Fol:m sos s $1-OQ3225
<br />Lender's writrota agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amauM of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />rnsttner provided under pnragnph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by [_erttfer pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shag become addfdood
<br />indebtedltess of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Horrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymem, such
<br />atttounta shalt lx payatde upon notice from tender to Borrower rcqueseing payment thereof, attd shalt bear interest from the
<br />dam of drtbursement at the nm payable from time to time on outstanding prinripal utetkr the Note unless pa3tment o[
<br />interest at such ram-would tz ctxttrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permia~ble under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall retluire Lender to incur any expeeme or take
<br />arty action hereunder.
<br />$. i~tctisi. t.en~r may matte or cause to be malt reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that [,ender shat) give Borrower rrotice prior to any such inspection specifging reasonable cause therefor rNsted to Len~r'a
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9 Catsderrgtbp. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or rnnsequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property, ar part thereat. or far conveyance in lieu of condemn:lion, are hereby aasigtttxl
<br />and shad bt paid to Lender.
<br />In the went of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds ,hall fx applied to the sums secttrcd by this Mortgage,
<br />with ttre excess, if any, paid to Horrawer. [n the event of a partial taking of tfie Property, unless Borrower ate Lentkr
<br />otherwise agra in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is txiual to that proportion which the amoun! of the sums secured fry thi: Mortgage immediately prior to the flair of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the ptocteds
<br />paid to Borraarer.
<br />if the Property is abandoned hp Harrower, ar if. afer notice b}• Linder to Harrawtr that the condemnor often to make
<br />an award nr settle a claim foe damages. Barrawer fails m resparrd to Lender within 36 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorizsd to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property c[r to tht sums secured tsy this Mortgage.
<br />Unlns Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, any wch application of pt•<sceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />ar pastpotrc ttiz due date of the rtmnrhly insraflmrnts referred w in paragraphs f and ~ hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such inttallttrems.
<br />1!. OorrowN \IM Released. Fxttaston of the [tme for payment =+r madi6cauon of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Martgaee granted t±y Lender to any srtcroso¢ in interest of &~=mucr ehail eat operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the liability r!f tht arigiaat Harrower and Borrower's sucttxurz in interest L-ender shat! nut he requited m comtnencc
<br />proceedings agaitsst such successor or refuse [n extend tame i;+r ^avmert ,~r ;uherwise malift' amortization of the soma
<br />secured by 'his Monaage fry reason of any demand made by the r,ri¢tnal Barrawer and Barrowni s successors in interest.
<br />11. Parreararee by Itrder Nat a Wairn. An?~ faelxaranee by I erdrr in esercismg any right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />othtrwrae affartled by appiicabft (aw, shalE rot tse a waiver :~t nr prechtde the eurersc of ant such right or rtmtedy.
<br />The procurettteni tsf ittsurancc ar the payment of lasts :+r ~+thtr !;ens .u :.barges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender s
<br />right to arcelrrate the maturity of the :ndtbtrdrrrss s«c:t'rd by rhts lfortgagt
<br />IL RsateaWsa CtnrtsleNva Aq remedies pro^.=ded :n this tlongagt arc distinct and cumu!ativc to any other right or
<br />renxdy untkr this Mortgage or afforded by law .+r equnv, and may hr r~a-r:.c.f ~+nsvrrentty indeptndeml}' or successively.
<br />13. St•etewoa sad Aasigax Roast lOipt sad Several isaMBty: f'aptiaro. ~ihe covenants and agreements herein
<br />camatned shall bind, and the rights hereunder shalt inure ro, the respectste successors an<S assigns rf Ltnder acrd Borrower,
<br />subject to the pmvisians of paragraph t? !sercof. All covenants and agrcttttettts rf P.arrowtr shall Cx hole[ and xvttal.
<br />The captiar» attd headtnes ..: the paragraphs =+f thtx Mortgage arc f+r ~.mycnirnce ooh and arc nai to Ire used to
<br />tnterrxet or de5ne the provtsiatrs hertaf.
<br />ld. ~Iotiee. 1?tcrpt tar any naucr rcgaircd uadcr .tppiieahit law so t+t gtvrn ;n anathtr tnanntr, .at any notice to
<br />Borrewe: pr.t:dtd €ar .n :his Martgattc shafl rte rrsn `} mailing suc~: otn-.r by trrufru! mats addressed to Harrower at
<br />the Presperty Atl6rrss ~a at sti<tt <xhcr addms as Brrn~cr eta} de<rRnatt by native to # ender .tx pn~+vided heron, and
<br />tb) env nottct to Lender shalt t< gtvrn by _'rrtef~d nra~l. rrturrt ;^ce=pt requested, txs 1 endtr's address stated herein ar to
<br />such <=tt+er address :x txttder mat desagnatt by +txt [_= Fk:rc:.wr¢ as prevtdcd herein- ,ley n<usct pmvrded for in this
<br />?d<vteaitr shalt tse decttxd to have t+ccn g:vtn to fSarrnsstr er t ctxicr whin given in iht manner designated fierein.
<br />IS. Uaftorr J-taasnen e:oaeaiog [~s.t tievterarYlty. Thrs form ::i ms:ngagt cembirra ssmform covenants for national
<br />use and trop-umferm a=rtnams wrth hmittr! ••.rsatnrym h} a:rr.<tt.aian t=5 cettstitvet s tmiforrtt st4urit}° instrvmtnt covering
<br />teal progeny. llrra Martea<e shad f+e gavtrned by the law ;:_ ;frc :uricdactraa ir. which the Property is locaECd. In the
<br />tveot she! any prnveuc?n w ciaux ~>( this. Mortgage ,:r the '*l+ste ci>nlltits with applicable law, sva:h conflict shad not affect
<br />arbor provss~rs of this Mongaet ,+r the whes;h ,au he gr+ta tt~rit wrthout the ~smfliciing prt»ision. and to this
<br />crest the pravssi(amt a! the Mortea<e acrd the V We art :1c<3aresl w fx stvesabk.
<br />li, iarr~a+ta1 C'o't. Harrower shall fx fursushtst a ~«nfurnscd :espy a# the <rttt and of '.his Mortgage at the time
<br />of eaecvtian zN alter rasxdasiat tseteaf.
<br />IT. TraaAea sf Ire Aopesal Arrtsnpfisa. If aft or any part t~f ihr Property ar an mterext therein is sold ar lransferrtd
<br />bf Byre+war wttfawt I.tndeta prier wrtnr::Ntstnt. e>ittuding ra'r tfae creation at a lizn nr encumfrranee sufwrdinatt to
<br />the Altrrteagc, fbr tlsc creaeaan of a pvrcfraat money k:~usits =merest far hauselrald appfiancca, tc) a transfer by devise.
<br />dareeatt ctr !w operation of taw upon the death <*f a Eo:ai tenant car idt the gram of any leasehold interest of three years or leas
<br />ttq cotttasnine an option to purchase, Lender niay, at t endtr's ~•ptton, decfatc aH the sttmS sts;ured by this Mortgage fo be
<br />ritattstafaatth due sad payable. {.ender shat! ?*.att waived su.ts ~.~ptisxt ru a<:;;elerate if, prior [n the safe o>r transfer. F_endtr
<br />and the perssxt to wtwm the Properly is to rte sold ar transtcrred reasfi agreement to wntiag that the credit of such persatr
<br />n tat%sfactan~ to artd [hat the: ituerect pasabie en list sums ±ecured fry this Mangage shall be at stx-.h rate as Leader
<br />atrll regtreat, tf I,eaeler hu waived the s=pttan tF~ acctferatr providcaf to this paragraph :?. attd if Borrower's successor in
<br />interest has eanuied a wntten aStxmptton agreement ae:eeptcd in writing by Ltndtr. Ltndtr shall release Borrower from all
<br />oWigrtiona under thin Mort=tree at>d tfte Nate.
<br />If l..errder eaerciser. such <>Eunnr ro saeeleratt, Lender >haff mail &xrower notice of accekratian in accerdancr wish
<br />paragraph It bacon!. Stich esat~ce sisal} provide a ptrrcsd n( n.n !eYS than 30 days !ram the date the notice is malted within
<br />which linrtawer tray pay' the sutra slaciared dire. 1? Banvwtr iasls =o pay sorb <ums prior to the espirativn t~f wch period,
<br />l.uuier may, wrtlssnn further tto4tcs ar demand en Harrower. ;msdt any rtmedxx permuted by paragraph f 8 heroes!.
<br />Nowt-U~troaaa CowErsv n. Burrower sad Leader furihct a>vta.nt and agree as !allows:
<br />!!w. Atcaleeatlap; tiaraJias,~ ffaceea r prodded !p pasretapi I1 Mnro1, sllaw tiotrowar's bmtr of rpy eovepast w
<br />agpssstst of 11asr+swae 4 rids , latludipg the eoseaapta [a pay whop dre say sww scerred fry tNtt htesgptRSe.
<br />L~tsira kiss m acaAit<atlatr iW poi tttelice m Sorroster ax proridtd 6a paragrapr I4 trescel atpecitylre: ell the breaekt
<br />ft) Nee apMsr retptisad a case wtr WatiS t31 a dtitie+ eat less tlw 36 drys ftotp thr date the petit: b madsd b 0arroster,
<br />tq ssttitAt >trar reastr!-wN lee erred;. art Ni t6at [ait~e to csa[e salt tsreatr rm or ttetarr ere daft specSped m ere stplica
<br />ttrarel ntirie 8artaalraNart or ttrr stssts setrued sa err l9wgpaga, rtaretlaaarre kry iraiic~ peaeeed"rpg rri cads of tre r-oreslZr.
<br />lies rtitFta [Ara! isre6srx rrfotss llerapwer d rtes tigia to reiwatYe attar arratesatiea sad ere rlgrt to crest ~ rte rtareelearrtt
<br />~tterrgNt!g t3rr asroeaieate d a dsirdt a cry er-ta derttsre tat IMrrowtr m ataxleratAwt sad foteckrtpra. If ere breatl•
<br />is aaA etrsati rtes a tttstaas tlrs d~ grtiiNt/ m tress aWice, l.cadn at t.trdee'a apNow ptaX declare trA1• d rho ttarat taecured bF
<br />afpr Ii+ta~y!gs w rs 6rtwdisipttl• dtss sad patakie rpreat rtartlru daraaatt sad trrx twtactaea bF jttiieiW praaxdiag. t.eadsr
<br />tAtslM M etMi4ad M tatlets 4 wet psweaxdiitre of ttapepsaa of frsrplsarre, hutrdrrg, btw sot Htnlrad to testa of doctrrea4rs
<br />evtdsrst~ le and #Yra twitnh.
<br />tt!t, lltsstalnsit'n teAg>tt is tl<le. 'tieuwitbararsdrne F.ttxter`s a-.celtrati?n ,hf rftt .urea sccvrtd f±v thrs tiartgagc,
<br />parrop~tt s7aaU have thtk riehi to have ang prt?ca>editrgx fsagtus lay Lender tss cn#arcr tarts Atzsrteage rlisronurtated at any nme
<br />