<br />RE11L E.S1'ATE AiORTrAGE -Nebraska 'tinsband and Wife
<br />KNOW t11.L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That j>onald L. ii.aTl.snn.BnrL.CtnIIie.11`_~arl6dlreinafter
<br />called mortgagor, of ~_ ~.___._._____~___.____~. Cbuney, and Statkt of Nebraska, in considerai.ion
<br />of the sum of Si= ~'Y+^ ~„d Tstartt~v~ixe.Jlallaas_&~Q~RS in hand paid. do hereby grant, bargain.
<br />~,~moVnr Ftnancedr W//
<br />sail, and convey unto i}ial Finanm Company of _.. Nm1s~r~atca ~______,_ hereinafter called mortgagee,
<br />og ~ ug't i ~~, _______- C'6unty, State of Nebraska the toilowing dexrfhed real eslizte situated
<br />in a 3A]Z ._._..____ (`aunty, and State of Nebraska. to-H•it:
<br />Lot iiiaa (9}, in Sunset 'sub -ivisian, located iri Part of :teeth Ialf (i+t}'z1 idarth
<br />East Quarter (il£ }:1, Sectiaa "r:]..even (11), Township Eleven (111 .forth, Range Ten
<br />(1t1) West of the 6th P.l•5. hall Catxnty ~iebraska
<br />together with ull the tenemerta. hernditamenir and appurtenann.s to the ;ame belonging, and all the estate, title.
<br />dtra'er, right of hame~tead. claimv and demands µ hat_uae~~er of the :sold A{ortgagor, i n or to said premises or any part
<br />thereof; and Mortgagor does hereby c~rvrnant that >aid Mortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises; that said
<br />premises are. free fmm all hens and encumbrances except ass otherw>_~e noted herein, and that Mortgagor will
<br />warrant and defend the tide Fn raid ptrmtxrs against the ciarnt5 and demands of all per.5ons whomsoever.
<br />Tt7 NnVE ,4Nll T() HpI.D unto the .,a=.d rnortgugee, prt3yrdtri always, and these pt-esentc are upon the express
<br />cond+tion that if the ,aid mortgagor <h:+h pay m full F<t .aid mortgagee a prrrmtssrtrc note dated _._..7n~< 1Fi
<br />19 __tS1_ fnr ~ .~95)(~-~ ___._._____ payable rn tnsZ<ilment: accnrdtng to the terms thereof the final instalment of
<br />which is due +)r. _.: „+~ r2_ -_--_- .---_.._._._ ._ ._ irJ ~~..~ ___ which mctudt~s interest at the rate of 2'.f per month on
<br />that part ofthe unpaid prrtscipal haiana• nut to exet•~s ot'Si tN)(t. i ° _`= per month on that part of the principal balance
<br />in axccx~ of ShtttJt) ut+d net m rvice-a; of 5a,rXa). and Y = . ; per 7nsn#h an env remtttnder of such unpaid principal
<br />balan+xa, and shalt pay aft t:+Xes and .€.uns ntent.~ ievted upon card real estate _ before the came becomes delinquent,
<br />steers iherr peer~n~ to kxr a~,nd. E.therw>.5e t~, 'ere and r<~num m fufi force-
<br />iT [,4 E'i'RTiiER rS(;RF:~:U that -s failure F,r pay my at ~;tid money, rrFher pnncspai or interest. when the s.3me
<br />bec7ome due, ur., fatlutr to nsmpty wuh any of the tizr~kntnt; aitree*_nents. shall cause the whole sum of mUne;• hernin
<br />securt~d to irer+)me due s+rtd co3ieritbie at rmce at the «ptrot} of ttte murtgag€~
<br />;HpT[CE TO Cfl;kSt;SiElt: !. lk+ not segn this pap+•r i)efore you read Lt, 2. You are entitled to a copy of
<br />rhea paper. 3. t'nu may prepa} the unpaid halarace at any time u-ethout penalty and may l>s! entitled to
<br />reeeive a refurxi +)f LLr1EarlLPd Char((eti in aC+Y)rdat)ce w°jIh IF1H',
<br />hagned the" ..1~. tt:+y ~a _3S3Fii'_.- ~ ~ 1) i_!~.~__
<br />~+TiTI' i)FNebrae:ku ~"~..,:~Jl „4'. ~~.,..~~'.__ -------- ---
<br />----.. ~_
<br />~~~
<br />s ....,. ~ ~ ' ,
<br />t?n the .-._'#~.-.- _-- -.... _ ,Lev of .-u.TiiiB__- _ -. __ ..~~b. t§ ~~ . ?x=tan• n+e, the ~undeessgmed. a Notary
<br />l)t+blic. duly cs~rnm+sstonrv F~pd Yuarrti+Yt Firr .+nd re*rdtng sr: ~:rrai cY urt4, a*c+rrnaiit : +mdld._` ~ ~;aA~e B•
<br />t= .~T~Htxs.._frlA~ t~ItA~~n,rwn tr> t.r- tr ;ctentu:3i ;t•r•«rn c3._ 'a°hc*.r r-sme a,- axed to the foregoing
<br />SnBtritmeIIt atf niorlp,agcFr_ .:T~i .±c'ic n=ws-lfft~;i',i the -,+tn~ ..._,.° - Un-
<br />tarq set and de+d. ~~ td#~
<br />rtATFr.E~M K IAi
<br />Witn€ my band and `vL'trt.+l `+e• t he ,i:r tr.ri .ear +. F :~ty~ -':rn ~A„„ >A
<br />'41y C unt i++n ~•xparr.. tdr ~~ ~ _ •'~.rl . - • -'t
<br />\n€ur Fsirlu.;
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<br />la'dit&3>ed ftf tiilmNlitj3l lild@E :+nd 21ifd 1~#r rt~CeJt,t ;;F thN :ifh~t' ~~ t}5C i'f,4'gl~ter Jtf f~E'UE ITf ~r+ld CCtlinty. the
<br />__ _... ._ ._ day +et, yr ut . __ . _ - _ ~.; cl+x:k and _ .. -- . - _
<br />mtnutc+s. _ 'H., artd dulp n-ixnird srs i3cwk _.___._. ~,f .__---- - _.___- --
<br />MnrtgaKt+s paste _ _ _ _ - - -- . _ .. ._ -- - - ----- - - -- -
<br />,.z is +vF.
<br />RraL ter cY I.k..~riy
<br />1 k!~wt.
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