<br />Graatox and Grantee agree that Grantor shall have the right to-pave over
<br />the eesamtent area, and use the easement area for parking ~d ingress- sari.
<br />egress. If the construction, iaspectian, ma9.nteaaace, regain, reglacemeett,
<br />extsnafoa, removal, ar operatiata of such underground electric utility-3ines
<br />or other appurtenances cotmected therewith, requires the remnva2 or displace
<br />went of such. concrete or asphalt gsrltiag areas, the Grantee agrees to replace
<br />such items, and restore the surface of said easement area as soon as possible
<br />to its nrigSnal caaditian as iC existed iamrediataaly prior thereto.
<br />All electric utility lines, cables, taarminals, transformers, surface
<br />markers, and ether appurtarnaaces placed la, upon, above, along, across,
<br />~eaderaseath, and through !such easeraf#at shall remain the property of the
<br />Grantee, and aay ba resaova•d ar replaced at any time.
<br />i$FE Grantor, for i.tael£, lta belts, ~uccgssora, and assigns, hereby
<br />raveaants chart the rights and priuilsgea ;eerscin s~ranted aisall rim with the
<br />titles tsz rur#s tract ~f hand, asst shall tzs 6iadiaig upon the Grantor, Sts
<br />heirr, ructersars, rnd uraigars.
<br />
<br />'.B,A~ ISf,~ (xX;7`fi~T4S i:UII.G'L:iC~ ASSOC[A'TZilti, ItYC.,
<br />Bahr :ak$ ra>r~n_ . ~=1 r .;: rraratiar,.
<br />GrikR.'~'fi1R,
<br />s.
<br />_ ~
<br />S~A~ t?#* 2463EA+a~A
<br />sa
<br />+~ i3i tlt[i.l. )
<br />bn this _ day ui -- ~ts.~.. 1382. bariore wee the under-
<br />siped, a 8atary P~lic fa Aaad far said Gaunty and State, personally agpatarcd
<br />,,_esrw F. Ana~rsctn _ „_„_..~.,,.__..* ~ecretsz~ Trarasurer o€.
<br />G I81iJa~8 ~UG'i'4~ b1:lS.paL2aG AS~C2a1TIt]!t, .l4G., a Rtebraaka can-~raEit curpnr~zion,.
<br />.tat .art kemra ~rsemtll~r ~ tea eucda officer sad t3~ idata[ical p+srsaa wtaat ~igt~d
<br />Ch4r farming Esss~aat, an@ what ackcrav:cdger! that ,sxscutSon ehsreaf tas his
<br />~eitsr!' act a€asd dcsd as sex3t {,fficer grad the valaattary act and deed of said
<br />ieporartirart. a tEtat. its caepaessta seal +rate therlta a€fised by proper autEaarity.
<br />~8 aqr ?rand sad £totarial 3eatl that dst w r'3cten. i
<br />`~
<br />Notary Fub1i& `
<br />D > »~saii~
<br />!, ,.
<br />