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$I-'003151 <br />d. Poe better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its sutxessors <br />ar assigns, mortgagor shalt execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any. addifions, <br />improvements, or betterments trade to the property hereinattove described and all property acquired by it offer <br />the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagea)_ Futhermore, sho:cld mortgagor. fail. to dire any default <br />in the payment of a prior or inferior -ncumbrana an the property described by this instrument, tnartgagor here- <br />by agrees to permit mortgages to care such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do sa; and such advances <br />shalt become parr of the indebtsdness srettred by this it~uuttxutt, subject to the same terms and conditions. <br />e. The righu created by this conveyance shall amain in full force and effect during any po~pronematt or <br />extension of the time of the payment of the itufebtedness evidenced 6y raid promisstxy note or nott~ or any <br />part thereof scarred hereby. <br />f. To continuously maintain bossed insttratsce, of such type or types and in such attattitnts as the mortgagee <br />may from tinx m time require an the improvements stow or hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly <br />when dtu any premiums therefor. All incurantx shelf be carried in companies aoeeptabk to mortgage attd flee <br />policies sad renewals rheteaf shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in Eavor <br />of ate in farm acceptable m the mortgagee. In event of lass, mortgagor will give immediate notice in wriat~ <br />to mortgagee, amt mortgagee may make proof of lass if rat made promptly by mortgagor, and each ittsuratice <br />campaay cancertted ix hereby authorized attd dit•etKed to make payment feu such Iris direetty to mortgagee <br />instetid of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, seed rite insurance proceeds, or any part tttest;trf, may be applied <br />by mortgagee at its option either [o the rcductiaa of the indebtedtt~s hercity secured or to the reStMaiiofl or <br />repair of the property damaged or destroyed. In n•ent of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other tranfer of title <br />to said property in exttrtguishttteat of the indebtedness seti~ured hereby, all right, title, and interest of the <br />mtxtgaaor in and to any rnsuratss~e policies then in farce shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee ar, at the <br />optioa of the mortgagee, tray be surrendered fox a refund. <br />g. Ta keep all buthiirtt[s and other improvements an satd property in good repair and condition: to <br />permit, cartuset, ~ sttffsr na ssaste, impairrrtent, deteriaratian of mid property ar any tart thereof: in the event <br />of fadatrc of [hc mortgagor ro kelp tht fsuiWiags an said prcrnrsts and those erecttd on sue, premises, or <br />imlxovrmertts thereon, in good repair, the rrwrtgagee may make such rtpatn as to its discretion it may deem <br />raeces;tairv for rRc pry ;srtservatton thereof; and the fesll amount t+f rant azuf rverE such payrnetti shalt 6e <br />3mmediattly due and payable: and xhall t+c secured by the lrin of this martgr~te. <br />h. fts rat sr~luntarri~ create or ;+rrtntt tci br created altauzst ;he property urbftvK to hits mortgage any lien <br />at teens tnfetsttr te? rhr i+r^ at This martttage Nithtwt written ~euescnt of zhr martttaleet: and father, that mort- <br />F.aear veil! keep and trtatntain the same free from the claim of art pcrsrms sunptyin¢ tabor ar materials tar con- <br />stroc-tian at ens' seed aft twtldines or impravrmettts raw l±ctng rre~-ted or to tx erreied on card premiers. <br />+. Ta nett rent ar assign am part of the rtytt cif 4atd marigaged property ur demolish, ar remove, ar <br />subsfanttally alter any twt&fitig v.tthout the wearer consent trf the mortgagee. <br />f. Ail awards a[ daasages in cartnes~stan wish any eandcmiwttan far public use of ar injury [o any of the <br />property subject to etas mtxt~ce arc hereby assigned and shall be pouf to mortgagee. who maY apply the saute to <br />payment of [hc tns~talhttertts last due under said rate, and mortgagee is hereby authorized, in the name of the <br />tr~tgagttr, to execute and dchver s°altd acpttittances thereof and to appear from any such award. <br />k. The martgstgec shall have the right to inspect the mangaged preattsea at any rcasattable time. <br />t. Ta eam~Y with the provtsiaas of any lease tf this Mongagc u ctn a ieascho{d. l!' this Mortgage is an a <br />wait is a condomiaium cx a planned unit development, Harrower shalt perform all of Horrawer's obligations <br />urt~x the rhtchera:ion t7r covenants cresting ar governitsg the candmniaium or planttett unit developacrnt,the <br />by-laws ae~4 regulation of :he cteadornnrium or pFanrud unit devclopmrac. seed constitt~ttt documenu. <br />2. fXfattlx in arty of the cavestutts or conefitianz of this ittstrurnent or of ihr nee ar loan ageement secured hereby <br />shall ttrmietue the atort:sr~`s ri;M to possessEon, use. arxi erjoyTttertt of the Property, at the option of the <br />mt~tgagee tx assipu tit being a>Yreed that tfte mortgagor shall have such right until default), Ctpoa any such <br />default, ttu mart~ee shah become the awrxr of alt of the ants seed profits searing aftu default as security for <br />tDe itt~btedrtess secttre+d hereby, with the right ca erster upon said property for the purpose of cotkcting such <br />r~s sell profits_ Thin ttssttvrttent shall exxrais as an assignment of any rentals art ~ property w that cpclent. <br />~. if the mortgagor defaults, aril fath to make any paytrteats when due ar to cant`orm [o and cstmply with any of <br />ttyt conditions ar ~a eautained in the mortgage or the notes which i[ secures. then the satire principal <br />sum esst! ttrtaxtpptt itterest shall at one beernne dru seed payable, and draw "per cent (~~ ~ a 44) interest <br />t}stxt~htr utttH paid ~ the elecfioe tat cite sxswtgagee; oral this mortf:a8e tray therrttpan be foreclosed itttmettjately <br />far the xrrbok of the ittrl~Ketlne~ hereby secured, itrctuding the cost of extending the abstract oC title Pram the <br />rioter cif eerie atcrstgage fo tree time of etmtmmeirtg such Stlh. *Atl,riv~ec~ra <br />d. in the ar+t+at of a Barre or delauk u psavided herein, the tnmtr€ett4e shall at atsrz be entitled to the pas- <br />ssBasfaa. tear, slid esjiryn~tt of the real estate ^ftuesaid sad to the matt, issues, ro;ahies, sad profits thereof', <br />fF~ the tt~ of suds rights seed during the pertdet~y of foreclosure proe+xa#ings seed such passessiorts, ere., <br />t: at emee br dt~re€ad to the uieate upoa rcxluest, upon faihtre such delivery of xuch passessian rosy tin <br />~. by aa~ ap-xoptiat~e krgd prtx?eodfnga, inchui~ a receivsr for she property- <br />S. The ~ a# say r'ff said property in with the futxxdjng paragrrtphs shalt Fx applied flrxt ca <br />f the step ~ of sa3c, the exydrees itrexttsr~d by the mortar far the purpose of prr#ccting err <br />ssrid (aroperiy, Yr. to -pay the ~ hereby; sad thirdly. to try any surplus ar <br />e to the pasrtast ur pcrsmfts ~ eatst>tid ther~a. <br />