<br />SHORT ~~~ loan Number____ 4e98~,._ _41___ Lb. _.
<br />PROPBR'i'Y iMPROV6MEPIT s..~oe tyr.
<br />FoR7r Mo. 2i i (Atv. 12lsia
<br />~.~.~L ~S'~'t~T~ 1t~C~RT~AGE
<br />TE~tT .?~~X..kris...kstr.8ti:x.....a.sis~le_.~rat~a,_.._.._.-----_.._ .........................._................._..._...............
<br />6ereiaalter tilled Mortgagors, iat canaideratlon of the som of.Three _Thousand_.Fivg-_Hun~red..~f}~...QQ/100
<br />{$ 3500.00 } IJOI.I.AR9; the receipt of which is h~ebv aclmowledged, da hereby MORTGAGEE
<br />and CONVEY aA absolute title, iacladi~a~g all the rights of az@atead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, its succeastus and assigns, the following desraified real estate, ~tuat~ ia.-Ha7 f .._ ....................
<br />County. State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />not Pone y), ir. BlocicSeventeer. `1'j in Baker's addition
<br />rG tfFe ..,..L;J v~ r~~:nd 1'n_3nC _ '.3 '..? ~Oti: t~ ie~F3a'~& .
<br />'~ I'i1iVE ANI3 TO IiOI.B the Teal e8$atE abOVe described. with 311 a~gll;tCnaltCeB tlteleUntO
<br />h~iag oats thtf said Mortgagee, forever. rrvided always, and this mortgage is upon the ezpresa con-
<br />dition that if the aforesaid I+iortgagors, -their heirs. executors. administraiaaa or assigns stall pay or cause
<br />to be paid is the said Mortgagee. i:a sutx~are or assigns, the priacipaI sus hereinabow set forth, all
<br />aecozdiag to tlm rector and effect of a.rcrtaia installment note of said 3ortgagors bearing even date with
<br />this rrmrtgttge, and shall pay tales sad aseee~nta levied upon said Teal estate, and a)i other fazes, levies
<br />am3 scents levied urn this awrtgage or the sate which this raQx~#[e is gives m secure. before the
<br />sarase or any installa>tent thereof becoaces delinquent. than this mortgage to be coil otherwise to remain
<br />is full farce.
<br />I't' I$ FI3RT'fiES AGiTEED (1) 'Phat it the said Mortgagor shall fail to ppay such faces, the
<br />'.Ma may pay the saner and the ~ sa atlvaneed with interest shall be paid by said Ivlortgagtsrs,
<br />aadrtt3tis w~ge aha0 stand as racuri'ty for the sarn6. f2) 'I'trat Mortgagors rnr~enant with the Mortgagee
<br />that tltaey are wiully asixed of said rcel cetate and covexeaat to vrasrant and def~td the said real estate
<br />against fits lawful claims of all persons wlmmraever_ 43) Thai is case of a foreclosure of this mortgs8e,
<br />the plsintiB in such proee+adings shall he entitled to take pawn of the premises, protect the same and
<br />collect the rents, iarates-sad pra&ts thereof. (4) That a ailE ' ore to gay any of said money or any install-
<br />aient tisee+eof wheat the sauce betxrxtce due, ar a failure to comply with any of the toregoutg agreements,
<br />st!aFl muss tl~ whole sum of money herein sec~taixt to become due and rnllectihle at once at the ogtioa of
<br />tlta Mt>rtgagee.
<br />TfiAZ+ISF$R OF THS PROPERTY: A3SU:4IPTION, If ail or any grit of tlae Property or an
<br />iafte~test tis~+ein is std or transfeszext by ?tiiortga~or withtuft ~Aortgage+e a prior written coaseaat, ozcludiag
<br />(a} the creatiar of a I'tea or astxtarhtartce snhardamte w this Jlartgage, (b} tlfe txewtioa of a gumlfase
<br />y eect~aeri~ty iateaest for hated ap~1~ (c} a tntnefez devise, deet:errft oz by opesatioa of few
<br />uptara tiM death of a joist tenant or (d} -Y~ grunt of say l+eaasho~y interest of three years ar Ieaa not oon-
<br />taa~ t~p~'m~g ~ ~ ~r#~a~xah~, aC 14Sortgagce's aptiors, declare aIl the surer secured hp this
<br />If Mice exceciaes suclyd option to aeoeterate, Mortgages shall mail Mortgagor notice of
<br />and arui- notice shall paevide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br />malted rvithita: whidf ~ may pay t#aa sums t#eclazed due. If Mort~gor faits to pay such soars-prior
<br />to tlfa apitataRn of smacit period, Mortgagee a~fay, withtrfat furflaer notice or deaatsafd on Mortgagor, invoke
<br />the power of arks sad any oticea eel perasstted by applicable law.
<br />3igreed this.. ilat~lt....day of...........~ac3e- - -.. -- ----........---•----...._..._._..---......-----, lf!#~.........
<br />`- •: `, '
<br />!iary ~ancea $ora[er
<br />~1'A`Iis CrF
<br />__.._?...._..,.,,,.._..___,.t~esty. ~ ~
<br />6#a tttia.._ I.~___ dap at ~...._~un~..____._.-, lff.~~. tesfuru are. thr aimd. a Ndary /. ra and fmr
<br />8aa~a~ +:~X-•..~r~..~t'~~~i,'.a._a...s3,~3=...L~?&f4{t~......~....._...._._.._..___._.~.._......_..._.»
<br />t is a-a ~ 4s the ids w,tiur- urairr ~ aid fA the a stud twer@eins iafrtirvumint. as
<br />sgasrs sad +, ~ said t ro be tds sr lr+rr valaatary ac! sad. doad.
<br />fir qtr ~et~~~ trstarial asst wi.,_.... Y~1 ~Ss'„~,,,at#,~_ ~tbrt~a~icre . _..._.. _.,..__.._.., .....,..,
<br />t ~ .
<br />aaytrsw.._ .._.-. , Nairry
<br />'"~ fiir ~t~rifss ',
<br />