<br />8 .~ - i1 C13 I $'1
<br />_=ncc>t>st~n,:~ s-tiF1~, 1_:~-rson
<br />KNQW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That =__._:,_. __,__ _____ ______-_._, hereinafter
<br />called mortgagor, of _ :~1 i __,`__________________._.__ Bounty, and State of Nebraska, inconsideration
<br />of the sum of _i ~='" "µ ti~ous= n : an :~+.7n~.: ; =.*c'• _c _:-r.~L~~~ ~~jaid, do hereby grant, bargain;
<br />~~ tArtu+une 'ir_encetty~ _
<br />sell, and convey unto Dial Finance Company of 'r _~ rat' s ~'{ kt hereinafter called mortgrgee,
<br />of -. ? ~ _-____~__ C:aunty, State of Nebraska the fallowing described real estate situated
<br />in ~:_ " ___.____. trountc, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />:.tZ_ ::•r: :. :1 _.~ Ic•c . ± ), _r. _ .z_ iti{+; to t?~n 'tty of _ra._ ~slanti,
<br />togetlser with all the tenements, her<~tiitatrrent<~ and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate,
<br />title, dower, right of homeatrad, claims ~tnd demand-9 xhaGsoerver r+f the said Aortgagor, in or to said preasis~
<br />or any part themr€: and Mnrtgaaor dsre+ hereby cavertam that said Mortgagor is (awfully seized of said
<br />premises: that said premisex are fear frnm .ell hens and Nncumbrances except as otherwise noted hereut, attd
<br />that Mortgagor will warrant acrd aetend the true :o =ard pretises against the claims and demands of all
<br />persons whamstmver.
<br />TO HAVE. AND Tf) HOI.L) unto the .xid martgagecr. , rou~tded ;+lw-ays, and these) gresents are upon theer
<br />press condition Shat tf the .ae:i mort~aROr ;hall pay to full to .aid mortgagee a pronassory note dated
<br />~;~,:,~.-~____.._ 7'J _-,:.a . far $~; r. ~~.._.:, frar'ahle rn instalments according to the tert~ thereof. the $nal
<br />instalment of which is our c,n .,,,:,.. _. l9.-.~_-. khrch tttciude4 interest at the rate of ~ t't~;
<br />per month c+n unpard balanm~ of Amount Finanerd. and ;halt pay ali taxes and assessments levied upon said
<br />real estate. t+efare the xame ttttcrmr~ clelenqurnt. Cher, tte~~ preFi!nL,• tc. be void, ather~vise to be and remain in
<br />full farce. " - _--
<br />fT IS f?t?RTHER Af:REE:U thnt a tatlurr t~ pay .+nc of ~txxi money. either principahar~mterest, when the
<br />:ueme become due. or :e faslurr to comply svttt anp u1 the tareR<nn~ aurc~ment~, bhall cause the whole sum of
<br />money harem secured to t~ev~rrrre~ due and coits,~t3lrle at r=net- .+t iha t,ptinn z+f the mc~rt~agee
<br />NA'tICF. T() ('(1N54'MER: 1, l)n nut sign this paper lrrfarr tiou read it- 'd. Yuu arc entitled to a
<br />copy of thin paper. 3. You maa° prepay the unpaid balance at am time avithuut penalty and may
<br />ht entitled to receive a refund ct( unearned chargrK to arrnrdance with I>1w~.
<br />4tattec3 tttr d~ev .,% ,3 f) ;!r
<br />vim-
<br />+-TATB: t3F abrs.+:Ka ~; ~. -j'c.L.4: ~ ~?_`_=`----
<br />C)n t#tia _-.: ' _ .. .lay ~,t .~l I> '+ tx:{orr tee, the undrrztgnrd, a Notary
<br />Public, auly eomintc+rtcnca and r)uat[fscsd fir ;~rd rrsrc3:rtF an =,td r,runti - f>f=t-urn,tlsy came -_
<br />___.._.._. __ ........ ...... to tnr kncrxr. tc= `rte the, .derr~ra! ;,~•r~+n - ~xhww name -_ affixed to t.hr foregoing
<br />instrument as tnurt~a~ar ,...___ _ at.+3 ;rrknx.~:t=dxrti chi` tame _ __ _. _.__.._ ~__ n-
<br />tary art and erect. tMOUr-w~etetarr
<br />41 itntxu, ms° ttarul anal tiraarral :~ , 're cfati er,o :carts rir,ta- u rtttrn ~ 1'K ilk
<br />Riv_ Catnt~~~n t x~~trerrs the . ~ :: 3 { r ~ - rr~++•e.eeyr.rwst,tttM
<br />of _ ._._ _ `I T~°~tl.+-'~~u - , l!) .•'.•'~,. ~ t`!
<br />~-ESn ~
<br />f'uhirr
<br />
<br />
<br />«;.
<br />Entcrni in Numcumol Index ..rid frlcxl far rr~rd ur .hr zrffree crf the, Retziater +.f lh~s of ~atd rnunty, the
<br />__.__,_,_____ gay ref __._.__- --- -----------. _._-- ..____ _- -- tit... _..... at ..... _ ____ t,'cixk .+nd -
<br />mtnuus ., ____---._. __. Al-. arxi duiz rre::rtseti rn llcxak _ . _ ref __- . ---_ _ -- _-_-.. __--
<br />a~: page __.. __ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _... --- _ - _ _ _ _ -_ ___,. _ .. ___ __. __..._.
<br />--P..t~ystas Ui fk tic
<br />ae. ,a.9n rr~ -.._ _ _._ _.--- -.._. -... __ .-..___-..._ _ ____--_.__-
<br />Drt~ruty
<br />
<br />__3
<br />
<br />