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~,. s t- ' ~~ 81- 003240 <br />- ~ Mag1'GAt~A FUR'['H>~ Oa1FLrNANI'B AND AGREES: <br />That:ttte MttreR>~* wilt pity the irtdebtedneaa.aa hareinbefore Proviuied. <br />That ttte Mottgagar'ia tfte'OMtrer of said P*oPert }~r::oz encumbrance: and that Mortgagor lw Ituwarrantrtand tdefend tAe. ~ - <br />aaiC Shat the asses ei free sad Lear af. any _ <br />cortvey the eantt- ~ ~ p~ua.;a}taerregeyer. - <br />titk to said P ~~ water charges, sewer sesv° <br />amf Papa:a~ geJtera! taX~. special-iaxtxt; speciil asaesamentt. <br />To paY'-tt~T ir}teit due ~ and-alt taxes levied un the debt secured hrrebY. artd to furnish-t <br />aril athsr tetras amd charges agatnat a4t~ Pte' r agmes that tliete shaft -Ire added: to <br />ice charges, with the arigin+rt or dttptieata receipts therefor. -`l'ire TsfartKago h the Mortga~ea- <br />MartgaiK, apse request, an amqunt estitnatrd Y <br />t requited hereunder r~r undo the evidence nt debt secured hereby ~, and similar c-urtirs upon-ttta'P~' . <br />each rnanthtY Ps;~n -tlm trlet to Pay as they becgme thte...alf-farces. axaeeemen ~ by the <br />~ ~ ~ ~ eaa6~ vmerits shelf tee far[hwith daPtad <br />ee Any default under this-paragraph shaft he deertted. a default in <br />lees subject thereto: any defiEiemry because of the irTautficietTCy of such additions pa- <br />Martttagor w~iih the Mortgagee utwn demarrtf 6y the MgrtraK ,-- <br />wy~yti tri texas. sasesaments, nr sTmitar rhargex regmred hereunder. <br />tlrai then shill also ha added !a eae'n manthly paymTent of principal and•intereat. required here <br />- ee to ay, as it trccgrm^s dne, the insuratrce <br />Ttw Mgrtgagor agmx <br />anraunt estimated by the MortKagrr to tx• suNicre nt to enable Ehe ortKaK <br />under a^- ee Any defrcirTx=.: txscausr tat the irrsu6teienc~ °Any ctefeutttunder this <br />premium (m any irssu ranaY twticy delivered-tn tfie uTnrtKagthe 'a-lgrtgagee uf+an demand bq the Mtlrtgag fed air such ar hgmr- <br />menta shelf tse Forthwith detx,aitrd by the MaA KaKnt of insuranre T'rrKrriurns If the pnliry or {wlicies dePawi 1 the deposer- to <br />paragraph shaft be deemed a default (n the P - <br />ownrrs nr sft rink polities, snd the depaartw err rnsufficient to Psy tfir enirrc I+remrum, the :itnrtgaKee maY app <br />tray prerttrums an asks rtpaired t» tx insured by tie martKaKe. <br />•. unR of the Mnrtgagee, 6e h>etd-by it arsi <br />v rnt x.f sorb Hems. s»d until sea apptieai, such-payments err .hereby <br />PayrneRta made fry the ttnrtKagor anrir^r the alx.'af t?araKraphs may at he p <br />c„mmt: glad wlth rather aurh funds r+r -, is own funds fur the 4 Y**+ <br />}>trdKr't as seranty for the esn(~_nnt r>a3nnc+- re( kha~ mnrtcsee iarlr•6trd »s•v. , , th.~ Irfa +•f !his martgaKe oriRiTrai fxlticiei* seal <br />,.,r . s k nt rsM + r ! n>` ta. r kn 4t' rtr,eK <br />T., ,rxrure .._: ~-t _ a ', i -r-r. Ti rK xKamst- fire and sertscred b4r this <br />remeva~ then ~. ,3v>ixt. .{ xt 1. a~-t ,., dxr t -t r t! f . <br />netts as the ?t..rfiKaKr'r ma . r.xra n• •n an ,amount equal io the indebtednrsa ie to the Mortga- <br />r ,~ -att.- r a - fa -r :f and r. f„rm arceP <br />hexat~. casualties, arxt ( ~t nKr,r!at~+• _,: t-1+ - i r+ :a¢e- z e - ., <br />MnrtKaKe. oral to r<smf,snr - - - .. _ ,(.c -_ - -~.{ r rx - '*t rtKagv+r may Pru*-ere .nsu canoe nrt t - <br />r - ,k r :[ ~~ n t { avatr}= wrtti intere_vt at the rate <br />Rte' 1n t`sx• .~Ygat :rn~- t x n ( i r i:~ .r ;: - r, {_8rt t hr 4t-rtgsger to furnista such renewals <br />imi>rTwementw. {,sv t:'.e 4 4 i _ _t e -.- i -lu.- - arnatit.ute :+ default <br />} t i - ~ t. eq rT--m th. S~artKege-. <br />faith rn seed ntrtn until - nx _ r.-3 i , r t:_ <br />} - . 1-~ - +< , _ t ,,ia.nt _s~nztrt•tte an assrgnment <=t the uo~ <br />as are he-n-•vx n^ttorr+-,7 • .Fr...! -. _- .. ,,. -t:z~, - .,. <br />7t. <br />arxtre the trtrrra nk f}(te ,.,tr Kt iL'" •' <br />earned premium r ( ,,;xt net ' .w r+~tanxr(} tsy the !4tnrtgagee <br />--F ;sF ~ to - m Itr r uboiiY nr In <br />-flak <br />' ; ,r ,.4 <br />Any awe '-~ „ 4,a.:dinK n i -t ,-tare .,r for any <br />,d»-ei tnwaru k!- - a ~• ., - 1.~'-~r - - r.- ` <br />a»d of i- .f _ - ~ ....Haase ~•.r t1:<• tu.l a <,uvt ~-v-u red hem <br />{.cart mss- lx• r rt f .o r: .,.~ r~. ..., _.. .. -. __.. , . ....,. .. .. - <br />athrr P-rrWw" _.h;<=x -~ t..~f 3,T a <br />} r it~ tree t r nu ra +ehrtn rev tx,.. <br />by t«eictr 'suet, patrM t - - r .,..,k .sax-,- .. <br />r,=r.-.. t, s.r. - ~-t t-r:a; xrsn -t-nor-truer- nr <br />'T.. gatrsnta[fv 7 .a t.i t r .,xe. - ., .,. @ - s,. s<1 -+.. ;.7 „r a>Y -t asnre ix, r•.f:4 ern <br />nvree :,r ,k„aft i .,, n.•. G''- .tr ,.. , ., r .. .; ~ _ ,( cs ed aha31 },ecnmr <br />t. h }~ <br />risirn sad lien n,.r exPr.-earl v4.rrA i s - . - -, .. xr > ' _ - x,.t t,.w w,sn rr+paa:t <br />yzrrart ., sr -. .! r?~ra.. - .,},,,.xr <br />card prarrris r,rxr i„ ,.-.. ,. ., <br />lr+,!~ ,-:d vswt,te. n•:r t•, ,s;n:, r+,~ .:r .;r', «. <br />_ ~ei,hc ,m{xnvr»'rrnT Ur rvndwnlnatinn <br />to toe mnttxaxeat Vrwmnsr* aru> rase o~ ev,rr.,< ~_ _:, ,nn <br />r, ' ~_ r ail fe- rnutlE~l t^, ati romtu=»sauons. <br />"T"hat rokwuics th rr*T"="'' - - ,,,r - ifia*- le In Ira <br />:.r ttrate* the gthr-_' M1c - - x t t --t+ i r .~nrtR-arr. a#-*fx~ar rr, and it rxr5+3eq <br />}tii~'G'!£aft'-~ stet 1 ., #,gi F~ vnttEl -i - <br />aRY ether P~ytiMTM1T z ..5 i i i S" `xiitr rU[.tt takYttK nr [famagr. Ail stTCh <br />axsritar. aril r,,.«rduy:. .z t, .s,at. =(r E"•.:n i.. the '.>.tnrt¢a¢er. utter may, after deducttnK <br />.wm name env scrim ,,r S' _ rT¢ht rd xrtrnn acrd rryrtts a - her~nt - - i~ .ecvred 4axrekrY The Mnri- <br />ttr7n. aware4x. *ixrrasa*'(. rxcrtvr,at h1- aT #r^P`-: .e <am+ ..n env .ndeMedr+a•=wt ro _ s ax lhe- <br />t}rrrrtr+srn aft its vxtr*ua--'a, r~`°"` anY nxrRrva ~' .<.nttrv -aatx.n. a_'ar,u. ,isrna>;ex, arFi rr¢hw ui aetwn and P <br />aYreea tfi ~xiirt xrkrh turttwr s+aanmr*»TS ri sat <br />MarttttaAae rr?Y s~tn_ xin a,r, ihr '.ferrtgeKnr'`- k,chalf evrrythinK <br />.;: kfx :<.vrsaart+ kae rr<n- t3ir 4gattgaiira maY will <br />That to cane at txstux tar uric:rm env ' a,t :! nm} .tx=rnr r:.~'e'aaa Ty 1., }>rtslrT't the lsen thrranf. that t!u Mi rl~tiror with <br />rr covrnCaiai; that itre hirutgasrr map slate c!a, ant fnr anx r>< the absr.^e yurt><raes, and such mgnrYs g6et he in- <br />d or rki.lwra4r+t tsy the M1tnrCxaxmru`h a:tditionil indabu'!fne"s ha-rettY secured and rpay <br />retraY uptrn demand anY mgneYa ~` tra41 t,.+z•=>tne (4e <br />ktttarast ttterwn et tt+e eau Prt""rid"'t in uut note a nxxrerta of wale of sut+d trrrmuea if not ntherwixe- <br />Seed „ut •,: the r«nts or P ar ctatm an ad- <br />cfttthed in any tir+rree tarrckvatnt frets atY~rctgs6r and }w i ear. raTr+ t~ ~vaktdrty vt an} it«n. rnrumbnrrt a !q advataar any <br />utrf~a SIVa eLtti rtJt~~ t•' •'ry(y itxtrrrr, ttsP I>'tgrtaa~ON <br />that im tst¢ ,t~nd~ s'ht~ = but rwthrrra he~a rorrtarned abaft tr- cutntxue<f as teat of any• <br />Eras' a}ast! rwt incur env Pe~"~ habdiiY iaveituse- <br />vapn~. xxror ~ ~ anY art }yf,rC.uodre. attaf that fAartaagar <br />t ~ ~ ~ hrP~ #tEtr+rteder, <br />- Fn tree rvwnt ~ flee eSt<fz+xk by ;+3ertiaK,>r sn a},t F-~Yr~at ,-xt any rnNaftmrni. sx rrstaTre•i by the Ynte +e~cured herehX, ar <br />cr ire the rwtr xx:rtrrTt ihrrehY, the MortKater shalt tae enutferl tR dreia?EtneH <br />• arf the dtfigatttret in this mgrtRaEa sthsut ts!eticr, either by <br />ark ihs #?~ Y daF seal i+aYattte c.Tttux:t n state, and tFrc \Sor:Kagrc shelf M- enutl~ ~ ~F en rrty fnr the indeM+dnea+s `~" <br />dent-at~trs3 w tetw ttf ~` the +~urt. tttrre+sf, aTr.4 vritheu t ne~a~ to a~ _ ~ ~ r~.n,~, tl~;retcha ixsrrea and PTt~tr <br />ot` 1pyt: tk ~ ' ii! the tncrrttat:~t ~~ - this rrrrxltlaae; said renu. <br />eu'r~ h(~bf': ttt radar upon and taYe f~a ~ a~ realtcr'tu_+Tr- uP~m ttu xneiettt+'dne>te „+~ured taY <br />t6i~tao(. ~ apply the ~'+aaet++ed ~ tttr t~fr~ttia#~ ~ fu~~r terurtty for the psymtnt d ill irt~tneTir(~ss ar+'xrrrd hereby <br />t- desire for the Lw epees' aI rePamin[ said Pte' <br />"1'Ae hfartrt+rte"' td+ad have tar pewee w appoint any agent or ate»t'; it maYrut nt wtd irMamae a!f expenses rtuvrred to rrxt- <br />lfxe rent. revenues Arid irresurrr, artd it rrsY PsY t red SnrvA•rd flee <br />- ~ irrt; fxwaatssa the aNar~. caik!ctirtt tom. mrNab !.'rerei terra- Tlrr trilsnee rrrnaining. +t a~Ys~x xhalfrhe~atrid this maRgafte- <br />ia~_ r~ the same atad t>f r»FieciitrK une nail a!ai vn Ptx <br />~ 2hM ~ tane'a`- 'l7.aa a(angntrrent is to trrmrnatr :r!d krrr. <br />i...,v <br /> <br />