<br />sl_~3o32ss
<br />d. Foe better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon [he request of the mortgagee, iu sucarsors
<br />or assigns, mortgagor shall execute and dtliv~ a supplemental mortgage err mortgages covering any additions,
<br />amprovi:mcnu, or bettermenu made to the property hereinalsave described and aU property acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof (al! in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Futhennore, should mortgagor fail to cure any default'
<br />in rite payment of a prior or inferior cticumbrans~ an tl~ property described by this itistrurnent, mortgagor kcro-
<br />by agrees to ptnmit mortgages w cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do so; and such adv$ncee
<br />shat! liecotm part of the indebtedness scoured by this instrument, subject to the same terms and: czsnditior-s.
<br />c. The righu created by ibis conveyance shat! retttain in full force and effect during any postponetrtent or
<br />extension of the tittle of the paymrni of the ittdebicditas evadeneed by said ptomissory note ~=poles, to any
<br />part tieereof secured hereby.
<br />f. Ta cotttinuousty maintain tia:srd atuwance, of such type or types and in such amotmu as the-tnartgag[se
<br />may from time to time require on the imotevements now w hereafter an said Property, and will pay promptly
<br />whets chic any premiums therefor. Al! insurance shalt 6e carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and retrcwals thereof shall tx held by mortgagee and have attached thereo loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of aced in form acceptable to the mortgagee. to event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing
<br />to murtBaEa, and mortgagee may snake proof of loss if not made promptly by mzsrtgagar, grid each ittsuranee
<br />x:ampany concerned is hrnby auiharciir3 and directed to make payment for such loss directly to mortgagee
<br />inuead of to mortgagor and mortga;ec joantty, and the irssurance proctieds, or any part thereof, tray be applied
<br />by triartgagee atstt option either to the reduaian zsf the indebtedness hereby secured zit to the restoration err
<br />repair of the property damaged zit destroyed. In caent of Corectosure of ibis mortgage, or outer transfer of title
<br />to said property in eztinguashtnm: of the xtutslxtatntss cured herebv, aq right, title, and interest of the
<br />mortgagor lit and to am insurartre pzsti.:ics then in foyer shill pass to the prirchaser or mortgagee or, at tht
<br />aptiDn of the mortgagee, may be surrendered for a refund.
<br />g. to kttp aR btiitdit~s and zxhcr improvements zm said property in good repair and condition; to
<br />permit, rrniitrtit, or suffer no waste, impairment, dMCrioratian of said property or any part itttreof; in the event
<br />zif failure of thr mtxtgagtir to keep tt~ buildings on said prcmtses and thane erected on said prctnis~, or
<br />itnpravzsnertts Charon, zn gods repair, thr mortfagee may make such repair as in its discretion it tray deem
<br />nee'essan' for the propn preserx:ation thereof; and tht full anizsrsnt of each oral every such paymmnt shall be
<br />tttisnediatety due slat paystek: atttt shall tx secured by the tern ot" thxs mortgagt_
<br />h. To na voluntarxlp ~teatc ,ter permzt u~ tx grated a~enEt ttsc propcrt cubicst to this mortgage any trcrx
<br />zr: thin inferior to ttxe tlen cif thss triisrtgage without wFittert ~zxescist ~~f the morty~xgce, and father, the[ tttort-
<br />ttaigor aiq keep atu3 cnairaam the .:chic free from the claim of all persons supptyinit tabor ur materials for con-
<br />strustiori zaf any acid alt t3ut#dings zsr zmpmvemcnts tsow trying crerttd or to tie crersed z>n said premises.
<br />i. To nzn rent w asupn env part oS the xent ;sf _saxxf mortttaged , rot~rty ~xr dcmolich, or remove, or
<br />substaratatiy attar any bcnidtng wtthrwt ?rte writti'Cx cextisfst of the mvrtaagec_
<br />1, rt:tt avards of damages xn :tmtuLtxs7rt xrith any _c>tidcirtnattsii fox fttbtu: ux of cu injury to any of t}It
<br />propc3ty subje*;t to zhas tnartgztgee ate ticrebr asst;ttest a~ shall tx peat to tnartgaibcc, who may apply the same to
<br />payttient of the insealtnxnts tart dtu utxlrt sit nixc, aims mtitri$attee is hereby authorised, in the name of the
<br />truutgagor, to exa-utc and dcltvcr valxl zcgwttattt:es tltetcxsf' and to appeal front any such award.
<br />k. The marigag+oc shall have ills right to tntps~~t. the ~ortgage5t prsxrtiscs ai any reasuuabk riots.
<br />L To cvmpty +.ruh the provcsums of any 4eass xt than Mortgage rs an a tiatscteatd. if this Mortgtcge is on a
<br />unit is a ctindamanium or a ptattticd unit de>zctopntent. Borrower shall perform aU of Borrower's obligations
<br />trader ~ dcctaratsan or ,~ewentinis ~~reatittg err governity the cottttomimum or pt~t-ncd unit dcvelopixiit,the
<br />by-laws and tagutatias zrf the arnirl~aaaum zest planzirai unit derelopitierit, and cacstitetmt ddvmctiu.
<br />2. fhfaruk is arty of tlir ea+enartta csr ct>ttc#itioAS of this ittstrutrtent or of the tt~tr or itxtn agecment sacctrcd hereby
<br />sl5tll tcrm+>aaic the intirtgagor`s right io pcsssesaiori, use, aatd enjayts~cit of the property. at the option of ttxe
<br />~ or ate !it being agresd rhos the tinirtgattor shall have such right until default), Upon any aticlt
<br />defatelt, the mortgagee shaft bet.~e the owner of all of the rents aad pmts ac+.'urang after tiefautt as security for
<br />rho iadebtcdrtess tect$sd heacby, wine the right to enter uisim said property fiw the purpc~e of ctilterttng such
<br />yenta and prtifns. Tit6s instrument alucll operate as an asaigtuiitni of any rcntab on sax# properly to that extent.
<br />3. !f rite mortgtti~ tlefattlts, and faile to raaitt any payments when due or to conform to and ctxitpiT" with any of
<br />the snat~ti0at or a;gttissaents cta3taatiad in this teiortgagr err the notes whit it secures, ttxTi the entire pritaipat
<br />aru» swtl t intereu dvdl at dxs become dw and payable, and draw _ ' ~ pry ant (19-Ct ?t-) itucrest
<br />tift~iRar umtii paid ~ tistt ckctiaut of the mort~e~ alai this mortgage miy thereupon be fzxtclosed irnrriediatety
<br />t'vt wtmk sxF the ~ ha+ ~, inc~tudisig ttte cwt of catending the abatrat~i of tithe from the
<br />e3zue,td thia.mortgitge iti the time of s,ixtirtg such suit. 'tai tuateeti Percent
<br />g. le z:f. of a firs err default ~ priividcd hartxa. the ~ shall at ziiirx be enrolled to the pus-
<br />lent, mod- e~ajayi zif the red estate a€oreaaid and tzi the rent. issues, rtiyakits, amt profiu ihcv+eaf,
<br />itttat shitatxrti~t of-sor=b rights aril t4stririg the pt±#lty of farerlosurc prciccettuigs and stash p0.sssssiotts, err.,
<br />illlt~ gt-4t:~7E lid. tsi the ~ aptm rr upt7ai failure loch delivery of such pn~oai tt~y be
<br />entaritad l~ ~. lsy eery mite iieca a rcc~ttrn fry the prz>pMty.
<br />#. Ths ~ot~ieedlt of arty sale txf pxi>~ in aceaxdance wash tree prm~txdtttg paragraphs shall lc applied first to
<br />pigt_ttl6 t'1 1Wtl ai itt~d torte, eha rxpitti€ste ttttairrett by iha inwrtytagcc for tits fnarposr od' przxactirtg or
<br />saiif ptt~atty, ~, to p4y t#a 5e+atrtat bett=try; erred ihudly, tti pay any surpkis err
<br />t4 t11a l ur Rteramroa t atalititstl tttMeta.
<br />