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81-- t1(l321~3 <br />Leader's written agreemrnt or applicable law. Bottowtr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided tmdcr paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any arttoutrts disbursed try Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intettst thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Bottawer snorted by this Mortgage. Unless Battawer and Lender agree to other terms of payrtrent, such <br />anrorints shall be payable trpem naritt from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest fttim the <br />dace of disfRrroetaerrl at the rate payable from time to time on atrtstandhtg principal under the Nott unless payment of <br />interest at sash rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at Ehe highest cYfC <br />perrnitapbte tinder applicable law. Nothing ~titaised in this"paragraph 1 shall-rcquirt [_ender to incur any expense ar take <br />nay Selina henatnder. <br />0: Ltndtr may make or cat>.se to be made rtasnnahie entries span and inspections of The property, provided <br />that Leader shat! glut Borrower nrMice pion to any xtich inspeetian specifying rtasanabk cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />4. Cam. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damaers, direct ar mnstquential, in conaectktn-with any <br />tandaRrnatrnn or other pkirtg of The Property, ar part therrof. nr far ctmvtvanct in {ieu of condemnation, are htteby assfgrted <br />and ;r-~11 be paid to [.ender. <br />[n the event of a torsi iakittg of the Property. the prer;~ds shall be applitd_ to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with [ht excess, if ariy, paid to Borrower. In [ht event of a partial taking of the Pmptm•, unless Borrtswtr and Lender <br />ofherwist agile in writing, there shall he applitd to thr sums secured ray this Mortgage sucfi propartian aC the pmceeds -. <br />as is equal to that praprsrtian which the amount of the sum. orated t+y this Marteagt imnudiattly print in tfie daft of <br />taking tsars to the fair mukeT vahu of the Property rmmtdiattly prior to the dart of taking, wish the tsalance of the proceed <br />paid to &rrrYtwtr. <br />tf the Prtprertg is abardaned hY Bnttawtr. ar if. after ssatict by Ltndtr to lkrrmwer that the condemnor otfera to make <br />an award ar nettle a claim for damages: Borrower fails ua rrspand to [.ender within tp davs after the dace such rrotia is <br />mailed. Ltrrdct is atrtharimd ra collect and apply the pmeccds, at [ztxkr s optitm. either to resttrrariort ar repair of the <br />Property ar rn the sums scci#sed by this MorrRapt. <br />L/nttsx Lender and Btxrower otherwise agree in writing, ant such appiicarinn of prtx~eeds to principal shall nos extend <br />of postpone the due dart of the rrstxtthty inatailmcnts refrmd to in paragraph< l and ~ Fiertcaf nr rharrpr the amatmt of <br />sash irsstallments. <br />!i. Bastwser Net )tlelear~t. [:ztenxaan of the stmt `ar payinertt ssr m*adificanon of amn_rtiuuon of the sums taxurcd <br />hY this Mortgage granitd Ise t_cmder tc artY str:reszar ~n intrrts± rat Barmvetr ~hatl nai operate to release. in any manner. <br />the liatntixv cal the nrigina6 Barrawtr arsd Bnrrrnvtr'; 3uccexsnrs ¢n interest. tender shall oat lac required to cmnrrttris-e <br />proceetiiags agaaetxt such su~Ye~at nr refuse to rxtend rtmr '4sr s avment ,u .ather?x•ist mculifv amortization of the soma <br />aerated try this Martgagt lrv reason of anY ttemaruf malt be the .sri¢:nsi Harrawtr and Bormwcri sticctssars in interest. <br />11. Iraalsararee E+y [.esier'Yd a W>dstr. anti fnrt+earart;c by t.endtr in esrrctsine env riehi ar reme<Iv lretevndrr, ar <br />fi,ja,~„w„jaain,..shall oat he a wa err ~:! ..r veclzidt the erercrse .f ans~ such right nr remedy. <br />'The prnjo" a!i#atrrs~e ~lcyaatrlncnT of rases ,ar thrr l~rn r i'aarues I,y 1 ender shall oat t+e a vraiver of lender's <br />right eta ~ ~ '~~.tssdebitdrcess 4ccrasrd -.Y .hav Ltc ngaet. - <br />1L ~aam..+t+it+mnttilits praerded n .firs 'slirt{ta}trt ;arc Irsnnct and coma#ativc to :any nthrr right ar <br />remedy nnrkr tfin ~lorigage rx adarded kR° +rw •.r evw+t- .rod m:i'< M cecretsee, xtrnrurrrntiv. indttrendenriY nr cuectssiveiY. <br />t~. ~tarctarss arad Aaalpa itwsri; Joiwt anal tirserat t.tablNtt: C'sytiaaac. I~rr ~nvenams aa:d agreements brrcin <br />awntmreest s1taA 1»rrd, and the rsgtrts hrreunrckr sfaa2l ,oasts tc, the rrx~:~trtc sucrc•w.+rs anal ssrgns e~i l costar and Boet±swer. <br />subject to rht provisions of parzaraph i" !!crest lit .awe=rams anti atrrtmene- .rr Harr;ewer shall hr mini and several. <br />T?tc s.•~ttrMa and headrngs of the paraarapks .:d Chia M.*rigage zrr r.~+r :s':sremecn~r •.;rvis ..rnf .:rc ntx ,n f+e used io <br />intt[prtr. ar tkfine the provtxicurs hertstf. - - <br />11., NNice. [?ataX{rr far any twtu:c rcq;rtrrd urrdtr zppiit able Saw ::> lee .-:van ,~ arasnlrer manner. +at anv notice to <br />Borrower proved far =n altis Martgaat shall fx ~;=-•n sg n*.at=sn;, , •~~h _... - ..._.t:;;rte` mat, atk:scssed t, Rarrar~er at <br />the Property Addrcsn .ir at su<h .xhts xddress .rs tkttr«++cr '1"9Y dtatgnatr'i^r -:,,rxc t.a ! order .as prr.-vnitd herein. and <br />t7r} ant troller to t_easkr shall let green fix ~r#rf~d ma,l r±icta-„ :tcnr.?t -equcaerd. *.• ! ender'",. addrrss stated tutrin nr to <br />ayelt ether address as i,emkr may dtsrgttate hti sscrtre ?:- Hzarr..sacr as ^a=v:d:d txrrraa- inp oasis-e provrdut for in ihrs <br />Mortgagr sfffill oe eaecrrxd re havr vr€n gsvety rrr Fkxn>y,tr ,ar 7 rt ~r w~ at*sn to aka raanrre= gnated herein- <br />t5. Uzadors'Wsel~r; Carrsserwlea [.awl lfars>rrtdr~l9. 7?z:- ?==can ,:f :rn.-arae;r , n.nMries rararfarm <e.venanrs far natir nai <br />oat atxt rauta~ainitotrn cavtnantp uitb Przn~ttrt4 4artata!?tts fi+s a~.~rs:ktra~n ;:; ~=.nsittaara a sndarrs u.urrrv i2strurnent c.avering <br />real property. T1iis Mori;age sTrulf !rr ~a+=crnrd f,4 rkr lau .,t rise ,un++l,ct~-ova ::r a-hick fix Pmprrty n locatrd. fn the <br />eveai ihi.t any prcvixrian <>t tlattst t+t this 41, rtgngr ..r the w+xsc ..•nrl.._:s x; xzh 1P1riaGeE>;r 'raw. strvfi s xrtlect ;hail nut atTttt <br />other prc;.ivesni r>{ ?.bra filtsrtgage .rr tare 'V~.ic <lsntr tau hr a:ca;r, rt3cct '~n?±„r,r ±tx ce,nrlu ung pn,ti.ion. and to this <br />~,d the pra~i+isinark of the Mort;sgr acrd rice '~etxe are :kiiarcd r.. tar stscrai+lt <br />16, I~teower'a Ctrpry. ttorrr~trt shall t±c ie.:c n-+lrcl> E.+nfr*r rracd :apps .rr tkt ~tntt and ..f rhra titorigagr at th+_ time <br />sal tsuel,utrart cu after rra~ordatbn fitrtaf. <br />1T. 'i7eatlar of the t?sgaelt; Ir ail .•r any pact .af rlrc Prtaperty .rr art rntrrest ihtrem rs saki er tnrtsferresi <br />by Borraaxtr .vthc+ut Lender's prix written ~tistact>t_ raalaxtnrtt 'er eke ;re~riaxe =:f a Irra ai mctrrisbraiict subordinate to <br />tars Ittartgt~}e, ,rte} ttu trertirxi oaf a psirvhasc naaiseF u+~asnty ~.-.irres, err k.wseh..-rlst appia=asrxs, tci a trans€cr by devise. <br />dOSZ:aai car by s'yrera#ioti of last upon sire :lea#h .;f a nmi recant rv .~ she ecarta .ir any ,eescksald :nrerexr aaf thrtc grata ur less <br />oat cstt>Itainia* an oQtioa to purs;haat. L,cndw tans, ai l.erttlt: +.::ptrcats, drx~#arc ark <hr -rsnis stee;rtd h5 rhrs Mvrtgagt ro ht <br />riarpertta#Cty ttrtt and payable, lesdtr shall bast +a:vrl 5.a::7 ayart7ri r:> a..:.eltrate tt. prior t:a ttre ;ate or trarufcr. lender <br />anal Fic prrwn to arbors the P,vpt#ty is ic{ tx stsl•J cr iratixttrrrd. reach .agrtrrneni =n -+r:trng :bar tlic 4rttfit of sixh person <br />at aati~'acttuy to t.sndcr sad that tlx irsttrtst pxrabk cMa ht Burris sti:+itd he this '+fai#gage .tzall he at suety raft as Leridtr <br />akatl if Ltadar het w,yred t[ae rrp<a3n to acceftr:tt pre*i:ie>f io ihn paragraph 7"r, attd if Barrawtr'x succtsaar iu <br />ialNes~t Am execuae#t a writsesi aarrtanpiiaa agtttiittat as:'tpred is arrtang try Lender, tender shall release Borrower from all <br />oirtigrrei#rpa under [his Mortsatae and tilt irate. <br />It t.ewdat txmcifex Stich •-'PUOri to ac:elttaxs, ferit6tr .lsall ina,s lit.'rrower nrrtis:t of aceelexaTeKin {n ac:ardancr with <br />paragsapti SO htamt. 3tsch rratue stall }sscxs+dt ;, , tr><~d <tf a?u; in; ;?eMS: ?tt da.R~s .'rem the dart she irotict is mai[cd within <br />8ustawsr i pa7 the states do+3a tf i~u.:veer Ea,13 ra paY~ {: snttta prior r, rl!e cxpir°aUan at sesfi periad. <br />[.ea$ar snag, widsosa fita'ither tiairce ?r dtstrarsd c?n lksrrowar. ;nvsa4.c asy rrnrrcties ~rrnr#tttt lry paragraph i 3 ktstaf. <br />-l'rktat.€lxxtrsraa~s E',os~rrwrrzs. Betrosr~; aixt f_endet furriiet' z~a>vr.nant noel agrrx as lnltawx: <br />t~. s ]1Lsssr!!E as prrasided 4 gasa~tsgtp t7 learevf, apa>r )lorrewers bsesch of racy casptud ar <br />a®ratnrirt of iwsweet i Ala + tecieiirftg der coaswwM re par}; wpn doe uj saatxx xetaxed try l4k <br />E.siiar psirr l- aCadpta~i! #ia; ntaY wipes iQ tiaCSewst as pare+ilkr4 i4 pwa~h td barest ~lsig:_ (1T tlae Uasacb; <br />lit sis agar ~ tz stars apafs inirtc~t tai a tfaae. last rasa start ae drays true rite dark tits warless ~ to !larrasver, <br />tt/~+sftci ssac#t lastri aaatpl is ca4Pad1 r#art tfi tttrat fixdtwt iw crate stacir betacA uw er bafant ttaa drk ~ iw lira aotlct <br />nasi8 li ~i at tits aaraaa aaclcead AX tills + frrec3astuvt ig fudieifi ~ card ask of daa Ptrprarly, <br />t~lr tsaakt ai~ri ft11lia! 141ra~ i el dal rt~,Al io sskttiWRa aim atcdtcstiew aid tAa rgpirt W anneal ba ttew ftrraatatwt <br />ttit ~ of s - at ~ srliet didiaaxa of 1Nwrruwcr to txoraitxattear arxi fwates~twtprge, tf ria tweae~l <br />5 artl rrixd ea st i >slat, rL~ ~ is dta awttca, f,atniar at [~adax!'a oPtwn mr!' itat~! a~ ~ >~e tragawt ssexireaA fay <br />ills M it iaraai~at#i>ifi ire ard: t saif~aewaf faer~er drtaaawd awd trsag tesactesot iy ~ t.sgNea <br />xljt~ be aaM4latt as t•+t~irtN it atrcJi,;titaata~a~tti~ al! + nd festmetaaara, ~ bw wol tipMAatt te, earls ref daxi~rg <br />wlr*aartar tam ara<dtir tryrpap,, <br />3'!: ll~varatrt ~ is ~ „itas+itandirtg Letxtri's a.€~r~atarn <rt tltt air ,atad by this h4;artgalit, <br />at~$ lsxo-e tAa x to lravn-awq tregws erg t.tnder-tee eatat~e ryas Mrrttgagc diisxitttnaati at any tines <br />