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L7~~"`~~}3~36. <br />e+c:':cE <br />ir~clicTCncE uatxx No. _.9f 4 <br />KNl7lV AFI. MEN BY 711P4t? PRESE[tffS: Tim. bean C. i~eCOe:utel l and Ptlg3e R. Ali, e+ i1t: kf~ <br />and her oun right and as t3porase of each other. Mmt~or,whatrarate~~.iaemeidaoftLsgrr <br />a~v~>r-rm.,-~r4r.,aarir~__aaci ttiTettl~+ -- <br />feaasd to aid. ttaartpdex by 79te f-4WSbb sets Lum A>broefuion ~ Grmd i~sod. tkbradca, 5fart~ee> t~oa : 140 aittws uFiitedc <br />aid ASSOt7AT1ON, Certifinte No. t, 23 , 95$ , do trteufiy gbtt, axeceY sad traogga~e tmto tfte rid A[1M1N' ths`faibnY <br />der~~sd red ertMe, titiaated m Find Caoaay, Nehrata: <br />:SOT' EIQ~f (S) Std ES.tXX II~1TFld (11) IN tTBaxrs <br />ADDITION TD WFu'T IAYaY IN TH£ CSTSC tJ~ C~ADID <br />SSI.A6~lr F3ALi. CO[R11'St, I~nu''szA. <br />teSNher with ~ rite trneatea[s, tuteduaarenn sad sppartenancca tftcrcvrao triot~rmq, errdirdttfs :uadred flax . to tamdow. aaeem, -. <br />wtiodav , bkoda. warm aKndotss, asrniaRs. bastard, ag ~rtdith+atrM, and pimnbgei{ arsd rater egsnpmeot and acaeaaier Utereta, <br />te[adtxatwa, and .ether is=twee sad egarpretsnt stow w herrahcr attactre6 to ar oed to "aaM!CtgM wish aid tea! estate, pBrpi, 4tstlr. <br />Aad whertaa the said taoaedapx itas atyesd and don hereby agne tine the matter sdtail and viii pay ill ta7tea sad aat~,: leste@ or <br />attsaed ogres rsd pramifrra sad +tpost tfru mott~pe sad the bond sxttred tlterebsr bel,xe the sane[ stsaft bacoree debagaemt' W ftaaiah appoaPtd <br />atareaas: rt~ar the fttaid~ oa road pteawea srtxslttl to ter u+m of S 14, oOG.00 p+yshte i:t :sad n.TStlt<IAtI~i and fo tk(iaer to aid <br />i8.W4lAi'tt$~i ttae poAexs fa rstd a+wgaaa: and as to ca:aaxt tx pt7ttd say wade ;ta st a6otrt and ~~: <br />to coat ctf dnfadt to !tY pafaa®aoe cd' oar at the tertra and a«rrsddaxxra of the rnxtpygo rx tfte 't+ond seemed <br />•~ desnad. be eatitfid to trttnte~ prtrnotsn of the raerrz~ sad the :aart~advr , may, ~ tttrntgaseer dog, <br />rtattt~ee ag th¢ rata, rexsttaas .ad irtatme to De dernad from the trots sad sets Deer to the <br />trta~rd: aed the sled tare tits to rat'~~ pa'm+~ dtxaalt strcA tense as ttte ttrott®r~ atdebtedaes sAMi «:aaie <br />P~'er appurat aw altntt +x adRnts a maY dome 1'or tAa prrptae of repaet~ aid i sad ratia6 <br />the >taeae sad ~ the rt:ma, rtreeeues sad inotxae, and rt mry paq t>a .f said taorgae all etErpmtaea ctf tepmi~- saad ptaaz~ sad tteamty <br />caa~rora nod expertaea iar:tured d tentatR sad trteaag~ the saa¢ sad .sf .-std resu3t theratrom: the bdaac+e <br />.~' t. eossard t+re ofd a ~ raid rerart~e ca0ebtedttes: chase r iu : ~a rt>atfZfeK :*tty 6e eacrascr5 at my tetra dmaer"eamet~ of .wch <br />respect 'ay {emgwasy waver d t#r sass[. <br />'These prexnts. bowaser, are upon the Cuodxwttr. That tf tAe saad Hortyiaur shat! repay' sag! ktea +>s ar he(ore the <br />prtyramt: pq manthhr to asad AS.StX'iAYttHV ttf the sum spe~iest !a efx 6©rgf secvrett tterehy st uetetest sad t~tmHy of said shares by <br />tits TreatieNt day of esrdt sad cxn rtrogtti, aatd and kaea is SaUY pa++apri as said fora, oa a ftefine <br />(and: pay ah truua sad asseaaraeats sewed apwtK sag! preaaaa attd os !iris 1Nortpda <br />~ d ~.taeer~ aad . befoae de4agOea,cy: fztra:ra , a ~tty ute bta~yc tneroa to ttte tit o[ s 14, 000.00 <br />repy ro sand ~.tS4C1ATtt2t~t opera deataad td atoaey hY rt pad fa. strdt roan, aterassaata sad ittsaaaoe saifA iatessst star <br />rite aeaittaum iehd race tha,cuia i.wa bate of prymara ~ ;af .*lp~ppt llartgatlar 6aebr ut pay: tx*att rn wabe au and prem4r:i:aap and ts>lp~fy <br />ari~t sB the apsteteaats sad modrtrop of tde f fur S l~sad -01C'.tA~ ~y yt~ M the sad <br />rtGR sE the ragtrearats of flee Caxaxt~oa sad {seas ~~; them three lA`trt~or iO °~ ASS0L.7ATitx+1, sad wmpiy <br />dla~ rra+mq ~ f~ fora[ aed stay tx foteaAard u the lets shall 6eaome ad! sad raid, uttrrrire they <br />paX>tscats tx 6e ehtre moatfu m uteus m ~rOa :u the satd ASSOCiA'f1f7H al~.t fadtxs for thrtz ttraatln to ttrtdte say of aid <br />sni MralMaa agaes h> Aare a rststrsa apEoiatarttramd~i fsxefo~+~y wnh tine a~aeats aed maditiom of raid !load: <br />kd there is asy aLattdr ua of tits red snare matted 6trtsr, dP' sale ut whesteae, then !fat [mint <br />staved ffrik. n the tgtlien of Tire kAadablie fstrtldig and tsstm Arsoctrhaar of (,seed ltrtiaad, Nt:htaia, hewer[ iaamedaWy Sue and Peltayie 't <br />fttrtAer aotioe, ad ilR atttotrt raaee~ due taediet sad t+ord, aed airy othw bond to say adtfitimd trdtsawt toads tltrseuoder. shs@. frost the <br />deN d saerana of turd apaos, hate i%srtnt at the mseti~mt ~ rate, a~ thu natrtaade away then tx foret3oaad to aivf <br />hee~d,aedaaq otkiter lined for stfditittawf tatraeees, ritA dt etas pd Isy said fine 1~4+eta§te 13ttrldi~ sad Isom Ataoratioa of Gtaaal tsFrtd, <br />~ ::for tapmxtw, tateas std a~sptraa+. arod aAattatt~ caamsw c3ty~lea. tith - iatsreat tladeoa. ft'em awe of tmyvapat at t}~ tam <br />Aa m !tae wed aecasad htsehy, .aAde this retaaras in efface [he tttay bercafaa tdvaaoe addtllatd sum co the <br />aMlsea attad flsed, tltoir ataliret srs raereaadett is ietaxeae, whic8 srress shall be weltje the seta'aity of this tatrrtp~ the stet[ as the f S' <br />farm/ tfeselp, floe -tstaE areaet of paiaeiprl.dibiu twt eo [sued at sap time the wi~ai atooaet sd this mor~a®a. <br />ttMei tie 91'lt ~ "~ ~~ a. f)., t s 81 <br />• X11 <br />371[TE 9~ N6li$ifLi, <br />t'f~ tlE lfAl.C. ~ s. taAa thin 19th !fay ~ Jule f s 81- , 6afaae ter, <br />the + pis~l'drhe m sad far trd taeaty, ptasoeeffy as <br />?+ ~= kii P@.R'~elt3~e ~. X11, eaedr~ and aws>; rit,~lt and as sptxr$e Of <br />°1~ aZtt:. tsaaopdiytagrre to <br />aep t@ fan !fee ideaeiai pettsaa d€ vtStar aa~ a afY+trm w Ste shave ieetrtmaast a matlplFa a sad <br />tlta etitEarErLe~saa xs he ~Y ~!' <br />1r '~ ass read dead. <br />aY lard atad tdaattriad 3>hY tins afavattrd. <br />N~f"aaaiaaaa 1;-, ~YMattMii~ .~ <br />rnasrxa '1M"' ~ S1 ~ -._>. ~t~Gf.i~_-:= n.~ .r~~~~,=... <br />