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r <br />ALldjftidtul i+ratftstotes 8 ~ -~' 4 J (117 .~. ,r U <br />fJsbta Iifrsrartta and Covsnartte: (ii That excopt for the security interest granted fteraby Debtor is; or-to the exteMtheCthin-egtteatisrtt' <br />tftetrre that the Coilaterei ie to be acquired after the data hereof, will 6e, the awrtar of theCollaeerel free from any~atfverse _I ten, security <br />interest or ataanMmnce: end that Debtor will defertd ttte Collateral against ell claims erd demands of al! persona-et-arty time cleimrttg <br />the creme or sry fntflreat therein. i2) That rto financing statfartatt covering the Collareral or any proceeds thereof-is on-file in anYptfbtfc - <br />oifice ofd that at the request of Serarred Party; Debtor will join wfth Secured-Party (n executing one w more financing statanente purou- <br />Grit to the -tebreslra Unifam Cormtarciat Code in form satisfactory to Secured Party ardtvill pity the C08Y of filing t;utYt,firtsncirtp staff <br />rttent, dtis secLrity agreeeteni and arty tbrttinLtatiHn a termination statement, in- off pffitio offices-wherever%fiKng~ia`detrYierf try-SaiCilreif -- <br />PaHy-fo De nay or desirable: and if the-Collateral isattached-to-rest-~estate~prfar-td the pe!(eCtiDn of the 9ectxity interes4yrsnte6... <br />hereby or if ttte Coilatsref includes crops or sit, gas or mir>vmafs,m be s>rtradted or timber td fie raxt~ Datit4r-wiii, on demand at geatfrlg <br />Paryr fia'nisFt Secixsd Party wiM a di$efeimer or disclaimers ar suberdinMion sgraement signed-hy ati persrxis having ~ interest'in the° <br />teat estate, dittctaimirg a subordinating arty interest-in the Colfaterei whidt is. prior-ta thB interest of SecufedFarfy. j3}•NOt t0-ee{E, - <br />transfer a dittposs o1 dte Coita[erai, nor falls the same « attempt to take the sane front rite county where kept as'above-ttteted;. witfttxtt- - <br />tfte prior written consent of the Secured-Perryr, ta) Ta pay a!f recess and aeeet:artrthts of every rtatwe whitdrmay be levied tN` aasesaiaU- _ - _ - <br />apsittat the Collateral. (5i Not let peenft-« a<-tow arty arlvsrse itan, secwtty interest a enctmtfrence whatsoever-ttpMttfie Cotlaterai~ and ~ - <br />rttft to-pefmit Me sane to tee attached or replevined. !0) That the CuU Merai Is art good condition, and that ha wiq sit hoe own eatpariee;-- <br />kasp lies sane in gpod r;artdifipt and from time to time, forthwith, replace std repair aft sudt parts lrf the Coifaterat ae may-ba'WOkett, - <br />wom twt or damaged without allowing any lien Ht be created upon the Coliatetst-on aCCOtati of slaxt-reptacgttBnt dr-repairs: ard-:iitCt"tE1e~ - <br />Satw+d Party rosy examine and iwspsct the Coliatttrat at arty time, wherever Ipcated. i7i Ttrer he will at his awnt expanse keep ttta Col- <br />Ieterat irtrirad in a eorrps+y satisfactory to Seated Party against foss. as apptolxrie6e, W theft, oolilsion, fire and exteftded'cdverage. <br />wltlt tdat payable 10 Ssctxed Party ae its interest rosy appear, and will on darxtrtd deliver said pofieies-ot irtsUtasCe orhaxtltrn pMrsR~of <br />stfd3 inatsattce m Seaavd Party. !6i &t its option-Secured Party may txocura such irrettrarttxi.d~scharge-taxes. liarts:or ttaaalty::interNM <br />or cater enctanb.ences at arty time levied or placed ext tt+e Coliatmaf std nay GeY for ttte repair of any danngs or injury to-err- fqr: the <br />preaerystion and rttaintsnatee of tits Cafletesal. Debtor et31tee5 to reimburse Secexed Party on demand (ar arty paytt6nt ar expense inCUrred- <br />fry Pantry purati~tt to tlia'ftftsg6w'tg autttwiaattort, Until stuxt reirslhursa+ttent, the amtxmt of arty such payment. w'tCt intfrest-a# tfte- <br />rate of 7iL-pr aismen f+~ont dace of.paymsnt until resm6uraentsett shell bs added to iha indebttedrteas owed try DebOOr arxl shad-"ba8acurad- <br />W this egesatent. (8i That ire wfN not use the CGffetBrai m Yiofatfan of arty appiic~ia statute„regulation or prdlnance and if arty Of fire <br />Cotiateret is n+nxu vehiclaa the sacra wiiF rot ba rented. need in rental-serv+ae_rwr in any speed « ettdtra+[;e contest. t t0i Debioc will <br />pay Senwad Perry arty and al! coats acrd expenses irtcttt'red in ra&rtvsring possasston of the Cailateret and inivrred in entarefttg this <br />security agrewrtsrtt. erd dte soma sna!i tae *teeeaued trv this security agreerttent. <br />tlrRli Deaatrft Deaatrr may have txtasesatan of tics ColEat~ret std use a*. in eery Eawtul r,>etueer not incextt:lstent with this agremtertt and not <br />irtCRtltisterrt with sty poi,cY of rnssxatce ntaraan, ant +spixa tiefauft Sacf+red prtrty strati have the i?mtadiere right to the posae68ton of <br />dte Ccflataraf_ <br />Da6tw Shall fL rn Oetault radar tors agrvernent upon tits tr.erppenrr+g rtf erne rr€ ttta fof lawi+rg events a aeXtdixiorta: {Ii defeul[ in dte pay <br />merit S7r tJgfftrrtrtiavGO of arty abligatton. covenant « %rabrlity cx)r+tarrNd or rrr#errad [o harem or in any here evickncirtg Ltte Sane: (~) a1Y <br />warratry, reaxeaar,tation nr atapnrati male « #urnianad La 5e[:euad PtXry Hy « on bettalt of JeHtar taNVea tts have Heen false In arty tti8• <br />feel el rttSpeCt vrften shade « ltxrnsr+ed: '31 arty event .wticn •eaiuitR ~n ms acceSerrtron ,~f ttte maturity of the irtdBlttfdneas of Oebldf_#r <br />others ;alder arty intlartlure, agrserrtertt « urdertMartq: :,ar joss, theft. detrtage. elestntcvcat sale or encsmbratcB to or of arty of the Coi- <br />iatual, fa' Lhe ntek.rKl of eery 3eYV. sat ttws R ai~Ctxittrnt ltrardJt uv traerear+, :~; steam, d+ss[eiutran. LermrnaLlan of efeietene:e. +neOtYeriGy, <br />ettrairryrea failtaa, appptntmanx 'X a retYtvrH ni eery Hart of the Canxrerttr .!1, aSe+uYrm+'t fear lets itenat r'. cat rretlit«s W. « the commMCe- <br />r[tilt rat Prty tx'acerxftnrt order arty (aank/taltClr r3f t!1fOYVer'K°Y t arv6 tN +~' 1tQarnS1 iJEatXOr :Yr any tylllt'ant« « 5Ur:tty t« DttDAtr. <br />ripen fi.rd+ t)easatt acrd st ecru thersettar, « .f :t deertrit :Laaft +t*eac ya. =~arausrJ P~tY *+ev ~~';acci ors ati J6ifpstiata setx+red ftareby <br />,mtnaliatNv due and l7ayabla and strati have ttta rertrrtiias tat s'sat=need ~tY :x~fer ttm Hseraai.a Un.fotnr i„cxtnrsrcrai ti;ala, 5ecufad <br />f"erfY trey rerarrre Daittaor tQ aaeantDta tits oitamrai arx7 .fsi:vsr ur rtteice 't natiatrfa n~ a,:u:so Pests at a ;.lase to txa dn;gnatsd !ty <br />$aGtfY4 Party aatrctr ±a re,arurmttiy corrYert,an! to Uatrt fter't,ae. UniaaB 4w i:Giiate+a+ <5 Lrtr+%natl{e cx tfXOateN:a t0 da4l in@ f3peatftiY to <br />vNutf or ra a# a type esratxirrtar,4y acid can a ratatvr+ttbrt +narxat, 5setaad t'a*tY w:li ~+ve C:etrax raevorreiNe rwtres of tits tm+e fold Riacs of <br />arty PNb'i+c sale etw~aof « ut ttta t!rhs of ter eatiytt arty Lr ryarrt tiaic tN tx-Y =xtnar ;,tp~4atf O.tgXas, [:an t?tareW :s !tr tx ai+itde. Iris reWrira- <br />rtwrla of raoatxtrratis rvtt,ca ahait tae met it sr,crt risT2=Ge .b :*3arlso. txstitaps ixe{,arsf. :~ the addrttas v.f ~eDtnr attc w++ at the trdfiyrnrinq at <br />tttii e®,t at 3eaaW true arrys ttsFLxa tMr ix+w of Vre tiaF2 rN .1r'+C.3a.txo*+. <br />fro tteervw try Sect+rad f arty t~ arov a~e4eNit anal; upetale m a ,.wr=ven a~ a+tv Debar detaaaa2 cx :,f nw stn.n detawt art i fulcra occasion. <br />Ttte tdttrW al mrs ~xsrstY ~aae+er~~ ttitaif nut wave ~ ~faa.r 3t'tY vtttar sacvrety *•a.d SaturaU Party rosy have rx Fterse}ter ttCquve f« <br />tits i'FeMtrW'tt W the aprnre ,~ rw ?a?s+l ttta tsrktng •'at any sy~tt adartxa:ati y,ecurrry va.+ra ~ +mpetr IMS se4Ytrrty ag;reeretent; <br />Hut nerd Sie:taW VaytY ^dY eaeWt Kt arq ttee;arrty .t atev bathe +n ttw x.f~w :t rray daaro lavire+, !wtwidtsterxtrng any collates} secu- <br /><ih. Setwed Party shall =stern its rignta of setnif eps++tat f}acaor. <br />Atl rrtyttl9 of 3atAS'ad Patty rtaraurdar srwtl utu€r w ttro ixarari+t v# +ta ;`uccseaora ant saet7>s: erd au l>tomiarea and Dunes of OeEnor <br />nMrfi Died hit hairec, tiwt+.suasa « a(Mirsfafratfxa or rata a' ate 5uc':,stcaurs « eeeriyre. ff trtara L*e meta dtart one {?et::sx, tlrair liabilfuse <br />ftaretRtder Masi i4 /atnt and sevsr+u. <br />tl#i#. tgtdfi bairAnts ettaCirva wttgrt it is signed by DaMtx. <br /> <br /> <br />