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r- <br />81-- r1~)'i ?'?'~ <br />lktid the said firs party heml~y expressly covenants and agrees: (1 } To pay tFte said Note- artd intet~t <br />m fuli on the-data the same shaft srveraity becottre due: (?) Netther to commit not permit wastes tm tht said. <br />premises, and to pnt aad peep the said real estate. huiidiags; atut imprnvrrttents in -good reps+r; t 3) To p>:y aF1 <br />taxes amt assessr»ents tut the said teal estate irr#trre defingttcney atxi tuttil the-said Nate is ftillr paid ; (4). Tti <br />l~Y ail- taxes and- aaaessntents upon this :4lttrtga°aitd-the debt secured thereby, tegetlter with aay otlxr <br />taxes attd asscesatettis which tray be fesicd or asse_esed. ntnirr the faros ut Nebraska, against the said second <br />par#y, or ttte-let,+ai {!alder o#- the said Note vn acemtsttt of;this' iadrhtedt~ss : {S) To-procure: keep is -force,' seed <br />deliver to the mid secotttl party policies n# insurance against loss by` fire acrd -torttatln, in stint atttotitts and <br />ittsurattee omnpdrties a< tree-said second party shaA selrM. and as shaft fie at all tierces satisfaMtir~r to tt::t~vct'ittg <br />the bitikJirtgs which nttw err err tttay }xrrafter ire erected cut the said premises, making the lose; t# any, payable <br />ttr the l secaasd-pattp tn•-its assigns, aari every sttcii crnttt:tte tr€ insurartce etft~trcf by the said patties of the <br />first part ar #or their Ftetiefit :half trt primarily subiect tv approlrriatian by the ;airf second party for-the <br />payment ref said iadr3+tednrss. F`aihtre to +ra ntaintain >~tieh ittutrattcr shah authorize the srcoitd party, or its <br />assigttq, at its cr their rgttuan, to effect and maintain such inxa at the expertise of the -said first party, atxd <br />the first party agtt<rs to v all sums sa paid. vt~itlt interest at KfteTCertt; and Birch auras so paid by the seetmd <br />lrarty, with interest at fxercertt, sltafl fry .rrured f:y this \lortgagr; tF.i) That the Bait} serxtttd party or the <br />oa-nez of tltr said Nvte Wray ntukr .,•.tth rc-pairs. f3av .ttrh taxes, and pati- amt retttove airy- hen from the <br />premises; -upon #aitnre :~# the tirax }cart}+ to do sty and all :turners ~ adt~attcrd aritlt interest at the tact of <br />prrtxat per attattin thrretnt, irnm date ni paynrrnt.:ltafl tx repaid by the said first parts, upon rtentattd, artd <br />cfsail Fee 4xctutttl h>; this inrlenntm. <br />And it i> #urther mutuatfc ctrr,~ttatue'd and a~rcrd that fir. the er~?~nt u# ths- Irascage, of#er the data. aE this <br />Sfrsrtgale> of any taw ;ledttcnng sn} fien thereat irrrtrr the ratuc .+i ;art<i (vr zlte fntrprisr cn taxation, aF chang~rrg, <br />in am' way ttx tawa ;xtw m ivrcr ;:rr the taxation ~,t ;rrtartga~e> ~>r cfrbts .:zr,;reri try trxsrtgage or tftr martrur <br />cr# the talfecttwt xr# day ,txh taxt>, w as to atlrct t}tt> llnrtf;at;r. the xhofr of tFtr piintxpai sttm secured ley kftis <br />Sfnrtgtgr. tr~M}rrr with the crstrrt~t dtu tftrretx:. SFtaff, at ttte e,pttrm ..i the ~aitf forty rr# the seannd pact, <br />wnlttwt trotter. hrrr_utts nnnrt-+Eiatrir cite amf fnrable. <br />Arm ttte raid first partF Tnrtterr aY,rer+ that :i :leiauft tar armdr° +n tF,r ,casnrc~su „t any er# said interest. ar <br />dpr- part tlrcrrtri, :x .~ acct :ntrrr~t -,r ~~, tut <..e...r -an ;.art riterevf, =rr ~.t .meaty taterrst therrnti, <br />rte rrt the trrrformattt'r- ;t a.n} :,t tFrr =z,c-r-ant} f~rrrsr =~utairn~f. !fxec. .. ...:<:tk tsn»° tFterrtiter doting tfu <br />c`Yrett.;nuattrr cd ~t~A <t„~avh. ctrr ~ -t ~eate. rtxt rnrm-~ .~uF :ter i ,tdrancrr6' =h:zff~ xt tf~uir~t r~i tht le{rnl <br />#roklrr tltrlCCit, frrrrwtr st •~wr ~;cx amt ~~:kc F h. au=f 4tcaii ?,e-ar <tTtt-rr~t at !t•.- .,i rcettt leer antrum <br />t_rrrpt the rlilC of ~fraauit, .,cxt tft.. u~frrturr u;a, t.r ~t.€rz-t,~>,r,i ic• 7trsir- a{~ tnunxnt ~='t rl:e .lrlit. tttctetdittg <br />adsatrer., itmrrst. amt :x.sts, ,~ tftr +rcrmtf ,czrte~, !ta -ucrc.xx< s.r :tasrgtts. ~t+ay ir,rrc~~+e ±mly as to the gum <br />Mast cute. rwtha»u trt;urr tat tlttr tlr,rt»r. ~:r tftr rtist~testtrttt ~~ cet+i*atrrrmtt t,i tF~ Pert ttterrrrf_ <br />Atd Wt ti+r c~+~rtu ..i. cite frrrra.~ttrsure . ;. tFtas :riu:t~aitr, tfte 3:axi ;first jratrc c=.rvcttattts at~i agrrp to tza}. tt~ <br />ctxst xat cxtrr+sfiry; the ..F>xtraet .<e trtk~ >nxta !ter ~:atr ,>t ret:r~rdiirt; thts llortiate to tfx- date .,i filing ,uit, acrd <br />;ilatrst rector lte .aac# #ia»t tharep zv ;lc.:.u, r` nxrtscy xs ,~rarrcxl by tftc arranu3 put>' shah brat trucrest at <br />the sate of ~++tNr?xttt per xaruura rir~rrtvn .trot ,Ftaif f,E ~trrerl :~r tFrts srcfc .kxrs°, <br />it is iarttter rtatkttaFly tvxrrrtarttrrf catas3 a~rrrd that the party .r tree +trvtxl fart, rts curcr.,ors xt+d assigns, <br />sal a#- cheer t>ittttm hr wlarcrgatc+l ter tttr flint, altlb,tigh rrieax~rl ni rcxurd, r+i any prc!m errtunttrraru~e. ntrehaaic's, <br />}~rt~aa``s, ~ rxltcr fast cm +:tn# txea:ttt~ fcatd :rut ,ai tfu }ertrtet+ls rri tFte ?+uatt srrurnf hetetty. <br />Aid it is #urtlrrr agreed that!. m vi a ciriauEt =:, ttw fratnrrnt .,i iFtr uad }rrretrifrwf :fore ar interest, <br />yr an3 part dterex, ae it ~tqf! ntarurrt, .,u its r'a.t tri iailnrr tv kt~r ur },er4:rrtu any cti tFtc cortrtaute yr agrrgrttetus <br />L-trtetaitt~f in thin irttFratturr. thm the iec:trttf party: its +t3tcrswrx yr ;tsrigna, nhall ire attsf i> hereby authvriaeri <br />aad.esttpuw€~re[l to take anut~rFtatc fx>~c-s}nut rti rlx saisi l~atti,~c* lureF~r >:vtta-ye+1 araci aii crops thereat, sr <br />ttt cvllrrx the rertta therctrtxit, attci aftpis cite pruat~rds timrexr# of ttse papnrrttts uti t}te rirFu hereby Brewed: <br />.~s atlditiuttaf acrd cvffaterat ~rcurt} zvr pa}'nat7tt +ri the ~trtr atxf itufct,terftrea; itereinhrksrr efescritreEf. <br />ttte acrid pstt+ies act tits titer fart ltcreixy as;rigtt to the : faart y eft' the ;:rcxxni hart; its ;;utcrss~ors ctr assigns; :aft <br />cite jtf~tits, revatttrs, tveahie.a, rigktt;z, .etas lretteiita a<crtwrg tr, frtrtn tauter aft oil. gees, c5r nunrrxi ]nears ran axitl <br />i~ea. TES Ott tv te;tnit~tr anal lxxxwrte ntdl at~f +>iki upon the rrlea3r of t4ai> :ifot~gagc- <br />Atttd it Hi #vtt}tera~real titer fiat case aap Butt as ttegant to #esrt+tivar this ir;dettttire, the i:tntrt in which such <br />actisM- sha;1 l!r lrrnnglit, of any lixlge sat sttrlt .:gttrt, rtetaer ut term tune sae its vatrtivit, is hereGp att€livrized, <br />t a}afriictrtinn therrittr, to apptsnt a itrreiser trt tafce fr,~ssrr~itna vi the said prentisra and aft crirps thereon, <br />w to ettY4x1 rite r~ttx thrrrtrau:, atxl to do acrd perir?rnr sorb at#trr arts as Wray lse rrylu'srrd by the c,nEer sf <br />t6c C:6ttct_~ t#+e ;r[u[ttnteut: acid fire Yarst lsartt Faeselip ixntsruta-.ter t#re alaf+uittctaert.t,l a Eit~ritrer uptut <br />prat atf i ittdrigt#tre, wit3tuut <~iter evulrrtrc, <br />