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<br />itJiti~ri ALL ~N 8Y THESE pRESE~}TS:
<br />That 1, Emil C. Adams of Hali County, Nebraska, have made, constituted
<br />and appointed, and by these presents ao nRake, constitute and appoint, t~nna
<br />Lea Carmin of Henderson, Cotarada, true and lawful attorney for me and in
<br />~y name, place and stead, and on ~ behalf, io do and execute all ar any of
<br />the fallowing acts, deeds and things:
<br />1. To receive debts, payments and~ro~r_tY To ask, demand, sue for. re-
<br />cover~i~ TTa si~s~` money, debts, dues, goads, wares, mer-
<br />chandise, chattels. effects and things of whatsoever nature of de-
<br />scription which now are or hereafter shall be or become due, owing,
<br />payable, ar belonging to me in or by any right, title, ways or
<br />means howsoever, and upon receipt thereof, or of any part thereof,
<br />to make, sign, execute and deliver such receipts, releases or other
<br />discharges far the same respect':vety as my said attorney shah deem
<br />advisable.
<br />2. To settle accounts. Ta settle any account or reckoning whatsoever I
<br />nox am ar at any ttme hereafter shall be in any wise interested or
<br />concerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the
<br />balance thereof as the case may reouire.
<br />3. To satisfy se_curit,~interests and mortaaoes. To receive every sum
<br />o ~y which now is o-r a after a a?? be due or belonging to me
<br />upon the security or by virtue of arty security interest or agree-
<br />ment, or mortgage, arxt on receipt a' the full emourtt secured thereby
<br />to exe*_ULe a good and sufficient release or other discharge of such
<br />security interest, or mortgage by need or otherwise.
<br />4. To coounsl.,} submit to arbitration, or a~herwise Bettie or ad ust
<br />3il~erences. ~°o compou w t, or rnaxe a ~ .orea~nces to any person or
<br />or~ct to any debt or aea=and whatsoever which now is or shall
<br />at any time hereafter became due anc1 payable to rye, or by me, or upon
<br />atyr account. and to take and receive, or to pay and discharge (as the
<br />Case may bet, any composition or dividend thereof or thereupon, and
<br />to give or receive releases or other discharges tar the whole of such
<br />debts or demands, ar to Bettie, compromise. or submit to arbitration
<br />every Such debt or dee-and and every other right, matter, and thing-due
<br />i%i or concerning me as my attorney shall think best. and for that purpose
<br />LO enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other
<br />instru-narrts as atY attorney rnmy deem advisable in the premises.
<br />5. To osecute and defend. To coaaaence, prosecute. discontinue, or
<br />en a aT cf'{ons or other legal proceedings touching my estate
<br />or any part thereof, or touching any matter in which t or my
<br />estate gray be in any wise concerned.
<br />5_ To elan real estate. To enter into and upon all and singular
<br />nBr rea~T esfa ems, ands to let, manage. and i~rrove the same or any
<br />part thereof, aril tD repair ^r otherwise improve, attar or re-
<br />construct. and to insure, any buildings or structures thereon. and
<br />further to contract with others for the management of such real
<br />estate, and to grant to such others all the powers with respect to
<br />such rest estate usual #n real estate management contracts. and
<br />granted to a4Y said attorney herein. Such real estate shall include
<br />but not be limited t4 that property described as follows:
<br />Lot Eight (B}. Black Eight ($), Uiliage
<br />of Doniphan, Hall County. Nebraska,
<br />