<br />81--003077
<br />rJatice is given CURTIS CLAUSEN and DESIREE L. CLAUSEN, husband and
<br />wife as joint tenants with sight of survivorship and not as tenants in
<br />common, as Purchasers, have purchased from GLENN E. HAUBOLD and AFSNEE IK.
<br />HAUI3OLD, husband and wife as joint tenants with right of survivorship and
<br />not as tenants in common, as Sellers, under a Purchase and Sale Agreeaasnt-
<br />and Supplemental Agreements the following described real estate in Ball
<br />County, Neb>Laska:
<br />A tract of land uprising apart of the South Half of the Ns~rth-
<br />east uuarter (S~ NEB), and apart t~f the Northeast Quarter ~ the
<br />S~~utneast ?quarter (NEB SEA) all in Section Three (3), 2c~riship
<br />Ten (10) .'dorth, r2ange Nine (9) West of the nth F.M., in Ra11
<br />County, ~iebraska, more particularly described as fallowss
<br />aeyinning at the Southeast carnet of said Northeast Quarter
<br />(:~B~S); thence arJutherly along the East line of said Sect inn. Threes
<br />(}} a :iistance of Nine Hundred Fifty-Sax and Ninety-Six
<br />HuntirtxitIS (95b.96) feet; thence westerly parallel to the South-
<br />lane «f sa<~1 +ortheast :,;carter of the Southeast Quarter {Ni:~
<br />SUS}, a ~istancc ~sf ~3nE: hcsusand Three Hundred Twenty-Nina and
<br />tixx undredtns {i,s19.c16) eet to the West 1_ne of o~id Northeast
<br />;}carter «f the ;outi:east ;quarter (NE, SEk) ; therh:e nor~_herly
<br />many t>34 vicxst 3i._~ of said ?~ort:zeast quarter of the Southeast
<br />,quarter t';~:~ :7~:), a -#istart:e: ~~ time Hundred Fifty-Eight sad
<br />,hirty-F ive =:un:rc>E:ths i559.3~) :set to t:se 5auth iine of said
<br />'per:.#teast ~1aP'~E:.r t:+E?~}; tnence +resterly along the South line of
<br />sa:e: :dart:?'sE:ast '.~uartyr t;i=a) _ ~atance of One Tl2OUSand Three
<br />.d~sndre-u :'w3;€,t,, T;:rca and .~Ptj-`Cwa #iundr~dths (I,323.Z2) feet to
<br />-_#YE> >u~stn;.est~ ~_.s:er of :~.$~ci Nnrt:~east ~ugrter (NES)T thence
<br />~t~rtr;Hr.#-,- ai~~n~.,.,~i!a we-~t ins rig paid :~ortneant :quarter (NE~t), a
<br />.: 2:tal::~~' ,,. .. i..Y :4ursu r}~c# ixr,~-Ore anu F;~rtX-Szrven Hundredtiss -
<br />%J Ii; .-;"3 c:E:L; .::e;;~,~t .:rtfi€i~'t.c5~ r:°•ht `?f1`1S`fJ~" anti runnx.ng
<br />,,artc:r:~ ~ ..=>r.:sr,c;f.. _,: ;w.., :'!:.a;asantl ':i:rce tuncired I.'ighty-Twa and
<br />...r -?:..._ i~..:~r•-°_#te:~ € , is~.3H) ~~est; ths'ne;c. ~outrerly parallel
<br />_ _ ,.,~. ~:as; .ar:_ ..,. , „ .::rc ~ ; }, z ,; t¢nct 3f Thze~: Hundred
<br />,,vec;r,-,.r{j#.._ t.. .,~ .__ .:+r~t-~• sF`3~+:tx~~, left 5842'30• and
<br />.._.._._ - __.._- -z~'-#-5t-s~.. ._. c.- .~t~~ car .~sXty-Three $ild
<br />,.sl- -,~cc .,, .~..~ i::6_.4'} #~fsT:, ~_~~ t#~e~ ::ast "sine «f said
<br />.:~-<.rv:, _ti i }; _ ,-__ '~ =tn~~ =..~;..a nc~ u"~zst :ins eJC saiii
<br />. E~- _,~_. ._ ~e ~ ~ , j _, _.,3 .°€' ,_ .,~'c:. , t..,.._ _~ i-~'ahty--Four a;tci
<br />;.rE'e. '_~•r.4::~ ...:-i, ~) '~=r,t ~.-., a,'~~ ~ ~.;innin~ alld cantaizt-
<br />. .S: . . .. :':aaz-_ .Z -. ~, ;_=_l.~Y:.~t:t s~I -':}~- .t-`7*ir_;5 i.4. ;"1 t:ir,•L~'lA~ntS k>r~V1d &~
<br />'~.i T- _..._ _.::~t ,3 :,ea:,. .I':., arc: . ,. .. .- ai .=s t.:9tfs .~~~," •'ur:; ;3a$crs Yriltn the
<br />.,~.. r31 .:',$L.IS -#' `EL ~. is `"d- .~ ,._ iJ;, rY .i S: . ~, `j 3tJ, `_i r3less Furcha$@rs
<br />.'. c: r. .3 S' i. [2 T? !: €1: 1,..." ;4=~ ... ..°?t.' 3,. .:i 3i E. _.__. >.ti~i(1 ±'t' LIi?3t ela tC_'.
<br />_~s:. iL TS :ic-trt~ •:`X €: L.: ~.+t v.,'. ni _`:.~. fi t- -: inf.. _':;T 't.->."-': `lf 3.t £i:3 t}'l~' rEr1i x?F tatE
<br />... ~';... _.tdzie[~... ='~:e .t.ird"di .if ~., _~. s'. ";'; ~~°'ir Ft ?-id x".1€"7. !"e ZiZ ~an1G L7X
<br />irs:~~:~ . ss<.... <is ..tic. ~. nc;t:s ., _ _~ :e:.YE' t,~ ,-~s.,_.,asE.r:~ :Ipvn P~.II t ~r-
<br />_ JT::,a:.~c ;t ^.t._ .__..:f~: ..n. .., e_ ..-;r r~, :.._ <snFi ._ ;;nlcF=~ nt31 gs+~reements
<br />3 , ;.JaV:!If; Fit .,~ _ -.=~i uI - .:,2 :~'.. .fit ., '... :*1i ~ Lrf. f]d5E' ,~F {-ks ~;. .. ayal =j$ta tE.
<br />.: ,}~i°Eir ~itaSerti Lr_-€3~, .~_~_..rti.
<br />'ht' 3ali? `3S _.:< <:'c15 .5 :. __~: .... .: ..,~_ ~it_- _ =3S .. Aer 3> ~4~1~ , .3 n'i
<br />Pu.~nasers dG'.3tiirc'~,~ ;asses.>5m,_.. . _:~.~ r':~a ~stat~: :,n :=,ir~i _, z9i;1,
<br />rxc~~t for aeailers' .:ght _a .::~nLi€~u~s ..':t .ss~_ .s€ri xJSSC*>Qicl: _~~:. ¢'~ts 'rose
<br />lacatsi: an tn.. >~.ai Lstat _ ._ u... _ .... _ :It .. are=ss an. f~yres5 r`or
<br />et g~ri~xi net '_c1 ~..kt~wi .,ne t ; eas ~rt3m .-,~< , _~'Si.
<br />glgnESC cet ;~rana fi~an:~r '=ei:r~asx, ;.. .;unE: =='i ;~+~:.
<br />i f ~~
<br />I~?essr E ~., ?auses.}
<br />Sr'S ~.€: 'std ~~~ttieSKr'i, +.~~,3Ui~~' }~` ^#a~.L ~:
<br />he #czr~<3:I~rt:; .;,sLr~s€e~t °:a~; <ICks:~~~+ri~u~e::z ;..~•#:c~re .~sE: .,.. ~s'.fn=v
<br />i °~ii +-, :"s ~` _. '.; Yt".L'i l:A7uSE3; ~IItC] i,E$i rf; E; ,... a: l?iUSi4, f':, :,usbali.S .I zy:; •«lif:, :3 '~
<br />vir.Y. ~f:nant;~ Riti~. Tip"~t ~5i' ~urvivc~3°~ik<~, 3n:1 nr,~t ;t .~e~~;.ani._ ii ;~c-~c~:o.~,
<br />w.r'- _e ,
<br />.._. _,a ~ _ b ..Y.,,w _...,,: _ ... _..____
<br />';:tit #, i3r~~ ~ 3~'~T15 i ;. 4` ~.
<br />