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<br />$1=-~i~03255 <br />5: fn cast of any 6amace to. w destntction uf. the buildings, icuprovemrnts or prrsonal pmpeny constituting <br />pen of the Trust Property, riteditr sash loss K covered by msursnce err otherwist, Truster, at ns sole coat and expense, <br />vriH pxumpeiy rettarc, rsmir, replace and rebuild the same ax nearly as pracuabte to ns condition unmedutch• prior to <br />web-damsga or destruction or weth such charegss arM atteratiuns as Trustor ma}' deem apprttpdate, prayidtd such <br />chants and alterations do not materially lessen the value and utility of su.h bwtdirrgs, impruvcmems and ..^^*~^~^.Ntr <br />fiarti that ettitheg immediately prior to sttdt darttage;-or destruction. Truster shat! br entitled to rclmburxenx-ttt tram <br />ttte Trustee to Utcextent of iht net iruuranec proece~ reeeixtd by Trustee, but only to the extent of the actual sum <br />estpendtcd unde,T flats pravisimt. <br />6; if Trustot is a corporation, it wi0 do aB thbtge neesaary to preserve its corporate existence, rights end <br />priyi'icg~s under the lairs at tht :tire ai its incorpotatioa. <br />~. Teustat+viii rust commit atty. xraste upon lire-Trust Property and-viii, at all tithes. tdaitstsfn the sore in <br />good operating order aad caadition attd aiii rrtaka, from tune to time, all repair, rcaewais. rcpiarrnrents, atidstittns and <br />imps wbidt-arc restanabiy needful or ddsiravte to stub end. !~a building or hnpravetstcnt rww or hereafter <br />crecte6 upon the Ttaw Property shall be altered, snored w demolished ti+ithom the prior writicn conunt of 8enr <br />- <br />-'tt, if darfna the axistenea of this Tntst, tharc shrdt be threatened, comratented or pending anysuit err :oleo <br />afteaittY any of the Trust Property, tht title thereto or the priority of the lien of this Deed at Trust thereon, or if any <br />adrerst-claim fat or spivst tine True Property. of arty part thereof. be trade or asserted. the Trustee, Beneficiary, m <br />both. may sppetu or inietverte in any wch shit err setioa. toroth eourtiel therein, and defend the same, err otherwise take <br />stwb tu:tios sa they msy dttem advisable and retik~or corn roatise the same err the adverte claim; and in that regtrd and <br />tai aey rtf`nscb purposes tt~y pry and ezpead such sums of money u Trustee err Beneficiary may dean advisable, which <br />sates skeE be dam-ed to brae boa sdnnoed herettrtQer aced soured by this Heed of Trust <br />9, Trdawr'hareby cove'ttaett, wattann and agrtxs with beneficiary, its tasecesmrs turd asigns+ thu Trustor <br />ovwe the Ttwt Property free frmtt any prior fish err encambnnee. that this Reed of Trust it acrd wiB remain a vaitd and <br />:akt~bia tksi fiat oa the Tnrss Property. thet Trttttar tx~ prescrvr such title and-viii forem warrant ate defend the <br />:ewe to rite Beaefkhry stsd tvtU foam svsrraat anti defend the ratidity and priority of rite lien hereof against the claim <br />of a9 told patica ~. Truster wail rtuks such further aswraxeoe ~ auuranca to perfect its title to the <br />Tetat ~7r tw tatq bt raetoetsbiy raqusnad by Bsaetieiuy, Trtrstor hereby rditstpusha all right of dower and home- <br />ataed in surd to the Tract Property. <br />l0. Tttrgeu wiE pry ati taxes. ssre~nenkr asuk other public chuges upon the Trust Property before the same <br />llgylaarbtssrstne deiingiuent stud arl;¢tt any sucks taxes, asseasrttents o1 publt:. rltargES shell bt lc»ed upon the ~otc etc red <br />il~tbea Aced of Trust, m uppoona the Trustee of Beneficiary, or apes thou suttaxsors or assigns. on acco_ .:.~; stud Etbt <br />petite rtes of ties Deed of Trutt !except inecuns texts) Teustor well pay soh axes, assessmrnts os public charges pnor <br />ttelfH tints rise lime sMH, by htv-, beeotas ddirte~peE. <br />! 1. if fienefts:iuy tiu3 so request, 7ncsaar agree: that there :hail be 3Gdtd to cash period pzynsr^ e : tga:rca <br />Abe made hereunder err atnr+tnt estrmat~ by Trusue to tre autfwcnt LO auble Truster t.: pay. st etas 3p tr.:•s btiorc <br />dleaey. iB ti>tiai. atet+tr err other pnblK c!7ass[ainrf the Tr=:S! Property, [he \cse 3c:rsed bt• : zcs ;.Ad of <br />1>tsea. err upae,t-sxaurrz of zhe defx err sia flea of tlds Trust Dead, tagtthet wttls prerniumt far insrras:ce re;::;rr~' :a he <br />ided undo thh Dt~ ~ Truce sled ~ iaterest be playable to Truster iii respect thereof, L'~{srtn cc-::rta b}• <br />ttnxe . Ttusesr sb~ defacer ro Tntatee s+tctt +t -~~+s e~ retnat+r +, +sre nrr•esa*r ~o ^~ate :3~ srv dtfic:ene-y in <br />the atseauets tsscestery to saabie Trmust as paT aay of tht fate~tt; thaw. <br />l S. Ttttarar, at its tapsmt. vrtB execute aced deliver to the True«, ptcattptiy upon demand, w~h securny <br />srtatwmettia as troy bs ret{uiral by 7ru~s, frxnt a~ a=}batans:e satisfactory to Trtmee corerirt= arty of the TrLii <br />actst+ry~ by the Oeeti of Tna, which teGttruy insrruments:hali ba additi~ uLUrity for Truster"s fauhfui <br />g~tvaasf sE of the tertr», sarq astd coteditforo cd this Deaf ai Tt~,at, tht Ns;tz seared hettrDy, and aay ath K <br />sa~ey instrattteaa etuwttad in oateaestwt vvidt this t:atmctios. Suds itntrttmants shall. be recardtd or filed. and <br />raeeeartia~d aced tafded, at Trtrstar's ~. <br />i 3, 9Mltkebt lC days after dettsfru4, Trtntar shsii furahit to Trustee a schedule catitted to bt Tru.tar, setting <br />fttrdt a~ 4sssts ~ ht the Trtat ny then sit efftet, indttdit~, in each lase, the runt ssf the reran,:-and occu- <br />sMtass~yttsoaof tier spru actitpkd web tetsrat end aecapeat, the rental payable far-suds spun uteri such other <br />ittddadaaett~aa with tcfpuct to such h sad teetrrxia ss the Trttsic+e may reel. <br />ts, Ak paytaaeta rrtad~r utter tilt psavisiaei of this Dosd of Trot, of the Note teta+rcd hereby, whteh m <br />!a aesaertttad et intla!sn. 4tst. its the a~tsEate axe the tceas brief, ticead the rcte that twey bs lawfully contrut~ <br />hots is tAe 5uw of NtiiZedgt. <br />i3: ~theat tius~brarr}trctt eataset ~ Tr+eret, Ttaittar trot, ~sectkY or itt~reci„ty, with respect to any <br />lass sd' sprt+ iA-the pry, vrhseber sods ~Me Is ntrer err hsrrrats:t Ca exkddta; f a) at-c~ ~ permit any <br />~, di+natset or sdxisos toot peysbie ; {b~ ciartd err tetmlaus the sttmr, err stttxpt tray catxeUation, <br />e or tetsseadit tkerco4~ ttery exact to aeaa which troaid aaxitle the kawe theauader to terrrtbtaN <br />ereseasl- taeAa; ~~} #araad err tbs tyme sa u to eadaees the te+m thesrtef; the etatai payaibls tlsercutsdet, a to <br />t ~ rtasaael data tbrxsie eaatttbted: (d) wsire soy d~twit dtercundte or breeds thessof: (e) gitn am <br />st~slwt a i~7Nat!al taada of take aay other sctiwt ir- caenectitut tbereieiih, err wide s lcaee tlterenrda, <br />wlt~ ttwvl¢= tlw tiil`ias pf l~ tt`~ tlrc titan t~ t'R ,~ta!aet tttadei, *+s t PtApety affect thtttta. sx of <br />~~sht ptq#f#pe a lmtuvft o[ t~ Ticadrtt c~ ~;ar (~ tom. ate, piesat~. mats err otbetwise diapwe <br />a~ietRarastntkot!.I~k~ullli ~~gt~csc o~ ate~~slnas err pet isstdggat u thvavadee. <br />lily Ts agpstrt ~ ts3 dta drWs sett ~ of Trauar r3~ bt dstamitad ~d3' by tbs exprea <br />iirpe o- diii~fi~ otTa nd , Tae out i4bie esrcept far dpr ~ of snrh duties and obit- <br />es set ~r t~ fc~le baede, anti try eq o: obBptiaaa-:flail babiNtoaed upae Truuee; <br />ere ~' titfri i7ai ±w[ Ttaars alai{ Ttaaee w of risk its owe Fanbt. nt otherwise. incur any <br />~.lA t~tt ~ ~Y~ thttisalt+erex~nr in the eaereire af"~p of its ruts err gawtrs. <br />if i<sMo,~~ j~l~fis ~sr~egtgrehMetofau~Iunds err adagwts iadaty >~St such tak err kisbtitty <br />tiwM M 1`tli~ "sMrt~sd-1a k; fir) trsta~rc ttssy ta~dt cwthsd t~tb awe ~snd tka-adeers of ate sauwd <br />is snsliettaitietet ~ most tka of aey +etitat.taltsq ac attiftaetad tt hstettadn in <br />fiidl it4¢~ettWltMai tlter+aa; {dl 7ttatk~ trill bg l~tt~say setiati tea by N ~ gpod-fait sad rautwtaby <br />~ i[ iai iteNieiad Ar .~rti~e the d~iae cr tfg~gc~nd pw..... N~tfatrai <br />ttpae it bt` tu,- %reed'trf Trrtst'-- <br />