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<br />ASSIGNt4E'NT OF' llEEb OF TRUST }'s
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<br />Ki1o~ a11;'-inen lay these p.-esents, that MORTGAGE PLUS I13CORAORNTED, f.or ,
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<br />and-eet aver unto
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<br />3I1 ric,~ht, title, interest,--claim of c3e~r#ancl of saic3 t30RTGAGT± ?LUS
<br />3rATCPJt2Pfli2R`T'E'D in and- to~hat certain txust. a2zdJcr mortgage da~~d ~Jnc23m- z-
<br />beriny land situates in the Gooney of kiaT1. State of
<br />2SSka , and.reco-riled in fife office of Clerk an3
<br />x~ciizder'c~f said CauYZty, whzaFs trust and/ar mortgage doed is dasGrih~.~
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<br />TOGETHER, with- tYcc notos tl:e~`c.i-n dcscrit~~d, an4i the snaney r3eie and to
<br />become ~3ue thereon, including i~~terest, attorney's fees and ehargES.
<br />I!4UFi`3'GAGE PLUS ZF~£t3RI+l77TtlYTci~ warrants that it is the legal. owner of s~Yid
<br />tzu~t acrd~'or rr~ortgage and the ndtes secured. herekey y:~d has fu~.i right,
<br />z,~er artd autkzozity to transfc~- an:3 assign saic3 !-rout and/dr mortgage
<br />deed anti tht Hates aeeruuc3 Lh~rc~by.
<br />IH !?~XTN~SS caLi€:i:Et}F, the fis:st parti~ has hereunto caused these _prese~nta
<br />to Ys~ ec~ted key its respective officer tt2ereunto duly aut_h~~rrized this-
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