<br />therein, including recitals concerning any mailing, personal delivery and publication of the notice of default, any mailing-
<br />arutx the publication and;;gosting of notice of sate,.attd the conduct of sale;-and such recite! shall constitute -prima facie
<br />evidence- of such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of bona fide purchasers and encttmtirancers for valtte
<br />and wstuE`,t~tCe.-.'~lte trusE~'r, deed sitall,apeaste to convey io the purchaser, without tight of redemptlen, the:#ntstee's
<br />3itia i.stli tiglt>,..tftle,: intd claim of tie irustQS-and his successors in.interest~ and of all persons claiming-by or,
<br />t~ or index-them, in and to the property said, including all-such right, title, interest and: claim-i:t and to Stich
<br />property- acgttited by the tntstor or his successors in interest subsequent to the execution of the trustee: The trustee shall-
<br />- appty the ptriceeds of the tntstee's sale, first, to the cost and expenses of exercising the power'gf-sale, and of-the sale;
<br />itsclttdirtg the gaytrtent pf the trustees fees actually incurred not to exceed the amount- which may be p~mvided::for in the
<br />.trust deed,, second,-la payment of the obligations secured by-the- trust-deed, and ttie balance, if.any; to the petr;ott or.
<br />persons legally e~etitled thereto.
<br />And the 'Trustee covenants faithfully to perform the tntst herein created.
<br />~BErI~FfiClAlt1` may froth time to time substitute a successor or successors many -Trustee named heteitt or actittg.
<br />htnsuruler to exewte this Trust Dred. Upon such appointment and without conveyance to the successor Trustee, the taller -
<br />shaft be vestet! with all title, powers, and duties conferred upon any Truster herein named or acting hereattder: Each -such- --
<br />appointment and substitution shalt be made by written instrument and executed by Beneficiary, containing reftrence to
<br />this Trust I)tct! and its pla~-e of recortl, which, when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the caun#y or
<br />counties in which said property is situated, shall he canchtcive proof of proper appointment of the successor' Trustee. The
<br />foregoing power of substitution and the procedure therefore shall not hr exclusive of the power and procedum provided
<br />far by law far the substitution of a Ttvstee or Trustees m t hr place of the Trustee nr Trustees named herein.
<br />The waiver by Truster or 8enefciary of any default of Trustor under this `trot tamed shalt not he or be deemed to-tie
<br />a waiver of-,arty other or similar defaults subsequensly occurring.
<br />Thus Trust Deed shall inure 4o and bind the hrsrs. legatees. drvssres. administrators, executors, successors and assigns
<br />of the parties hereto.
<br />The Trust C}eed Sham Par cumtrued accardtng~to the Cawx ut the Mate +~f Nrbrsska_
<br />The Trustor regtrsts that a copy of any notate sf dntaunt and :af any .nat:cr of sale heretttuier be anailcQ, to biro by
<br />6-ertified train at the address herrinhe€arr set tctrtnt :and evtdtn:e ~~l .uch mailing,hai! constitute evidence of receipt of
<br />such tt~tic:e.
<br />~~ Truxtot represents and warrants that the atx±ve drsGtiP-ett reef estate tz ncrt used for an agnt:ultirat activity.
<br />'~
<br />Wttrrevrr the ~iTntext <a requtm, stngular wan#s .bait `+e ~onstntrd in the plural acrd vier versa, and the maswt-
<br />1?r shalt be stYrt~sur~o andude a trmanattr and vtee vef~.
<br />~(tV ~M?fTNE~i lEll~it)F. the`l~tat~pr has hrrruttto set hrc hand the day and year first above written.
<br />,s9 s
<br />~ _ ref "~
<br />r-t >, w TRL!5TCIR Lbtaild L. ~rccklor
<br />~ ~ - ~ w- ~.
<br />-fit"
<br />IiSTOR ' Aazut3ty A. ~Far~cklatc
<br />sT?l?'EETF _._._....~~...._.___s..._. ~SS.
<br />C.`tl!tfh1TX-t?~ ~ L~asseer -
<br />~efeit`c ttie, a't#otary Public., qualirted by said county, personally game,.,. 9Qnar~i4 ~. Kiracklr~r ___._.~_-and
<br />_.,....~~~".1~..~.~„~... ~__ known to mr t+a 1}r the idrntiran presents) who signed ttte foregoing instromrnt
<br />anti atktwwl~igcd the rxeszitia>tt thereof to he his, het or their vofu d deed. N?itness my hand and Notarial Sea!
<br />~~' _t)aFtfraL~pKta i'-r t!iFCti ..-,...-...._,~~-.,._., _,.., - L~Q'eTf. ~'~~_ _•.___..___..,.___.._.._,_.~.
<br />'`I[7TAltY PLiBL1C'
<br />~` ~ ~~
<br />~t C1~i11 ~f Ivf .Sr'nSh;{t,. ltd.
<br />Ut tttst`rgu ~± ~ E~laiDZ
<br />