t~d.1.}y~1~i ~
<br />TFPE btpR'PGAt30~`Ff.iIiTHER (;pYEIiTAN'1'3' AND At~t2EEi32
<br />That-Me~~bxart~gor .rill pay -tilt i as.:ItsteihAeYrtreE~-prtyv#dar};
<br />81--~4314~` ;-
<br />That the tifiartga/,or is-the ri7rrirr nt said property in tee airtipl! ihd has gouts"right artd lawful authority tti sell end
<br />convey the aanxe ~dlhat~dx asstte to ltbe attJ char of mY lien or vrtCttretbrrtYltY':. and'tlNt--Mortgagor-will wsirruttE slid ,tl~fatsl tFte ~:
<br />title to aitid--:pretrdaEg'a,tfsimt tlir ciiiNras of allpe#teorts-wlw:naarevtr, - -- --. - ~.-' -
<br />Tn pay f~mseteiy whrn rhte aad paYa~e'~ giRrter~i--latres, sFttxial taxes, special aeeesamenta, wpter-charges: server eerv...: --
<br />ice charges, oral-dies-taxes and charges against-said- paesirertv._amt sTi-tsoxrs.levivd on the d~Esecereeft-~het+e61,~3 to famish iha -
<br />Mortgagee, plena rlquelt;. with. the,-osigusak ar duplicate-reviceij>is cherefor.-- The Afortgagor agrees sleet-there stiat(~ be adifed t» -
<br />earh monthlg paytrtent required hereundei nr undNr -l.he evidence of deht secnre*I herefsY an amount estimated by the Mortgagor
<br />W be steglcient- tb eseliiv'the Aftettttager !n pay. as they became dtte: ell sexes, saseaamen[s. slid similar dineg+eg nVott t~ Rrtem• - -
<br />iaea stitr7aet theMtn° ariv dnHcieiu-} i+rctius« al fhs inaufTtztirnLy of such- aCdiitmtal pitytnents sh611 be foHkvtfiih titip~ited by -the
<br />Moregatcot with the iNortgager uprrn drmattd by the Rinrtgagee. Arty-defwuli under this paragraph shalt tx+ deemed a rigfault €n
<br />payment of {axes, aaeearimrntx, nr similar charges required hareundwr. - -
<br />Tlm Atortgagur agrees chat thew shalt alsn be added to each mratttly paY>ra'nt rrt prirytilui attd interval requiredt-htlxe-
<br />utedvr an amcwtnt estimatrrl by tM• tilnrttragev ter M suffirienL t<, vnatde Lhe Morgagov t,. paY• as it bet+smea due, rho insusartcr- -
<br />pzemium ,~ any insurnmT p,rficy drhrtrrrrf to thv 'tit artgativr inY drficrr•tu'y t+eCausr rrt fiyr irysufScietuy ref such addifiot[al-pay- - _
<br />rrtt#nts shall i.< Tartttwsth <tatwrritrri hY *,hr Nnrrgaf{rrr w=ith thv .'4;ortgagee upon demaral by the :4tnt'tgagor, rtny d2tt;u1{ undes~thia
<br />paragraph ttttatl !w de?med a.:frfauit m the }taymrnt nt insuranrr r:remiurrts. tt the ;tsetse-y „r Ixdtrte~-drpncitrd vier such as t~arttP-~
<br />rrwnors .x aI! nsk pt<ltrir<, ant the :Irt>+mitx ~:r rs~ :runffinent te> y,ni th.- .~nttr« {fermium, thv lfnrtgagee may appkY the deptlsit to
<br />pay prrrttitrma-ern rtska tequtresl trt he ittswrw3 by th#a mnrtaagr - - -
<br />Parmenfs made }.t. :f.Y t7••rit;ai:nr ;r.~i:•r :};s.:a ta.:r~.. {:n raRra irh.s rnay, ai ttv :r{+Ciun ::'' the hdarLgagee, @e-held-try it and
<br />.verrmmgto<i wtth .Ntwr -nr~h fur,<la -~r rz-, :,wn inu.ts !:,r tt:e 4xat:n.-nt :.f +:xrri; rtx•me. an<i un!if sc, appiied, vucir paymenrg are hvreb}'
<br />piedgrd as ;ra-uttry fr:r the .r r.Sraui t:alarx-r ,.f .t:=~ rm:rrt;;age rrrro hL~-einr~+-x
<br />'I~+• 5>r^cure. •S,-ix~.:=: ~r. ,+mt .=-ca:nt:at^ +=.r t F +r...tit ~ . ;nr. ;f:.ri~ar,-.° usm.~ [.-r tefr e,f thts mnrt;;agr urvginal t+ulitirc and
<br />retwwats tixesetd. •#ai:.~•. r«rt at ;r+afit «, ...sae. -K-t: _:en rh., ., .t.,.,.~ -_r.-- -,xrt; .,:t:ur-•r rt>uetrtnK against ti err and e,thvr rnau table -
<br />haaardx, rasuaitivt+. and :-rrtttingrnr•terf ws the :dnrtKaxe-e rrat~ rr: rr<uirr. ,n ;sr. atrsnunt rqua! to the irtdebtedrtees rx><wred by this
<br />Martgitge anti :n crrmi;amr^c .a ~~rutst:;•• !„ ,.. :i=:rtc,.-,- ,• cth i.., ....-.~Eau.~ ~n favr~r t;t send irx t!rrm acrrptahla• to the Rtartga-
<br />gcce•- In ttr« .-vent ::nx' t~ ~r., ., , ,. rt.r ,~<;5 .. ...• . _.. r ~,- .<.r .- 'he Mort g;s>r.>.: t-tat i; rr,.~ure insurance r,n the
<br />smprwernr:rts i.wy fix } • ~. .! :, ux . : .. i,;; )tat, .+.. ..nm.~i .:< t - ,.rµ anQ ~.ava6ly .A-ith intr=rest .:[ the sate cet
<br />forth e» sar:l torte rrntri .-arr3 ~stxsS -.. east ~ ~ ~ t -f .., r = r r*.a:r~ t ~n,i,; rv ;:nrt ::t the ttnr*.irsgar tr, furnish such renewat<.
<br />as art beer-rn tetras tees ,s !a-rl•s:r• r. ... ~ „.....n ... ,.~,-, .:*-r-~a:r:ei,-. -. -.3;1 .. -.., :.S:i:,.:r, ,.; th.~ li<rrt,rasrv- :~=~n.:rtuty a <frtauif
<br />under flee terms •r! '.r ,., . ri a:ar ~T y:, • r ...... .., . , . - , r, ~ ...-.t.vrtc art . rx:±mr.nt t t .n
<br />aernnri prren:um
<br />.4nt .ums .,, r.rr ,, •hF ',{,. r,<. .,. .. ,. ,cac,. .,.. -na .... ..-tauu•d t,t the 1U;etga,.
<br />and a('t+iswi .maart ?r,o- ~ rent ,. ,f%t - r. r.; _r =. .fr ., i z, ., ! ---+ ~I-:rts;z:r«. .rrF. ,.. tether ,. it„i:t „r rn
<br />dart tray fn pant .<r ...~,~1•a t,,. m•t .,, .~ <,n .. ,: ~- .. ,. -.. .,., e,.-F:a+i,treg~ .r. :er ;Ia,« ,r tx am'
<br />•.th<+r lsurrrra<- .. -.J.r,-a-t aie=.frr: ,:--:r ~ 'r;•^ =i,. ~ - :-. .... n -. .. ,, ..,-,rtytskr',r t.t ;:.ti amt,>t:t •rt LLr••,i he=rv.
<br />by twf. xrr +u,~tr {rat-rtsrna +-~e r -=<.k t:dar«
<br />-I'v trrc+mptly .•r=arr_ .+<..r . ,3.,.r . .u,-.r c - -.. .. :.. <,..,,, .,. ',`~ t n;r~x .. t::c:: ^,sr ,e-
<br />csstne :ianiagwi „r ti.•..t r= y,-.2 , r«tr -ar,l e.-. ... -.-.,, ,rr..r s. .. .:t ?r - ., .<rtr •,..z hxrtrf< 1,. n ,:r +:ther itrn ^r
<br />clatr3i.+d is«r:.a,t ,~spr+wv - .r,..rrirrwt«„ :., :r. ~ ,,« n _ r ~- t ..... ..att. r . - r ,.,., - t1i ..w ,.- =.r art. ~ n•r:.anc« tx; .• rat r.n
<br />saxf pn'+F r'r2- ..rr .•nz s ,.~ i« • r. ~:•i . , , ,. a .,. ..-- ._ .... -, . ,-ra. - =-r .s<.rr1,r- ,. ,ed bt:aii fete<tme
<br />irwu "•.-alrxsbir, rr.:r f.- =nrnrnr,tt ~r :/a+r .4 , a:... a . _;r , r ,._ - -,. - - _-. }ur - m«r t.y ,_t tAw ~.:! h rr^sprrt
<br />to +, iss r»urtaagrri t:rrmywra :.n.i 'ho ~r«+r th«rw,i
<br />Thai •+irvulri r„ .,.,.._> .[ ..,. . a• r.+.:, ,_ -.,. ., .., . :~% ,.-,,. . ,. r, .-ns,r .. « .... ..,r„1rr,e r;Ftinn
<br />pres.-rcettr~.. •1r ttra~r ttx rrgbt .,f ,mr.u ni i.xr,ere , ,: enY .abet -_aet=xr P 43,:etsager +i.aki -. nittts~tt+,~rii 4nmper~9tturfa.
<br />aa.ards. anti any •-~r 1"aYm«nt :,r rr3irt ~"rwe..fr;r arcs :ba#: tm rntrt5rsi at ,ts ,z,,s r*xt. t., r~+.tnrnrniv appear in arai S!rtrarnrty i» it.<
<br />sewn leant ans aCtrnn ••r t<r..~mturR ,.r f,r ena4,r ~r,rr.i:rr,.rnre.- •: .rti;,-y-,.~r.t -rf . ,r.r-•<-t,r.r; -.;.t; ..rah t.+a,arK ur ,tamaKr...'tf: such
<br />iastitta. awards, t#aauttrs• right ,d actnsn arulflrrrrc:tds are horelty aszsgrwr.i tr, ti,r Mcutgagt-w•. +•htt relay. after deducting
<br />thradraea sit its rrapetesr+. rrlaesr any nitxceYs na r.-tin-~ by H ..r ,~t>{sty t:<e' t=nrt~ .fn any i+Kirtrtr #rsrsar stcuzrel €tereby- 1•he Mart.
<br />t`Mar .axl!'BY to eat?a-uie :.aH'h tar4t}eJ. aalagrwtl4tltAr .d wnY xYr119trr;ltitr~+n, swat.#t-. 'iwmaa+•a, anti erg ht+ rt :u't.un and firtil'erllA fL- site
<br />1!~HrtifYel~a trtay -
<br />•!'hat :n nose rd failure ter it+r f,rrm any .=t th« ~vvrnar. t_s ?:er«: n.:kr«= ilrnStsgee may sin ern th« rilortgaror'a hehaif everything
<br />sty ctweaaaud: that the tf uttttarSer may a#.au r4. an} set it ttray :levm ar•ce+eury t„ t;ra[vct the seen ttrerrrrf, that the Mnrtg?tXUr will
<br />reply ttpresi dtarssafl any ttxrrteys {rai+i nr ttt:bur>.rd by Lhr \tartgagec f+~r nnY rd tiw atrtwe tner{rr>srr. and such tttoneys irupsttiitr with
<br />ttttlraa{ thereon st the rate t+rvs"idsd rn seed Hatt. »tutti tre.°;tnx+ ac' r.:u.h aridrttonal inriebtedete5a hcr«bY secur«i and may hr in-
<br />clitdsd is stay deerae faratlown{ this murtgarta seed ire paid txxt r:€ the rents €+r prur-eerfz rd salt at ssitl. prvtrrsrii it rtat r<tlemise.
<br />paid: that tt 3iyati :wri tee atu~tgairrry ur,wt "-ire ate=ettrsgrr to axaqurtr sntu the rah<ttts• x,t any ltrn. <~-ncumbraacea. r:r siaim an ad-
<br />v{iilt3tilt. alwrtaYs as strove sutlsartted. twt nuthity{ #~rrtn euntstt~d stts}l-tw a<uu,irued as r.,ywrtntt the Murtgagce to adviftsee any
<br />toaot¢ra Lot aai~ such purtatas tsar to da say ate txreutufrrr< and that MorlgaBee shall rwt meat any pe rsunsi liabiiitY trecattae of any-
<br />;yg: a twq+ rla sr aloft to do hea+euaiker.
<br />in #ler ecs'nt 2$ the tkrtar,ll try Mnra.>E~{ in the irayment r,f s5Y ittstslft~nt, ax rrquir!d by the :'fair s~arod ht+r,r•SrY. or
<br />in the pastormsnce sf t6r rrWigaltcm i» flats mortgage .ter in ilre Hate 3cttyrned theraby, theLtnrigagre shall br enlisted to declare the
<br />dt,4t~tu;ad !tm°akY dttc tad paytMe +vitiru[tt trustee, artd the ~tortgagev shall Err zntitlod ak ttx_ uptir~rt, withnut nriticr, either by itself
<br />n; tg ~ rataiwr:te-be aplxiatc}l by the cuurt thetnr€.-and without regales tri the ddcquaiy of say secter2tY-fur the iitds.tstrrtrtess sv-
<br />trotted hgrttfay- to renter ttpaa that take pnr~esaiito c*t'tlte mrrrtgaged Em!mia€s, and to rollsrt stns rrteire-the rents, isewcri-arid pr»RLa
<br />t$e[wt tend sYirt! tier stumet: slues ewteta o€ nprratir+n nnrl rolirrtlon. upon thrt irttlebtedrass securevt try this rntirtgsae; xairl rents;
<br />issgaa aatd frt`tUka helrgt hctebY~aasignvd to t#vo yfortgager as furilter security Sar t#re frayrrtenl of al! indebtedrnss uacvrcd htuettY.
<br />Tta` Idortgai{rc sltali have She {rczwau to aprwint any aernt or agents rt may desire tnr the purpri6e of rx{estritig swig ptem•
<br />ittaa: rdt4rtg tke estate, ctirlLCti'ttq~ the rr3rtr~, ravenurs,and srrutme, and it may pay nut of card tnnrnxe ail estrsrasea iev-urred in rrrnt-
<br />~X +_#!~. taotur °t€dkcting the retttala therefrom- 'S'he Mlarecr rr.rnaini»F, if any. shah ta, applied-inward the
<br />~:_ sal t~ ~` . Titis earugrtfsyont sa fn termftxate attA hecrxnr null sr~ unrd upon reirtiae ..t thus rrxsrttsge.
<br />~x
<br />4 rr
<br />
<br />