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<br />8I--003.140 <br />Ustatortas Covprtnerts, Borrower and Leader covenant sad agree as follows: <br />i. IRtyttratt d > tid 6ldtair. Borrower shall P~PtIY piY wixtt due tlx prittsA{sal of atsd inteteat eta ehe <br />t etrideatsd by the Noce, prepayt~at tied late charges as pttrvidod in the Nota, and the principal of and iateteat <br />as attry Ftteme Advarrtxs secured isp this Mortgtya. <br />L lode L4r !1a>saa atsi -aar>see. Sttbjoct to apptitxbk law or to a written waiver by Lmtder, Borrower shatl pay. <br />[o Leader oa the day inoatldy ia>faBaaenta of pavtcipai aid iaterat are ptryebk trader the Nate, trail! tl~ Ntxe is-paid fn trill: <br />s wm fharent "'Fttade'? egtoi to oaatsrelftft of the yearly taxes and asreastaertts which. taay attain priority av~ thk <br />Mme. and gtrnad reap tin the Property, if any, phis one-twelfth of yearly pmnium imalirttents far Tta~tttil insurattcs; <br />plus one-twelHh d yetirfy ptama~ iawJlmata for mortgage iasuretttce, if any, all as reaaorta6ly pWrtatad initittBy attri-from <br />tfnsa to titer t~ Leader an the 6sirs of as~nents and tillh and retstatceble eaemates thtneof. <br />"iba Ft~ t~ttell ha he6! is an ittatitution the dgtoaia or .-centers of which are instued ar gewraateed by a hTedarat ~ <br />stab ageasy f ittcltttting I_eada if Lender is wch as ittstittttiem). [.ceder sisal! apply the Fetteds to pay said texas, as~0asegenRS: <br />ittpiraaee ptreannaata attd graand retus_ Lender may rte charge for tW hodirtg acrd applying the Funds, analyziagaaid a+xount, <br />ar verifying pad compiling said asssasments sad bills, unksa Lender pays Borrower interest oa the Fttttda and apptieable law <br />ptsrtniis I.ettder to make such a charge. Bortt>wer a43d -.a:rtdv mat agree in wrtirng u the time of etcecudat of-Phis <br />Mortgage chat tautest on the Fttash shot! rte paid to Bcxrcwrer, attd unlece such agreement is made or appaieabk law <br />rues sorb is to be paid, I,ettder strait pint be required to pay 8orrowtt any itt~ or earnings oa the Fonda. i..eoder <br />shall give to Borrower. vvi[hotrt :.Itarge, as annual atxxwtating of the Funds slxnving crcdiu and debits in the Ftttttfs and tlK <br />pttrpaso t'ar which each debit to thr Funds was made. llae Funds are pledgod as additional security for the siren sectued <br />by thk Martgtsge. <br />tf [he aatouns of fix Ftra~ hdsb by Lender. toge[her with the trrtttre rttottthty inatallmeats of Funds payalsk prim' to <br />the due deice of rases, aaeuma4ts, i4unronce premiurm and ground rms. shall txceed the sresount r4xltared to pay said taxes, <br />, teuuraace pretnittmtt a4sd gtouad rrnu as they fafi due. such exce33 shall 6e, at Borrower's option. enEtar <br />ptoi~stiy rspaed to Borrower or credited to Borrower na tttonthty tssstaliments of Funds. If the atrtoutet of the Fueda <br />lsaM by ].eider shag tmt tx s.,tw~s..a to pap taxes, aeesetnettp. itnurattce pnxaeums and grottod teats as ttety fall-date. <br />tisurtterer chits pay to I..totter pay amextnt sw:cesssry to make up the defictettcy within 30 dn}s from the date notice is mailed <br />by !.ceder to 8onetwer regttesuag payment tlxtcat <br />Upttn payment is fur! of aft sum secured by thrs Mtmgage. i ender shall prsrmptfy refumt to Barrowar any Futtda <br />!raid by I_rnder. if uttdat paragraph i 8 hereof the Propert} .s wed ,x ttx Pniperty is otherwise acqutrtd by Lender, La:oder <br />shall apply, too rater rhea itaaxdiatrly prce zo zhr sale ,,i the Fropeny oe us acquisatitm by !.ender, ear Funds herd by <br />L.fgder at the ttrne et appti4~tsott as a credit aga4tw tiw sutras secured tt} tMs Mortgage. <br />3. ,4~/liratlas at Fal'aaaels. Unless appetcstsic Eaw prc+vttka lxtxrwisc. a!# payments received by fsrtder antler the <br />;Vote pad p4uagt~+s t pad 2 heresy shal3 bt app&red tsy Leader nru ~n paymem r=t am«rnu payatrte to L ender by ldcertawer <br />unskr psragraph 3 etateal. [!test to mutest payable ca the do±s. zertn tx+ the pris4:.tpat of shs Note, pad then to interest pad <br />prtrtc:pal un pay Ftuun hdvuxu. <br />i. CLai1~~ 11xas. Borrtnsrr strait par ,th lasts. avessatcnts aril! ,zthcr ~ttarges. ftt4es and tmpotit4ons attributable to <br />the Froparty which auty attain a prrorny :,vet this Mortgage, and ietssehtsid its§trtent3 ,x grrntt4d teats, if any. in the manner <br />pttnvttted antler paragraph ~ hereof or.:t tux paid an such ;nannrr. by fts>tr.;wer making, payment, when dire. dtttxtty to the <br />txiye¢ airxmf, Borrower sbaN prtrntptty tura43h to Letmter ati !KSitcr3 rat amounts dur under the paragraph, std is the event <br />8e+rrawer shad 4ttaltc paytttc-t dsrerdy. +hatl t+rt,tnptly !urntsts ;~~ t_eeder receipts svtdenrtog such payments. <br />Bar'rorer shall pmatpt3Y dpcha[gr any tun 'which has pne~rttY rsvrr !hxs tivngage', presvtdad, that Bsxrouxr shall trot be <br />reilutred iu duchatge pay such flea sC, ~a as Bnencrwir shall agrse to wrn:ng t., ihr Gaymrnt o[ the ctblsgatittn sccuttmi by <br />sorb ism to a tttartr4ar acceptable to ltrrdcr..,t shaiz en atxrl iatth t cxHest such 'smn fsy..+r drfead entott;eatent of 34ICh lies tn. <br />tega} prr4ceeshttgs whrcb c>perare t.> ptYSeot !n{ salancrtssnt <,[ c?se t;tn +•r iorttnturc ~ thr lsrr+pcrty or any pan thereof. <br />3. 1~ taaeaattees. Borrower sttsti f<eep +tx tmprcwrtacnts tx=.+ rsxsema zu hereatzer accred cue rite Proprny tastutd <br />agitator teas to foe, hatatds 4t4ckusicd within ttx term csuaded :+±rrragr pad s.xt1 <ahrr ;tazanta as tzrtdrr Wray require <br />3asd to pitch amiwaq and !ar !au:h pcruads as t ruder mar *rqu,:s. ; n*.tck,i. !hat t c-,4trr their !x~t rrqutrc that the amount at <br />3urh tzsv-ctag+r esried that aaxmtret ~ti costtage rrgt+rsd ter ~-aY .~ ~,rt:4s sectre¢ by th,s ~4ortgage- <br />ilte 4twmraaCe tamer provadtttg the ,rttastartcc Shatz rx .:teusen ht Harrower suttjut itl apprtwai try t_en.fer, provided. <br />that Such sppttsvd shah tort tst t{arCa5Qnt4ltfy wtrtshelsL -Sri pecrtxtttsau ck4 tnswsttis pf*ticst3 Shari kse paid ,n the Wrapper <br />prmided under partgraph Z iietecsf ur. ii !xrt peal zn s,~it ritar4rtrt. by ttyrrcwer asaktag payment, when due, d,rectiy to the <br />ti>ilttatlGe ~irtK, <br />AB iaatraace pdrtrp east taiX'>4st5 thereat sltait ~ rat form a_sp!ahte ur tm,srr arfd shaft ;n.tutle a standard mortgage <br />clause m favtu ~ arms 4a Etum acceiaabte m [ ender tsmks ti4alt tsasG the r4ght ze tusfd :ate policies and retxwads thereof.. <br />attd 13ortosscr shall prwaptty furrush to i.eatiet at1 rtnev.~at esVtnes pad ati :es:apte of paid Fremtums In the rveat of Inns. <br />Borrower Shari give pnv4tpt exHtce to the tts3urar4ce carr,er attd t enslrr f.enaisr tna} make pros>! at loss ti ant made prompttY <br />by 9ocru~trer, <br />UnEwa t.enties atsd 6orrovntt nttscrwtx agtsr in wrtuag, !4tsuraoce pr+.~crds shad t+e applied to resEtxa[ion ix repair of <br />the lRopesty dastsged, petavmkd +ut:h nstoratnxt w repair ss excmtxawaft} tcastts#c :tad the sutuuY t4i ehis Mortgage is <br />ae~S titareby (mpatt+ed. 1t 3sch resutratnm sse repair a ttcx cctxsamu:atf}' teauhle .sr .t rise su:ut itt t~ this Morgage would <br />be tmpaarod, tits ttzutrtuatat pnteeeds :hstl be apptittd err the Soren sp-urtd by ibis Mattgage. wnh the excess. if any. pa4d <br />ttr Bwrowu. If the Prvpary is abaadt>tmd t+p i3urrawrr_ .at }d Hasrrswtr testa to rrspond to Lct4drt witltta Ill tia}s front the <br />daft etoitce 4s traded b}' L.ettdcr to Borrower that the ,raurxttce earner cHfcn 40 settle a claim for tnsuraacs tserxflts, Lt4stier <br />is arsthrtusted to culixt atsd apply the ,tmxirartce tscseaeds at f.ett~r a opturt c4tlwt to restoration ter repair of the i'ropenr <br />or m t>yc atmts sestued by thce 1Nortpoe. <br />Uaiess lstader pad Hotrawer oelterwtss ageax to wtetmtg. any sna:it apptuaiwn of pntcecds to pntx:4pat st4at# tort estettd <br />tit p the sitar 4tara~ of the motithty t4rstaitt»ettts refe4-r+etl !tx ,:t paragragh3 i ao4f Z hsrsa! tar change rho antount of <br />.ranch 4aFtidmaaat. It under pe[agtaptt t3 tietea# the Prcepertr ,s ae:fuurd try [rimier. ail r4ght, title and iniersst of Rorrtwrer <br />is atsd to arty ittt44ttstnee pokicias pad is atmi to rite proc~is theaezt rraulung tmm damage to the Propery prior m the Ott <br />or tts3~tstttaa ahatt pass to L.eadar to the ekttmt err the luau s~4tted tn~ th:s '.stortgsge ;mitraiiateiy prior t~ such sale or <br />~~ <br />~. L4aaarvMittit pad !sltlelntensa ai PtrapH'ty; L.etrstlsaNa: U~aaF lhesad Ueit ihvdapasetab. ttaurawxr <br />shalt ~ rite pt=opraty ua good repair and shall tort comtais. waste at putties 3mpu+rtnent ar detvioration of the PmportY <br />sad fdta$ eat~lY rith the prttvisiana of any trace if this 'Mortgage rs tin a traut4cttd. tf this Monga~ is nu a unit in s <br />at a pfaatred watt sievr5npstte4t. Horrower Shari prrterm alt ui &xrsawci s nbtigattoitc under the ttcctaraucra <br />to s°e~4aataa cttratittg ac g+verning the ~ottdorainiwrt or piar4rted snit ~vetotyrrunG cftc try-law3 attd regutatans eF rite <br />or pfaaaed utsu dev~optneat, rind rnitstitiuttt documsnes, ti a crut+.tcmtmiutttt or piaan~ unit ~.kvrlopsnent <br />ssddtt in eaecwod try Borrower sett ra,-urded iagether w4tft rhos Mortgage. shr covcaant3 pad- agreements et# vtreh easier <br />t!hpiB be ta+[dspRratatl into anti tbaB ameMi and supplemet# the cuvrnants and agretrtteau cif this Msxtgsge as if rite rider <br />ware a part !tercel. <br />~, t"seUtctlsta ail L,eadas'a 't!+caahb'. It Atinsxkar farts to perisum ttg covenants and sgreemenb captained to tht3 <br />m if isty actitxt or procag ,s ccsard which mstrrtatly affrxts t~rarkr's !ttterest is rite P*operts. <br />-bxettt~ iirni~hai ua, emaflesw7 doayin, uncSivctn~y, cock enftsrcemcat, ,x arrsagententa <u pnroceedinga !avolvn~ a <br />6stsalttA~f ea tik¢edant, tAett I.ettder at l.'s option, upon notice to Burrowtr, mpg r4saAe such appearaetcrx, dtsttttrsa Streit <br />suatss +md n11tc aefiaa as a ttecs!sattry to prastrct l.enticrs tnisreat, ,r4cfitdtttg tKrt trot lien-tes! iu. dtz~4rsCttvrnz s;f <br />iratd atStit ~-read tmtrY ttprait the Property to make repairs- tt t„snider re~uiicd 44>asrigage iasura»ce as a <br />iaaaaq o! ~ tba kwn ta-used Ely their 'aAttrtgaga, Brtrrr+wer shaft €wy ttu premiwru required to rr4aintae4s st4ch <br />+aal9CSk. ha alNest ttWil ssteh Baas as tba rRiltrir'emaat. fee s44slt trtstuatttae Terrn4nats3 in aecsxdaace watts Bs3t'ntwer's acid <br />