1ViOltTGAGE 81-oos~.s~
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this y5th day of June. _,
<br />t9. 81 : by and between Locust Snn Partnership
<br />(hereinafter referred to as martgsgar} and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereiaaRet refereed to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of business at 424 West Third street in C~anct ts)and,
<br />Half County, Nebraska.
<br />WiT!v•r,,3SETH, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ehe mortgagor
<br />does hereby ntorigage, sett, grant, assign, and convey unto the tnartgagee, its successors stet assigns, aU of the fo)-
<br />towing described property situates and being in the County of Ball
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />A tract of land camgrisinq apart of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (NW[iSW~) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Eleven ,11} North,
<br />taertge Nine (=J) Net*_ of the 6th P.~4., in Nall County, Nebraska, !sore parti-
<br />::uiarly :ascribed as `ollrnrs: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said
<br />t+tarthtaest Quarter of the Southwest ,quarter (NWisSW4), thence Easterly along
<br />the South line of said torthwest Quarter s1f the Southwest Quaztez lDtt,-~SWS)
<br />a distance of six Hundred 'sixty t660.v) feet, thence :tartheriy parallel
<br />to the t9est line of said Section ~renty ,even (2?), a distance of Three.
<br />hundred Twenty Four {324.0 feet,tttencn Westariy ,parallel to the Svuth
<br />line of said Nortttaest jt[arter of the Southwest -Quarter tNW45W+s}, a di.stanee
<br />o£ Six hundred _:ixt•I~ t&60.:1) £eet, to the West I,%ra of said Section T.tenty
<br />Seven i27}, `hence Southerly along the Wsst line of said Section Twenty
<br />':even t2;), a distance czf ittree C#undred 'f`iaenty your C32~Z.•:;) feet to the
<br />;.lace of ~eginntnq.
<br />together e-ith al! the tenements and atzpurtertancrs thereto t+rtangtng, atl the rrnu, issues and profits tlureof, and at1
<br />easetrxnts, rights, rayalttes. mtnerat, crtt attd gas rights and profits. water, water rights, and water stack, alai inchtding
<br />atl heating, piumising, reirigetattan. Icghttnlt, rqutpmetxt and ail %utura of every dt~cription be)tnging to the
<br />mortgagor now err hereafter attached !berate ar used in cannnuon wnh the pttritiaCR herein described and- in 8ddition
<br />ttitmo the foltow[ng descnt+tt! Prapentes whxh arc and shad !x drtmed to hr fiiaturea and a part of the realty, attd
<br />are a ponton of the secunty for ttte Indebtedness heron stated. tlf none, state "Want")
<br />To have a~ to hoH9 the same ante [tat Manpgee. as I[rctn ptavtded:
<br />The t[tortgagex is lawful}y seitat and posxxsed of a[td has she right to set) a[gf convey said property; that t)ie
<br />wme is free from atl rncumbranr~es txtxpt as hereir[ahave ra~eted; at[d that ,'Mortgagor eAvtt[aats to warraAt and
<br />defrnd tht title aforesaid ehereta and nary part thereof against the claims of ali persons whotttsaever.
<br />This intirttritent is given to secure the paymeln of a Promissory note dated .iatte 15. _I`Bl
<br />in the tttci sum of S c~.'~`=.C~~ F
<br />C~+` l~ 1 ~ ~ -.-----~____~..__. sigrxd by _?t.l€ _ - giaLe, :'boaters L, Anderson,
<br />in behalf of rR7t~~9Y rnn IDArrnwrcl:•" Jahn Presienaorf, Jr., v ncent L.
<br />--_. __._.. _ _..`_~ inq
<br />atso, as suldt note or tortes may from time to u:tte ht modlfteci. rrnewed or extetxkd in writing.
<br />la tiu event ttu titre to said real estate is trramferred, or contracted to be transftnrcd, from the uttderaigtted for any
<br />ressott or by any rnethod M•bataoever, the entire prittcipat sum and atYrued in[ixest shat! at ancr become dut and
<br />payable at the elattioo of the border hereof. Failure to txncise this option because of transfer of tick as above slated
<br />in one ittrtsaaat sha4t not taats[itutc a sraivsr of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />1. Ths ritortgagor cuvvemtnta and agrees as fotlows:
<br />a. 7`o ptttt~tty pay the indetttetlti<at [widenced t±y said promissory Ware at the times and in the manner
<br />itttt~t ~.
<br />b. 'Ta pay xtt rax~, aaseaamrntx, water rates, ami tither gavrmmGtttat ,rr muiticipat fiargcs, tines. nr
<br />tmpcs~tittans, feu winch pra~[s}ttrt has nest heat !Wade hrresnbeftarc, and Witt pramPtt4 deliver tht aifitia! rcce,Pt~
<br />:ttereftx to the sate! ts~rt;aGtsee
<br />:. t+~ ~r stttfs rst+rr[ aaKt tees tie may he incurred in tt[r Pr,uectiun and matntcnancr nt .std Prnlx~rts.
<br />torit~inL talc foal! ctf arty attrrrtarx e°atpltsyed by the mortgagee for thto ctttt~ticrn s+f env ar ail ttt the Indt^.tttrdnes~
<br />tters~-t+, sct;urttif. cn fzxetkxurc hr trts~ttRattt~e`s pats, of cr+urt Ptsw.°cedinst;, <,s itr any ,*thr: lii,~at,,,rt c+s t~r~w'ee~i;,er
<br />attr~tang !rats[ At~feK#t
<br />