1V~GR'TGAGE $1"ooals~
<br />This mortga~ made and entered into this 18th day of June ,
<br />!9 81 . by and between #'rortt:ier Properties Corp.-
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} attd Corrtmtrciat National f3ank and Trust Company
<br />~ rnierred'to:as.
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of htasirtefis at a2d w. Thlyd stnaetmG3rattd Islatad,
<br />Half County, Nebraska.
<br />Wt7rt>~rtt, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknaarled~d, the ttbrtgagaF
<br />doers hereby mortgage, sdl, #~tutt, atstgA, and convey unto the mortgagce, its stlea~ors aced aafif~-alT. s>f the fe71-
<br />lowing described property shtaated and bring in the County of xall
<br />Stott of Nebraska
<br />7t~t Seven (7J, xallos Subdi.visian, ir, the City of Grand Island.
<br />rlebraska
<br />together with off the tetxrrxnts and appurtcnancrs thetetif he#anasng, a#f the rents, issues and profits thereof, and atl
<br />tat~asrenrs, rights, royalties, tttittrial, z»# and gas rights and prafts, rata, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />aH heatittg, f?fumbinB. refrigeration, #ighttna, equrpmrn[ arul all fitrures +?t even' description helanging to the
<br />tsscsngagor now or hereafter attached thereto or usN ;n ~onrurttan with the premrsrs herein described and in addition
<br />[fxreto the fa##awing d~-ti#zcc# properties which are and s#~1S t~ deemed to C}r fittutt~ and a pan of the realty, and
<br />arc a portion of the secttnty for the indebtedness herrtn state[t_ #lf Wane, ~zate "natx"# *ione
<br />To have arrd as hold the carne unto the 4funttagee, as herein pravide[#:
<br />Tfse martgagor is lawfu}ly seized aced passesscd of and has the rigltz to sell and Convey card profxrty; that the
<br />same is free from aft ertvvmbrartces C~Cep! aS hereinabovc recited; and that 3~fortgagor ,osenants to warrant and
<br />dtftwtd the title aforesaid thcresa aced nrry p~ait thrreof against the clatters of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This instrument #s given ro secure the payment of a promissory store dattd ~ ,Tune 18. 1981 _ _l__-~.
<br />in tfrt prirtcipai sum of S 4§ax~, :~._._ __._ ~, iigassl b7' _;^,€€>nald A. ?truce and Gerald G. Cas:ttaney
<br />in btdssdf af _,.,_..~._~.,~___..__,_.__.FZCanzier Pro~ertiss Corp.
<br />afro, as such tuxc or rates tray from Gme to rims be modified, renewexf or exrettded in writing.
<br />In tAe event the tiffs to said real estue is transferttd, or conuatted to be transferred, From the underzigned tar any
<br />ru~+aB of by auy menc~td wttataarver. tt~ cnrirr pri~ipai Burn atui aecrued tnte[est 5ha(f at emcee bccamr due and
<br />ptttStabfe at the election of the hol~r hereof. Failtue to exercise th#s option bewttat of vansfer of risk as above stated
<br />is tree lmnattce shall tuts tonstitttte a waiver of the r#;fst to etercise the same in the event of any subsetluem transfer.
<br />1. Ttx an[utptgor c9veaastra atui agrees as fattotvs:
<br />a. Te prtxatpAfy pay the i~tuua e+idertcsxf by said protffiissory rate at the t#tr¢es and to the manner
<br />t~-pearide6.
<br />fa. 'f c city aU tatter, assrnents, water rates, and othsr
<br />gavernmentas or tnunicipa# c#targes, fines, ;±r
<br />test wft;tdt provishxi Naas not baort made here#nbefore, and wi#1 ~amptly do#iver the ~,frieial rrcettu+
<br />tutor tc ttte raid taortg,
<br />c. T`o fray 'ach G`?tttet~t3 and tens as mar l±e irtcurr~erf in tPte ptate..rim and mttit,tcreettCe cti card- p°a,z•c*'•
<br />tfar fees of era} atwrttey etnp#v}t4 tw the ttbtsrrgag~ fm [he cof;~a-stern zit and cx al# of t#tc indet+€rdne~.=
<br />hcr€bv sritttaid, €u t,x r~ i;xwurr ?se €urrtrtpagca's saalc. +-~r etnart pruercdings, ix in crest c+th~a l,ts~rstt is tt :rr tit t~ s't'tl:tt
<br />affrt.t+ng zatd t+r>it~rrt~
<br />