<br />_, - _
<br />S9-A-itEAt ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Clauu titcvieed 1982} 11u Au>gwn tieeerel SupNy Nar, i.lemin, Ns6r.
<br />KNC1W ALL, b'rEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT We, Leonard T. Wibbels and Betty J. ilibbels,
<br />husband and wife, each in his and her ova right and as spottse of the other,
<br />(mss )
<br />of Howard County. and-State of Nebraska , int:oaeiderationtd'theatan~t
<br />ETGHT THfSLJSAND NINE HUNDREi} and no/100--------_---~-----_~r~._ __~~-. Dp~,pgg
<br />#n hartd per, do hereby SELL and C'ONYEY unto St. Paul Natfonal -Hank
<br />,4Mtrrpgagee _ l
<br />~ Howard County. and State of Nebraska the fallovrittffdereerbnd g;e~Ca-
<br />situated in hall Crxrnty, andatate of Nebraska to-wii-
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block Three (3), in Westerhoff"s
<br />j Second Suhdivialan, being a Re-Subdivision of the
<br />South Half (S~) of Blocks Three (3} and Four (4)
<br />}~ and the North Half ([~) of Blocks Five {5) and
<br />Six (6}, Westerhoff's Firsi Subdivision in the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall Cvttnty, Nebraska.
<br />i
<br />Tbr -inrratwn heinR to rvx.vrr t„~rct,y an .,t~~lutc~ ritir =n i.~» •.; mp:e t»ctudinq ail the rights of horneariesd and dower.
<br />'f'(} FIAb'E 0ti~ ;ql I{{'tl_It s3rQ urctns~a~ hE,rwr dess°r;t+r_=l, a~tth all the at~rienancs~ ~e~rwin beltrnxing t>nhr fhe
<br />paid mr,et;asee ami to itg F ,rs :rnri r.~..trxc. t,.r.-y •~r 9rnvut.=rt aiwa;'s. and theiw }rrt=sr~.nts are uyorr ttu P.ipLtiY
<br />ixraditron chat of ttsm alnn•,:ud zns:ragariat their t~r=r+, vtrrutnrs. aaisninsstrstnr» •:r :s=seititra shall tray or cause to 6e
<br />)Mad to the sed rnntt, aFrn ! CS !'+rsr*,. .°rrx~v t+.rx 3ct rnmtst raWrS =.r asssssr+-s. [hr, rutr. z.t
<br />SIGLiT 'T'fi{3T1SAt+t, NLtiL: HLTttOREL) attd :to/l00-------_---------- lk:Mars.{,ayableaafnttaws,to-mitt
<br />tlns~ l~u:tdred Fif tp and not 100 ; kdsxir~ <-n tt..~ ? Sth :iay .,l July , 1s 8'
<br />thte Hundred Fifty and no; fCK# ia~t.an•:,n thF 15th ta:.l each Month thereafter t8
<br />:~=.?..tfi,., z#,- ,#as ,.1 and the balance of the to
<br />Sb•liar= ~:r; iha aa_ ,,i loan gins accrued interea!#.
<br />;aatiars=,n ihr tta~ ..f due in three years t9
<br />with tnterext iflYrtiHt st lkGj #ICr ,~t-rrt ,~~«r vntsextn. ;:qtr q~,ti:ie. .~f3n th l}' >l y!i ac~.vrderi~ to LfM Cettar afN1 eHECt aI
<br />acereainpromuwrs'n,+se..,fwrd Ixonard ,'. wfbtrotals and 3ettx~ .S, b:lbhels
<br />hnarirr6 a ~n date wrth tfxr2s> Prr~nt_s. ~ n[1 ~hi<i :*~ry a!I ina.~ artti a~e~n:.-nis 1.-vsw3 ut>ura an+d ta•a+ e*sfate. anx# all otfser tag,sl,
<br />levies aril sriertaents fev,N ui><tn sMr> gn,rtgagr ~,r the nz•te whrch thsa cmartgey{e c. gzrea to s.~tivrr., before the same beesuaee ~ .
<br />dclia@umnt. aril iarr{, thr twsldu.tt+:.n wv1 premn,eM t3?,ure.i f~.• she .Turn .:f ; 8,900.00 Iris. if say, ixtYahie to
<br />t}y eeld murt8ptee. ti+eva ii,esrt ire-~rn5ti ~, Ge xrxt..•th.~s~ to i,r, asu# reaaa.n sa foil tcrcre- i .
<br />I'T i5 Ft}RTHE:R AGR1:1_fi i k i Ihst .t the wa# .ruartga Kvr .loll fail to faq xur.~#r taxes .~r prunrre with insurance. the j
<br />WI rnortaaine maY i'a> ,trrh tax.. asrl },n,c•,1re auc3z lruurnnCt: aed thw sssm a, advarxYxl. with inierrn# of Ixr cent k
<br />shall be trail by +rud nx,rfttars,r, srr.f rhea nwnx#ae sheik siarxt ae aecvrity {.x ttrr sarnsz. ;2} Tixat a faiiure to pey say of said ~ _
<br />rtrone7. either {,rurrrAn# .,r mtere4e r~t,tva tirm same i=ns=>su«u dur.. r.;r a fat#ure+ .cz ..eatfrlY wifh anY of the fvreBs>~tl ei[rerutal~ts.
<br />sdralf cvsuee the ,rfxetm sum •>2 rruraser lfermin xa wrest to brcvnrm sum and edlmrtttiia at once at trptitm of the trta:tgai(ee.
<br />this 1.5th der .,f June v #s j~ y~ ~
<br />- _.. .._ .. .L -
<br />to preserut+ ,:f ~ ~ j ..
<br />4 ~T'ATL3 of......fiE~tiA,4~A t'uuznty <,t klovald -
<br />,` ~ Lielare ms, + rrNUrY t au+tdi8ed fx sad tvrrrty, persurraIIy ~~ i,es7nard "3'. l:ibbeis and
<br />~ t3ftty J. Wibhels, husbautf and wife,
<br />- Ltpalint; t4- Hie to tre the i+feutit~t twra+w nr i~rrsurta who sit~rnd the itlrrgrring insiturxneni and atltwtstodQed ehm. estxattirat
<br />- _ wrluntar*~ act nest dml.
<br />seal on.~ ~:?i.L,. ~. .. t43 ;
<br />/-3 ,.y ,,~, ~r
<br />t~~ ~.e% , F 1 t1 1. _ ~++.~.i,t,.. ~i . t l~~ ,~:~~' - - ;vsMary Public.
<br />