ineuml>unt cii rectos s, i,rrvided, hr~weyer, thtxt
<br />' perct:nta•.,e votin~3 rE~quir~ments containet3 i.n the. ~rticlcs of
<br />incorporation nr in the Eby-i,aws sh«ll not kke amended by a
<br />lesser percentaue •-.'ate thin that t;nuc{ht.to he amended.,- :and
<br />provided :urthzsr that; su;;h amancimc.nt 5haii have the approval
<br />>3f r..orc th:~n ~~..ty i~cr<~ene !SQ{) ,, the fuse mortcyacje
<br />hc+ld€~r5 «f r+=~c=zd .i;:or: t c ~.iat.e .;j ~kdoption of the amendment.
<br />I'. :+t~114.sticn t.i <'ۥStri -t it,n ::he~rc.vcr the rrc-
<br />_~.i__________-__ __-.__=- - ---
<br />. __s.i ia:SS _.- tt?£: Sf' ..: tiC'1#:`S -_,- ,^. C-: ~:: ~-c-,r~~tion ., re more re-
<br />stri~t_.-_ rhan '..`i" ~,..~~~..~ -_ .:u~ sy-..t,ws 3.f this r?s-
<br />s~:ciati==n .-:r ,re:32t the, --vzsic~•r.~; ,f t:.t2 .s~hraska >ttkn-Psc~fit
<br />.-Ur4Y~r.at1.,:; r? d.c. t. ,_:~, :cc~'r., ~"f f.-ht~ ;;unktk.r c,~ ',-ot~ss acquired 2or
<br />tht ~ss:~,> ,~ f :ny resus ..,.. _,.. ,., tt,<1 tar i net <,f' r3;ky action ruy
<br />t Y1G' ilist.'G `s: =:., .-. '_. i,r r:S S~'C:it l;.ai;, ~.i; c: r'. E;E: S-~rG :"1S3.U;,S Gs
<br />vhc'~i? .... .. l~~.w ~'. i3:. ~.:~J ~-y~,Jr :i t,~v3~ _sil."3 ii -.=i3t=. ~, :..
<br />_,. ~~ai gin. e __~t°;- -~-,~, >ar. rra~ .~i5sc~lv~: ,tno
<br />'ainra uu bw5 ~.:~~__~ ..t .._._ i-tzz...»Zr~} r.l~nncr: :he i:q,ard of
<br />:irectt~_';~ re;~y .i:~,_>pt :. ,• ~- rya ~cr _ ,rate ._. tar:~pc;~ec? resolution
<br />:fit=S`. 3d:C';;€.'.ni".lr'- 4.*klt ! }'?i. ~'L?Yt,t)i3Li_,., Lf'_ Ci1S3t~~'v ?(1 ,:i R{i rC,.('.i.`:il-
<br />- k~nU1.t=-~ a ~..3:a _.. ._1 St-s«,..t1:1,. „~ '.-,::F` <7~S~t!: t;.. ...._ ,.-?rt?C~ra.tZ7n.
<br />'i'he a>an ..;strs~..~rY~rz .,.~~.. !?c~^ .~;n:sia;teni. with .;n....t.tCr:ls
<br />'.--i~wl. '.hz~u~.c ~_-~95? ., r" the, -'ter., ~_~ .,.,c;--I~...~t~t c:or~~«ration
<br />- 'iCC c1i;[:, S&~CZ-.,~;'~ii j'r lr'ltf: `.'}E• ~.=r~:`J 152<>.,.a 41 v~;t1~:Z . -
<br />- t+~7 +-~SE".Z't"?Y:. "S:E ~~Y"~:: [-i3 •.:'ii ILA-',-iat-l=1n t;t ~-t<1.. ,'-'Z1E-Ci'tL'S
<br />sf1a1 ' isu F~itett t.E?;at 4 c cut`at c r: ~,~ .:uµt; clvsc;;.ut=.n .znci
<br />t?~e gzs..an .-± =:istrihutiar :~ ,.,:;kxa:i'tt_~ +_:~ rxl~ _,_.r~ .~( :}hectors
<br />- - <~~-fit. 3~lIS~"s+-S S, i.~ :s~i~il:3 .t.. -. t.'i: l`. 1'~`3t) .,,;.C: CE~ii t- Y~2"z :.~t: ['Fi Y,12~ i-~}. :l t:~.`..~ !1
<br />2~~.1 `$',«`i[:±3 t.~ti Z1 ".~,` ;:I?a i< .. "a[' :UZfr4~33 t~„'tr !~txE .: . t„"i~3 [;. (s~?P.c, ~s FJ ~. ~"
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