<br />g1--u-Qc3~~ , ,
<br />. ii 3'he eorenattta sad afveer that if ba ebaH !"atil to pay rid iadebaedttets or any pat tkr~e~wB~11t.
<br />ilr +isrii fail to perform any eoe~enaat or-ttteema~N apt AIM i~ ur the promisrory aato s~ttred hfltl~'. I~it-
<br />' ewd~aednya hereby seearad rhrli itttenedfateiy, bweirie dae~, payable, ami coiieetible xitipat ttt?tl~1e, art~ar~
<br />d rtes ~ ai` artipar, re*ardtew d taatarity; ag0'Ehe moiee or his aeaiRna taay be[ere or al~brc~=t
<br />psspeety ~ appraiaemmt (the tttort{aa~or 6aetnd, waived aced aaipted to the ~ ail~'t~htrybi:
<br />1;. _
<br />_ x _ ftl as;7i ate putausM•-ao-the Proritwras+of~6 L.S.f 2ii4t~a;); or ``
<br />:,
<br />Ent at ~e e d the eitiex by ~ by aolieit+aioasf nwtsd bitMt,'firt ~+L"; ,
<br />bent twel aatap~riae~risb tlur t!eass,w of ask aced traaapr ad payaxat spoed6ed in tie ptrh)rhe~~~(
<br />Iti~+g fomr ~efOt' mince d the tina~ terms. atq~'place d sack sate, 67" adverse-sett kes ~ Nriee- ,-
<br />dbr~ etch of saki /our xeel<a in a mm~psper pubfielted or diatriba#ad in the county is wli¢elt n~esoputy
<br />~,,. ~~IOetN~, ai&,t~ers ae~f3oe~ba~ bawlry sraired by rho - (sod said ssctgs~r. er aesy= _ as
<br />bte~a~'ifeatt~a~pi¢,-aaa~~id witk.aie n~aird` eridenad by yid antra}- Ssid.y~ ,it
<br />^`° iislel s or ar dae propeetg ea ~ sold ~ at tie Faderal, ceteaty. or city coartiewae-for the costal! i• xiiek the
<br />®., )N i. tied: 'Pfis roRpype a hereby safheriiaad to enecute (or attd os behalf d the arse to
<br />4~ diitelrtt ~-~.' # snob sak s saAGcient con+eyanee of said ptogerty, rhie6 eoseayance akaH ooeateit
<br />e~l€y to lice 6rppeq~ of the detach spas which the etceeutioa d the poxer d stile hatain ~ayrd
<br />_ ~" ~t aced tie said mdse bnneby cmaitatr sal appoints the mort~rpee or say meat or anr~ney d for
<br />tataelplrret tie arm sad l is iset d yid rrrrtpsgor to soaks wch texitaL sad ee erncys yid
<br />' eaaaoywee aa~ ietaiy ostsrats astd ageae that tie reeitab so mrde shrill be elFeairaal >4 lest ail eapvty ax
<br />riKiM d redty~, ho+aeraead. dearer. atsd sit athec raeenptioea d the rewtgapotr, elf d xhieh ate heraiy
<br />etryrrdriy wsired srtd eaaveyed to the mo~ee; or
<br />i ut 1 ulcr yy atDer appespriaae aetiaa patwant to w~ or Federal acetate either in rite or Federal
<br />coact or elber+sir for tie daleeitiaa d the property.
<br />la tie e+ent d s rfe r herrinabore pteridrd, the matt~i+por or cent person in possaaion uteder the mor[palpor shall
<br />tlaa becoye sad (x tearaw hsldietE over and shall forthxith dclircr poression to the purchaser at such tale or be
<br />sruyrrNx dirpersawd. is aecordipee with the proeisiatu o[ law appliesbk [o tenants holdirrtr aver. The power
<br />sad sRsae7 berdry Itt'~d are cawpled with as interest sad are irrevocable by death or othcrwiar, sad arc Rranted
<br />r stttetalrttre t~n~i adier~Jar of said indebtedness prori~d br law,
<br />s .: e
<br />~z~~~sx ~_ ; f
<br />~ 'l4te :' t~ r in acaerdaaee wish tie psaeedites paragrapia rieit be +pP~ Ent
<br />to pry the orgies sad mtpnsw dss3d aria. tba eapNrtar iaenrted by tiee.esrtgs~e t®. ily pvpsoasf prouea3ws err tam
<br />tas"nsrng i-s`d pr-ptrty. snd taaaonalde attaaarga' fens: vecandlp, to pay the iredebtedny. -ecnred herti$y: a¢d khtr+diy,
<br />y psy say syplw ar eaaers to the pesrow or perreps tesaliy cntitkrd titareta.
<br />S. ~ dr tray soli property is acid at a jtrdjetai fantsetsairre aaia or pratinmu tr tbs pwae d sate haw~arbwe
<br />soil shit ~eireeei- ate set aeieiset t. pay the iWal '-'' `saw`-' a -ace raeased by thin fawrataeat sad e*idereed !y
<br />raid psaiasiieaaq nets. de stsaetsgaa wifi be estiidad to + ekdaei~ey !~ for the ataoart at ~iteleFeiracy srifiaai
<br />6. it the erenl fire atori~or faib to pay say Federal, stele, at local race assertweot, ineonte tsx or other race lies.
<br />eharbe, teo, a oti~,sapatss ~++tanf aRaitat tba property, the resrttRaRese is hereby aethoriaad at hn opttea b pay
<br />tipaatao, dt~ ataareae pddly tkat~aset:e~ie added to a$d beeoae a part of the prawdpsl anssuat d the
<br />os~eaiaed by ~spid :~, su~ret to t stuaa tee aced coaditiene. if the ~r .hrii pay aced
<br />dkrdMrrda tie ~ nideoeed b! steal prorissa~sy Hate. and shalt pay sash sonu sad shall direitarge ail oaato
<br />MII~...4Ae1Mtr~+rad;af rrkTtttt€:wrtsreityi, snd executitsp this atart~e. rhos this rewtt~e
<br />tlrt+aaast~d satlsear~dad.
<br />2..'E"ie; aptstttetpp bie~etiiac,eastaiaad aitaH bind sad .tba brneiea sad odraatrataa eboll iettrre ~ the ret~pasaa
<br />a~nraea s1Atl aert~t:ot rice ! irratn. ' nwd.aie+ tnetabas sirrp ieaeiaia acre pbnai, tis pitexni der
<br />'.~~ etruf aaei!,Motlaealet~iar9eie atlpaiatr.
<br />tl, ~ warirrr ~rf ata}r- owat+ent brutr'a ar of tiirr shilaatlaw aresead itataby aieil at say titaar flea 6e Lill
<br />tears o-snealwe ai'~e t~CSaf ar+tf rice stet rtot~ed #w.~:
<br />ifs Ilaeeryiiaaea~liseera~tALitdl rt~aRwf«a.d d the Sarll l~„~ (14 T
<br />~t.Edl`1~:ie~aetit9tetatrMlssd sad etrforeeiat ataarJraae wilt ~ d<'rdayl hw.
<br />,_ ~ - .,.
<br />aA .t i~ai d.n..e~ •r+ltra .a.jna~te.at hriiiYoR. ey peEw.ritiart or pwtirr of tilt iretstasetart i...Yd ~ rr-
<br />till .ace ita.ar was o` f+ for ~'aaeerataat .t ~ ~,~ ~ lsAirre d
<br />ne .her ae* ta+rae w a c, ,.: ~, ,.
<br />