<br />SHORT FORM Loan Rtumber____ 46980 _- Ol -'-16
<br />PROPffRTY tMPROYt=MENT -gn~~~~~~~~
<br />Fouer No. 2i f iRev. 12t8O~
<br />81-0 0 3 2 7 4 xxf3w ALL MEN I3Y Tim ~
<br />~Ttioraaaa J. Haxea .arid CAteri~rn.3.,..Hayeay,hu bead agd wi_fg~..,Zq,I,jyj „
<br />......... ..................
<br />a eac'h"~in tliexr otrn r>_g t,
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagan. in conaideraiion of tt~ stun of 1~elve .Thousand... and_,O~IaO ,,.._.._:._-
<br />fy 32ooo.Ot7 ) DOLLA.Ra, the receipt of which is acknowledged, do hetehy MOIiTGAGS
<br />and CONVEY an abwlute title. including all the rights o~t wmestead and inheritarux, tfato i+'IRST'
<br />Mortgagee, its succeasora and assigns, the following dest~ibed teal estate, situated itf_ Hllll....__........_.......
<br />County, State of NEBRASF+A, tawii:
<br />?,ot ".:c ii< rloci: ?n~ .S ~ ... hiFser 4~u?;dia~sion beln€s 3
<br />t,rrt et ik- . ectic~tt `i'c~anW~h_ L' 'iCrtli, ~:sr~e 1J Wept
<br />TO HAVE A.*iD TO HOI:I3 the yea! estate above deacrihed, with all appurtenances therettnto
<br />balsa tuna the raid ~iortp,agee, forever. provided always, and this mortgage is upon the ezprees ~n-
<br />dition that ~t uhe aforesaid \iortgsfrors. their heirs. ezecutors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause
<br />to t,e paid to the said :4(ortgagt5e, its auece~ssors or assigns. thr zincipsl sum hereinabova net forth, all
<br />accardirtg to t$e tenor and e6ect of a certain i:tstalLs)ent ),ate of said `~tartAaRors I>~ring evert date weth
<br />this mortgage. sad aiul! pay tazrat and tmseaarttenta Ic*vir.+d t~nan said real t;state. and all outer fates, levies
<br />and a~.---~^~enta levied vpan this raartRsge rr the clots whic:r this mortgagr is given to secure, before t~
<br />same ar ally iostaIkrtrnt thereof f±t~amrnt delittqueat. ~'tert thffi rrwrtgage to !,e cold. otherwise to zemaia
<br />is full tarty.
<br />IT IS FI'IiTIiER AtxREED t U 'T'hat it the said ~Sottga~*or shall fail to pay such fazes, the
<br />tiortgagec may pay zhc same and the sum so advancrci w)th interest shall he paid by said Riartgagots.
<br />and t~)is snart~aRe :hall stand as security far the same. t2) That lfartgagt,rs cavcrtant with the Mortgagee
<br />that nary are IavrfuUy ~iaeci of said reef. ~ta~ and c~o~•ez)arat #a warzaat and defend the said real estatte
<br />aa~~airtat tta) lawful rfainut +,I all persatts lvhamsckver. {3) That in ;-aae of a foretlasure of this nortgage,
<br />tktc plaitttiff in st,~h psacrrdings shall t,€ =_•ntitlc+d to take n of the premises, protect the same and
<br />caliect the trots, ices and prorits ifterrof. t4) 'l'hat a tatlo pay any of said rnaney or any install-
<br />rnertt thereof wleen the satz,e ~ due, or s failure ttz ccsrttpiy ~.ttt env of the foreitoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whop sttm of money herein secured to be+tYinse clue and collectible at once at the option of
<br />the Liort>Zagea
<br />TRANSFER t)F THE FROI'F.RTY: ASefitI.LiFTff3'r. l# alt or nay part of the I rop~ty ar an
<br />interest therein is saki ~~r trarssfetrerT by Ma7tgagar without Mortgagee's prior vrzitten cast, etcluding
<br />fal the ereart.irtrt of a lien ar c-ncumttrance subordinate to this ~fartgage, ib) the ereatzon of a pntrhaee
<br />ntortcy sseusity intera+rt for houaeho[d appl~anoes, fc) a transfer t*y devise, deac-ettt or by operation of !aw
<br />upon t~ death of a j+»nt Lemnt yr ; dl hh g-cent of nay lease}sold interest of tht+ee years or less not rnn-
<br />taining an aptxart to fnnrlseae. Mortyrgtre tray, at Mortgagee A option, declare all the soma secured by this
<br />Mortgage to be immediately due sad payable.
<br />If ?Mortgagee ezen-iae+a such optioA to accelerate, liartgagee shall mail Mortgagor notice of
<br />acr'el~ttitHt and strrh rtat~~ shell provide a pesiad of oat lees than 36 days tram the date the rtotice is
<br />nfaiiled within which Motigag+ts may pay the stuns declaml due. It Mortgagor fails to pay such soma prior
<br />W the ezpintian of such period, Nort~agoe may, without futther notice or demand on Martgagar, invoke
<br />the powac of sa>3e artd any ether reraadtee petrmtted by applicaksle Taw.
<br />Si`acd this.. x~;.;... day e,f ~.~1T:,e._
<br />;rAZ~ og rfex,;
<br />rar.
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<br />oa ttds ._..._.')7 .... day at .._.._x=.4}12k......._._., t9~,1., b.fs,re me, the vadexvittr~ed, a Nnkary l'aylie, to sun fan
<br />swki t~aaatf~, p+taoaagtr ~atfarttf, ,f. tlalrea sad t~tert~.°_3~ _ k}aXe4a..hunbaad, a~ad vifStr_._._..____w,._..
<br />fcsruwn Ea me to fre the idmt~rtf Pew .r'bara aamee am afllsed W the atio+ro and form imttrutmst, s
<br />sad eery sa4netrMe~d saw tit to he tal. ar hrr «ntankary act and dead.
<br />n,e ~ t+~~~ ARnd and ~ eed at.~_.__..._..._.s, `'''`a~~ r _...,._ ......._ _, _. ............._.....__._......_._.._.__._
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<br />,'rfx siee~`)a Natnt7r Vie,
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