<br />3
<br />This form is need in connet•
<br />r~z~^a ~a lion with mortgages insured
<br />W~~~~L# ~~il d i?~ITE under the one- to four-family
<br />81 +'~.`~ ti7 L# provisions of the Nations}
<br />Housing Att.
<br />TMIS MORTGAGi;, made and exrcuttd this 12th day of -Jane ,A.ll.
<br />39 81 artdhttaaeart ~gerte la. Puller and Linde ~f. huller, Husband and-f°e
<br />of tht t^q{My a1 Aall , and .Start of Tve}vazka, party of the first part, htrai~t~ t~l}ad
<br />tht htortggcrr, and 3ttperior tMoZ'tga~e. Inc.
<br />a ea{cparratitm urgaetiud and txisting uatdtr the laws of Nebrask8
<br />party of ttte zocoad part, hereinafter called the Alottaapet,
<br />WtTh3FSSF.TH: That fire .aid Nortga~tor, ftx and in crrnzukratitxt ut the cnm of Thirty one titotraaetd And
<br />Tfcsf100tlss--~------~--'------~------- T~}~'4 t~ 31, 000.00 !, paid t+y tht Mott-
<br />gagrt. the reaript d which. h tlerttay acknnw/eaititd. tray Crranttd trot Sokt and by [titse preuntx dote Grant. Bar-
<br />gain. Sett, Convey ~d ~~~+ urHn tht Mertta{Ctt. it, .rarctzzan and azzigttz. torover, the fo}}owirtg.dtstrstrad-
<br />reat tatate, citnattd in tlt+e County tN Tial l , ared Sbtc
<br />of Mtbraalra, to wit
<br />Lot Seventeen }17)r Potash Subdivision, [Tall t-ounty, Nebraska
<br />t>{ ttte Sixth Principal •'+tcritiiara. ,t+rctarmttg fn :tit
<br />trftar1 ~1aFV4Y:
<br />~FCrc, .t c, aetif ng trt (;o'.: rrn-
<br />TU T#~!~'~. A!~}) 7t} IiOL€} :rte gremrx~ ..swVc .&c:.nbrti, °+atn :u€ thr rpt+sartrf3a.,tc, !hrrcunt..> txlttttxrn>t <trnt trx ntrirtitt
<br />ai} htatutd., ptuanhialg:aatri tigbtirag tiuurr anti exiurpmcrit eat,. ~,r tterca4tu avta.:t*r4t ;t, „~ a?,rti :.nn .,*nrtr~iwe wrth,:ud rce3 c,tate
<br />uMet the ~#UttXagtr. and fn nx ,ut:.t.xtro snJ :ra `;rgla,. }+?rfres TTx 4tu+tx„ty'srr retire,.:-nt..~, .;t,ct iv~ctsant, with, the 41nrt~a-
<br />aso, that tiK Noat~.x tux ~.x,»l right sr3 >efi .sttd ,:t-na~ct ,aitt'r'`rrmrx,: that thc+ .,rr t*cr lr:.?n ert,~umt-Tartu; :+nil t;tar thr
<br />h4artgagcx w;}} warrant aatd dc}ami ttx ,tme a~ran+t thr 1a\, Tztt;tartrtc ::l :,;! per„>a• .a t;,,.nu>z;rr. .int! the ,.ixt Mcxtragor hrre-
<br />t*y rttitrqutsbcz alt rlgTnz rtl t1URte-bttaat, trpi atl aaTBrttitt ttXitis. eta}Frr xn ieY ut to r4tuttt .trwi ail .+!tsrr ,tntftigr:7t interziiv ~,} tttr
<br />?+4rat~r m ~ to t~ ist+twe--2txtrht.# t*rernnes. r€te rn+ra~i~ta i+tq+~ tt, .+-nt~r-, !trrr#>v :,rc ss•.,,icste sttbe. in 1tr =_tnapk, trv,~lua•
<br />iteg ail rrghts of twnteatead. aral uttlc.r raght+ aattl rtHrtr st. a, : l.xr,„at.
<br />T'RQYtpEt) ALvr'AY'l, &ntt thc~e ; rr,rnis err r><e.:utN :arnt utlf \etcil sita=r, !Ar I.x7laM ing 4untitttun4. to w tt'
<br />Tht.litxtgagor aytre. to pa} tt~ thr Mt?ttgngra-.:t ~.rttrr. thr prtrutp~i ,+.,m ~:i Thirty one thousand and
<br />Tio1'100!hs---^'------------------°..,~-_,,.__ f a.;iar, t~ 31.000.00 '.
<br />wath mterea ffcxut date at the rate vi SixL~n ~, ,..:,ttutt t 16.00 '"- 1 pct nf,nun? sin
<br />tht unpsKl talans,e until paki- TillWlwid~waci~t sett tn3ere%t their t r pap whir ~st the at24re •,l
<br />Sapexior gortgage:"`Inc,
<br />to ~ .It~leta~d ~a~ ffr .:t wth f,rhrr pl:acr .t, the txflder of
<br />tree rnxtt ma} tit>rgrutt sit wnt{tati, tat raaltt Y rest mutts rtt }according to Sctmdu le A an said note )
<br />}34Y.3;£aa?S +.!n n,an?Irn) tsrf the tfr,t e~p .,r
<br />AtN~t28t -fy 81 and sin thr tint .let t --h.^z nth titre -iter rrt;the +fnitn: nJ ~n~
<br />tttrelt ~t (ti rx~ftrt `htt :tlr ilnal {ta}mrnt it+ x4ni tp:l.t ;nil nirrC,l. r Ica, oft nCr Jl4i, nJ ?tC . Ut anti
<br />paYa~e en the fast day of Jtt~.g a 2011 ,. ,,~ -€titng tt, the ~e~mb r to tarn pt-tmrs-
<br />~ry note et[even datthtret4itttr~t>:utti T!y the sstti blctrte;agt=r.
<br />The !ltottgagtx xn trader mace fu3tr to pretrat the veatuity afl t Eris 'ttorr~e. agr rr e.
<br />}. 'Ilw'`i~~he .k'i}t pay sht irrie!t?tt+itoczi. as hrrtatskaeicm t+rotrakd. t'n\rietir ;, rr,er\~rJ to pay !hr aeht fn ;riinir..jr in :fn
<br />anus{ ttlltnt Ut taiTtt mantllly pa}ntet3{y ital itrr piti741psll that :arc nC142 .*.ue ~.-~;i tEx nUtr, .~n tltr }ir,t t3vi !`t .in\ ;nc.rilh
<br />pt'itsc td fAatW'~Yc vii0~l, ttsiwat<rr. ~3'tpet writttn natree ul-an rntentuxt sit a tcrr~ ,uch pnakhv: t. ytscn at iea,t thute f,~1
<br />Jay t ~ icrr ttt pt+cpayuunt.
<br />,. "Thzi, kragt<_ttYVet vritA, an srkiitiurt to. ttta ntunttt}p Tuytttrnh :tT p,ttn>:tpa, :sir.} tniere,I payatsic a.trxtrr the term, ,~*: st:+:
<br />rlct#C r4"tC'Jrft,~ httt~}, rift sritzrtatr g:t}} T%~g' Sat Site 4TtHi-'S'EE, eeIIt t}!C first ~- } .r ca_:: t=.vs~ntl; t:n!es' +f ~• +,:;~ nt=?c :~ f ui's\ ri-+.sl. ?hc'
<br />totluwit~ sums:
<br />ial (LrtM[ntrtt 4ittfiGtlrlt fG pC4"rh`tt tilt Tttlt[iEf T41aYUi with turiSS ttr pay :he [next ,taus rQ,e(tr rntl33iar1dC 4rentHrra +9 t3ifn
<br />tnatrtanl€nt ant} tht costa s~urtd htrtlty srs lsslrrt;3, yr x nxrathTy cTtarttr trn ierw „r :: Hhtlrtt$tr ;a33urdrtc: ,,r.
<br />r€ t3~ ttrcyr aft tsetd Try rift Strsstaty of Htrtsireg atirl }.frhar T3cvei:r{ rte;,:. as lt.llatv:~-
<br />tit t€ ~# ttt luny st tattl Hatt tsT ever? Sate acid this arztrurrarnr err rn~a€rt3 =..s ,ttr *r;w.u.~-.i ,~f..y, _ f,c !.t_
<br />sttuuats txf t#se '',+tatlt~lst iilrutFa~ ,4t;t, an atnraunt to€iir:iert tc, ac+ tneteiatE sir tree harttis .=t '"-ttr tt c+fartr <-a=.
<br />!G+M a.t A.1 tiYM rAtxrh + w rat :nw txrstd aaw+?r ,s .vaUUtaltt ~ }- 1 T't•' t t6` ~ t:NT{.~Sti.l
<br />c+vU#): }i~M ~~7411
<br />