<br />gj.r ut~3Q7:~
<br />MORTGAGE tOAM rto.. L 23 e9ftl
<br />KN{37Y At.L MEiJ BY THFSE PRESEN3'$~ That Harry S. Ray and Carol L. Ray, each in kris acid ht~r
<br />own right and as spouse of each other, Mttnpyttr, tslaetlter trtr ar mats, ~ oo.rdetnit+e oFtir arof
<br />ROri:~ousand..and_ ;~pl-1Q4-----,---. ._--..._...___.__._.__. ._._
<br />k>dtttcd tes at,id ettxt~ by The r°.Q>Fit~Se 8a~a~ ana Iw,an etuacwtiw, nr nano lshna, NeMssira, __ __. - _ -
<br />w«tslM~.wp!+ 4pQ ~ItwruatawgRd
<br />~SS(X'iAT6ON, Ctrtlf'Beaie ?!krr. t. 23,961 , do brxreby ~, ctMtrey wad ttsastpre tatlo the tttid AA'~UR[ t9s t
<br />doatrtbed real r~atr, ssttmtF4 m ItaN CoUrty. !aebraaka- - -
<br />Ii(7I' 'two (23 TSLAND Ac~2Fa Nts~mt3t LL, Lv 'lid CTTY c~
<br />raRF1t1D ISI.Rrm, tIAIT.. CXXirTPY, ~, CQ~RISIIJG AISr
<br />OF LtyI` CYaF: (1) . I..LA6TL) Af~tF i :+AI~F32 t5 , A RF.Pi.T-T C~'
<br />rlJI'e' '7L*IF'1~2t ; isl Arm Ttttrl~PPY {243 , ISI,I-ND AiCRr"5,
<br />CITY ~ ~~tt;Nf: T~TA;yD, tiT1LI, LC3[tNPY. 2VE~2ASItA,
<br />NJtpritrsr with sfl fM rex+irntx, ttrieifr#amt'#sti wear a;3puttcreiru cs tt~rtvntr> t=rtva~tp~. u~#3kfrtyt Yitached tkrw euweiat~s. yit Mtl~upyr fCa~W.
<br />srxer3s_*w sirasles, liiiaa4s. ste.~a nrierefaxevs. 3errtuys. t?ratrrr$. ar4 wer#rtt#R)ntat~, a'Bai Fahrnrtarna air] t`-atrr rriit~irrt wed srota~ia ther6ta,t~. W77~fe
<br />rrfrtt~xaicxs, anxf errfies i:at=art amt catU:prrarnt rn„w e.r itarrsftrr at=a~.ixd t,,r ;,rr s~ :n eamiarctaan with aid [191 estate,
<br />7ra0 rtirrea+! chc vrd =rwar B7pitrrr Yqa aSii'r+t arW ~lea[-s txrek?Y agrrc tf,at ti,• eear:tys~tcer dttJi arai wB(I tut' ail taad and aupeaettets leriad o[
<br />ssacsied uytixz ;aa) tvcmirs text trtaxt ;hzs !nin. atpi !Rr tx,nel Scexe:ni t,trrrtrv tuta=te ttr. xame skiail berxrme dtlhtgaetn: ter lesnnli-uppeoaad
<br />airaurars:r ~.,pem tix !+seidtnitr .=rt usU ;Nr;nxsrx rasua#r.i ,€i •arr ;€,ns <>i 3 ~ti, :iUQ.:34 4vaf=ir vn sard nSS(K'It4TFfRd and to 6aliaor tp said
<br />:\SS[7(tA i`tfY: ihr ~>rrcrx `.N :rW ~nsufaucr. sxxi ~,ir ee; _, sxrxmri ~v pcr'a1,4 anY waste .,t, .~, anrnci rani ;*remrses,
<br />in .=asr ~=E X-!3rd[ sn =hr ,=Drri;.u.-,;-vx :~#- u;rv .a! rite ;retm snd sx,~eeiiin~ms .:( <Ps.x rrtttt~xpe ... sNe t r;rd xcaresl ilti
<br />e6Y. the enutt~ $.....
<br />:xi :~nesral.. tr< r«t,t ka3 n. naNSafiatr t +arrsuaa -.! ,.iac xxttsegpyir_rt irr#rur7 arW .hr ,ncafe)t ~rrtisy srar~gns, #ParMf6ta attG wets bTPa iu the
<br />:saxtttigrr aH t4re =rear. nrnrrrs aint K :c, tc arssacai tt:zrat ittr v'entg,~cF p•r:nsses duraK wc:3t i&§rr ri ttx iMa9tpr~ wdebtedaeaa aiatit ts;~aitt
<br />urepaai. aiw titc xraart~ayEr dasi1 tiss< t„~ ~-asR, u= ag.(+.rasf :ng xgc.Exr ,n ~' r- .. ~ta-j ,k'tic rtw ::se 7xra7resc at reQe1t70~ wad wad , -
<br />the suric a+el tk7t- the a, !ra=e+r x ~rxi ;itrsmre-, sr 7 st r:grp *,vst ..mot ssrJ ;nixgs~tr <yf ra ~era~ vt re~trS~ said ¢a~Otn}fes Cnd taEOpity
<br />4cNrrrrtx?aairr went .{,chi Va c.i a flluryF airi3 RHftaf,tr{, ;±K vsrar atd -._,Ifrtt=rtj ~rsiraia Ftyerclrtpt_ #la6 haiarleC . t( my to he
<br />ap{Urri. axu ix.kta sr ~ ~ ~a,x t~ .rH3rt+te.lxsrxs, , [rest , t~lrti .: :.r .na tppterr :>ta. fe exctcaae~ ai .try [true dtrttryl, e#x ¢aistetux isf sttcJt
<br />~tfi F =~sttc i ~.•.t apt' er,tP o rarer •N #Enr =szc
<br />rt,r.,r f .r xsr tr;. .rr "~ iRaz f - _ vaaet ~#- !:, ura ~/ia. suJ zaau ec .x tcfiire #trr rnatpfitY €~ said abates %
<br />F'a7 rsraa-- :ras aai tilt .~_ieet iSStX t writ?S -.,r ." rst >;.,e^a [erii .rt tlrr fL- - s. ~ 'rnrtty ., vetrrrat wrist tN frtsipif urx qid Auen,:rtt FSr he/tite
<br />the ?»rnx,rtn ut , . xta nd .....,: _r:amts ,,sr.:,.i ~. sen ,s itn; r~+.-. ;+aY .sasx .*n+i ;v~~xicwts :rv+c.l against raw prexntata alai an [hilt Mori~,l~e
<br />an4 the Nxx.d yr 'v x- h.. xr;xr-s«nutura#s. .sse ixle sptx -: .zrwi-as,,. p~.ir :,~ u:fElieryv tf~~.,x, to ifrc sir~t ref 3 yUr!~44, 44 payttbk
<br />t€r sew .4=: tit k I4 E tt Y!' ~c}ra. -,, we} iiSt tF'. ! 1; it1`r ug,x. :trt tas>F; ail era ,rF :) .e ;*s,u tr:: uyxh cares.:axsssnsnts -snd itruuaiir~ ,rith «t[trttit ri
<br />the !nsx.tsure "=rlt>+'xt.. tlsexc~:n .x..no S ,i t:Kr,:rtNx asl =,z rrhaln Nc.#t - beet ,y -
<br />- e,~ t aXs rrs t.> par, irrrrnit. #tu «sate err said i+seniatra; k+~P atut tarmpfy
<br />rr!th a#f tfxr sgsrr nx art.. - - i as.. - fie.aM. - ~sU,!SU.;34J ~ a} vr+re~: .y _fre uaI Wrxrgagiri arx rand hS.S(JCiA'(iftN, and xmntply
<br />wrth af# the ,~ u tie. t , i the t -vest #utxv an,'s Hx t- v,i „f sa 4.Z.tit,tt # 4 ifE t`-e., titer :hex farrrrets ahall Mirasna Hitt[ artd Hard. uttreswxse they
<br />slraif .rarairr E t,51 r.W.~. asni :era, he t<~aci.eacd t !~ .=ptaa_n+ai the..,4c atxl(JE.1AtH)N se`tr+ fasiuxr ieU throw nxx#tta to matte any at=saw
<br />peiyrUrnts .>+ n to ~ €raNxthx .n a.reu - t nrat.utg twat iraai,tl.fy paytt,rr=ts. --. i.^c}a aav =.+=mpfp wrxir the afytttiiet:ts anti ccarditaoss a:( aid tkmd-
<br />atw 1x{wr~ut ayrecs sx, fiarc x =rxns~r; app<.uitcu !'=xr#hsiHh :r. yiscf? tcnca#taswc is,x€rcaant~
<br />li these a arty autigr u, ~,wratrxani{i .af tix ;tai n4tr rneM~yted iirerrr, sY aaYe Ur :ulettrure. then :he taint renatiaing i[wtbltldaWS trrnby
<br />rer.weaf atitii, at the .iptain ,N I7w f yuaabk Nuikdusg a+rJ ! .rsr, ~.ssaxia#asa ~t i:ra»d latuid, tiefxai3ia,6ecarr>ic uaenodrateiy due and payatrk without
<br />fw#hcr rp,tscc. atr+S tlxr anaxasxt ^<Fauuiin~ doe urnr.^i aaad h,ar,!, sxid any :.tier t,utw fx any addrtteNiat advawxs «iaFlr iherewsrter, dull, irUEa the
<br />rkate o1 caerrssr ,.t rrid uptaau, Derr ,ntrxru at tree max~rmarn .tee, arai ;aa ssnnt seat' thin 2AC ioreclaxd to satrtliy the amount due rus 3ard
<br />Otanii, aril: arty :N tier t#,atid f.H addnasaai adsaiiica, iergetttrr +Fidn a:t rUfrit iras=S tY'. 3ard i~t# i:s}uiiabie lttnldt[rj and I.xran Aswxewtnn aa(t;wnd inland.
<br />\ebsaai.a tux uxcurarrcc• tarts aaici aa,aautaonu, xsirl ahsUil'.a crrg zaa<tkwe, ,3rasyz:, ,a Hh iutirest airerd5n, frixn Garr ut paynitat at the rtiiaimiinr
<br />its rate
<br />.~a ge,.a.eai;>:d ~ Fnr &auJ rz.utcu ?acsc.iry. arhdr ~±>•,. !xaur~r xenaacs ~", .eiTr~t ?hc Uaritga~e ntay ttcrcal tr. a#kaa:sea addttnsnai sums to [tit
<br />i:rakr-es ..i eaiFf flernd. FhrN awgj:s ,-€ csr.,.t.es.=ra !s: ,txter.~xs, .in :sli susrea !.i-.a:f -ec wrthxr, the vclurit7 ,aS thin nturtgagr ita: axrrc as ifrr ltutda xxrgtnaily
<br />rr..Wf f tttr,chy. t)se !tee»c aniuuni .,; }+u>s.3~; Sc6t ;au+ ;:. ce«.ied a: ..,.: !tx •_< qi:u! aitivuut ,ri :hts rraarvgyge
<br />t tiza, .~ ~t2t .~.y ~t :u;~., r. tf-- t<, 91
<br />' S. Y . •_
<br />CaI"Ol ta. tray ~
<br />~sTeFt_#s4 ~hgkASKA.I
<br />ss- e_p, stun f Ott] way of 4111[' t9 8 Z . tw#xxr rue,
<br />t rk?t'iTY i)t- !'BALI,
<br />e€ir ue~dtrs~rrrd, a `+cNary t'tifitic i>7 anti hx saw i."e+uaty, prtsueirlty Genre
<br />iiasrry S. Rap ate c;fl2V2 L. ay, mach its itsa~t atx~ [ter v»n r.icltlt .3r~ a:~ ~yceiae ..•; eac:#I other,
<br />~. -. 9f H.r€W` t+uarritaiiy knnwa to
<br />t
<br />ewe tr, tfr z.istt nkntw~a: Isrrsnaag rtierrr txattrra ,aZt; a[[[ster tc> [fie a}hiror ansttutrrent of raxtgagsrr s amt C'lTi;' f rrrefi4ly
<br />a:3ntwrieJ~ect 14#r xa,rf mstrituirnt to tx tii't%.l..r i~!a#Ur#iaiy x.t artea +Ire4. r.~ -- ,
<br />SKTi~V3~~'4 ray '~xa: asel !i;ativutl r«4 rf~ rftttc ainacsah;- - - -
<br />i ~ ~~ ,
<br />1 t
<br />@4~eJt f^i f3Y -`rxr:.rrce5 ~ ~}'L-~ ~:' ~ .- ~',`_:-:...~~ I"-~'~~
<br />;e, ~yt. r. 1Di{
<br />rrnar r#r _._.~ ....,.r ~~.
<br />