Foy aos s
<br />g~"Q0322"~
<br />Lertder'a written agttieme[tt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage iaauratrce precaiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aoy amoutta diaburnd by Leader pursuant to this paragraph 7, with iateteat theretm, Mail btxome additions!
<br />indebtsdnesa of Htxrowu secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to othu tams of paytnem, such
<br />amatnu shall ire payable upon rwtice from Lander to Harrower rtgttestiag payrttent thereof, and shall bear intpeat from the
<br />stau of disbursement at the rate payable from lima to time on outstandhrg principal under the Noe unlace pipntmit of
<br />interest u such rate wand be comrarq to applicable law, im which event such amounts shall bear interest at the ingltpt rate
<br />permistiWe under applicable law. Nottdng crorttairted in this paragraph 7 shall requite Lender to incur anp ezpenee or taste
<br />say ttMitm heretre~r.
<br />E: Ear~ectfae: Lender may make or cavsa to be made reasonable entries upon end inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shelf give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reaaornbk cattx therefor related to Lender's
<br />€nterert in the Property.
<br />4. ('~, The proceeds of any award ar claim far damages, direct or concegtrentiat, in connection with any
<br />candemaatiat or othu taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby asigrred
<br />and shelf be paid to Lcatder.
<br />In the avast of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shah ice applied to the sstma secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, if say, paid so Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Btstrower and Leader
<br />otherwise agree in writing, then shall be applied m the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />~ is iNual to [fret proportion which the amount of the sums secured try this Mortgage imrreediately prior to the date of
<br />takir~ burs to the fair market value of ;he Property imtrrediate€y prior ro the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Ba7ower.
<br />Jf !fie Prxtperty is abandoned by Borrower, ,x if, afar notice by t_cndsr 1o Harrowu the; the cottdemtwr ofkra to make
<br />an award or stttlt a claim for damages, Borrower fails ro respond to Lendu within ~0 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Landis is autharved to collect arsd apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, ci[her to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property w to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless [xttder and Barraunr ashers'ise agree in writing, env such application of proceeds [o principal shall not extend
<br />ar protpone the due date of the moathh~ instsilments referred [n in paragraphs i and ' hereof or change the amount of
<br />such tnsnllments.
<br />i!, Yerrrsrer'.YM Released. E_xicnsion of ttte time far payment ar modi{ication of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by shin Mortgage granted by ixttskr t:t any successor in interest s+f Barrawer shalt net operate [a release, in any manner,
<br />Cho liabittty +~f the orrgmat Horrower and Horrs,wtr's su.^ccssars +n interest [ruder shall oat be required to comtrrence
<br />proceedings agaists[ such successor nr refuse to extend ume for payment .,r nthtrwisc modify amortization of the sums
<br />usured by rhix :Mortgage by mason of any demand made h}' t}te ::rigma) Borrower and &srreweis stsuessors in iniuest.
<br />I t. Prcitsssuce b' I<adtr Yet a Waiver. ,Anr fnrhearance by t ender in exercising env right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable taw, shalt oat ht a waiver of nr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procvrtatent of insuratxt or the payttxnt ctf razes ar :xher ?xres +,r charges M' tender shad urn to a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indeMedrtess secured by this Mant:a¢e.
<br />t2 Rtaeiles CwsdsHn. All remedies prttvrded in this Mortgage arc ,€isunct sad ;umuiative in any other right or
<br />remedy szttdet this Mortgage ar afforxicd bs° law ,-,r equity, and may Fze excrcrsed rancurnatty. independently ar successively.
<br />I3. Satceaws aN Asdgce, )losad: Jrdsr sad Several l iab~tr; ('splices. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contairr«t shaft him[. ern! the rights tureutsder shall more [a. the =.esptcuve uzcccssors ami assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjec4 to the provisions of paragraph t7 hereof. Ail covenants and agreements of Harrower shalt be joint and several.
<br />The captisms sad headings of the paragraphs „f this Mnrtgagt err for asnventence only and see trot to he used to
<br />interpret or stettne the provisions hereof.
<br />ti, ;Vrtkt• Pzcept far say no[±ce *egvited under appEXab€e €au t,: he given zn atsother meaner. fa) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for is this Mortgage shelf ttc given h:' ma:ling sssch entice t,v rrrnfftd mail addressed to Harrower at
<br />the ProPertY Address :u at such other address as Harnower ntav 'tA-segnate by naticc to I.cnder as provided herein. sad
<br />tbt any erotica to l.cmkr shalt 6e given Eri~ certtfied mac!_ carom rerttps requested. to [_ender'S addr~ stated txrtin or to
<br />trade alher address as Letxler may designate by txxi:e so Harrower as pravidcd heresy .Any natiec provided far in this
<br />Mrutgagc shah he deemed to have txen given to Harrftwcr cx trader whrn given in ittc manner designdied harass.
<br />t$. Uaitrs <:r*sreieg tssr; Sereety. Th;s form of mortgage combines uniform covenants for nations!
<br />use and [tat-uniform rns•ertaots with limited satistions by jurtsd;alien to cortuitette a uniform security instrument covering
<br />real property. This Mortgage shag be governed by the taw ,~' the tzarisdictran in which the Property is located. In the
<br />evem that arty proriaian cu cLuse of this Mortgage c:t zht tiute ccmfticis with applicable tsw, such eanflitt shall not affect
<br />other pmv,.swaa srf this Mortgage or the ^l.xt which can ~ gtven e$ect wtithaut the wntlicting prmision. and to this
<br />end the provisipria at the !vtortgage azsd the 'note are xicc[ared sn fst scveratsie.
<br />t(r. itarssrrai>'s C.r*s, Barrawer shaft tx furnished a itmtorrrted ,:spy of the Hatt acrd of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of uecvtion ar afar rerardatiat Mrtof.
<br />17. Ttttctster aE /Me ERepartY; Aassmpdeia, tf al€ or ,ray par, at the Property or an irtterera thcrtin is saW ar tranafened
<br />sty Beirrowu witbatt L.ertdu's prior written cattsent, exc€utting ;ai the srcstian of a €itn ar encumbrance stsbordina[e to
<br />;his Mortgage, ibt the ctca[im of a purchase mashy .security mttrtat far ttausehotd appiiartces, ic) a transfer by devise.
<br />sbtontt ar by operation of taw upon the death of a joist teaanz nr tdt the gram of any ltattt:hoM interest of three years ar tests
<br />rtoi containing an option to purchase. Lawler may. at Lender's option, declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />ittusediate;y due attd pryabte. Leader ahai€ have waived such ,+ptztm to accekrase it. prier to the sale or tramfer, Landis
<br />and the parson to whom tttt Prapertl is t4 be soW ar transferred reach agreetrrenr in writing [hsi the credit of such person
<br />is satlefacta}' to Leedu sled that the ia#exxsi payable on the sums secured by shin Mortgage shah ix at such rate as Lettdu
<br />shag-retpsCSt, tt i.eadu hsa waived the aptian to acctkratt provided in this paragraph t7. atxf if Barrowtr's successor in
<br />tntatgt has ezau[ad a written aasmtptitm agreeatent zeccepted in writing by i_tndtr. Lenskr shall release Borrower from all
<br />under [his Mortg~e sod the-Note.
<br />!f Leader eaarciaaa such o~ioa to accekratt. Leader ,hall malt Harrower notice s:f acceluaticm in accordance with
<br />prragt9tph t4 Ftareaf. Sttclt tsasiot: strati provide a period of net less than 39 days tram the dart the notice is mailed within
<br />which BQrraYMer maY pay the sums declared dx. !f Barrow:r faits ro pay such surest prior to the tzpiration of stu;h ;Zriod,
<br />Lert$er try, svi}ltatrt fttrtlrra ~xxe nr demand an Hornswer.:avake say remedies permitted b)' paragraph i g hertoE
<br />1'i~-11Ntirptas C`-ovtrxat~t'rs. titvttxrwar asu3 I.cudtr tutttttr cavrnans erns z~grae as fellows:
<br />tL AEglpeMesz 1~ t$aapf ss pcwiiti ~ P~RraPb i 7 lucent, upw Arrrewer'a blares of say eorsesat or
<br />eitgsa~t d issewtsea lot li4 7Mws~a, keitatiis* tYs eereerMa to pay •+hea drat gas sera seeiseed bs thM
<br />' its M issNssrtlisrr.sier tali srrtgn 6a Mrrawer rs prarided is paeagrapi 14 tureet slrscYyiag: (I) tlu brtacYt
<br />#~~r aslftr la care tirNt ireseit fit a dale. etp teas firs Jt daytt trots tke ttalr the artlfre b reYeti ro llasrewrr.
<br />i'f' +si~lt# sssi-iaeslt serest M etw@f sad fy tint fafiece to care secs 8rarcY sa or beEasrt tie drie gstiftd M the srseke
<br />eay! taewlft Le ~ eQ NMr tsaeat aseisat is eW Maet~e, fereciosenr by psecariirg sad gala st eke Peyerts.
<br />'ktaelYllaEtell Mier iaEstss Mesawar sE Ncs ~ ur ttirisale aNar secelraaiaa [tad t1u rygie tr syeA bt Chia feaaclinee
<br />!!sr aJ i dsEaelt era nos eNre- siairrtat eJ ^rrrewer is itt'aleratlre ~ faradereta. El ehr b(freM
<br />Is riM strops trsaa i>rirlr !ie dale sgttadtacl Is Uce adke. Leetsa tk l,eatrr's ppuiats rwss tetlree sll eE tie ~ sitcerlnd bs
<br />Mlfa A4+aMaw#+-Its ilea rat gZty.ltir widrsrct ftrtUoer dearest tri ,ass trtsaciate Icy hsiialst rarcet~sit.- I.eattr
<br />trk~ Olt rsrRlMkt to caNtet k srtdt ! sil ealrwasa rat teitsaircase, iaclatlsg, tree sal i tr. eosp et dretisreehrY
<br />r~tirtatr.,ttFll~sswk art tlRe rytserk
<br />' tkwaJtwrae!4.~ sa llttiaaaMa. ~arlstirsg !_eaK{er`s aceeterst~xtt rat the s:mts atrureti by tins Atssrtgage,
<br />atgtil hssae the tit to have arrY prottataaga txgsm ray Ltndtr to tntarct thss Mortgage diacantinuxd at any tittle
<br />