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.z . <br />THE MOR'K'AGOR p[fRTIiER COVENANTS-AND AGREES: - <br />Thst'tbe MortpfEar Witt paY the indebkedtttr~ as hercinbefore provided. <br />That the I+tortgagoi is the ifet!rter of .aid property in fee simple and has good right and lawful autita»ty to sell and - - <br />convey the acme and tMt the ta1RtF to free and clear at imy Iten or ehcumhrance: and'thst Martgagar wilt warrant and -defend-the - <br />titte !o said Pmnixx at,.sitt~ the citdnu -ot aH - periona whoertaoevec - - <br />Tn pa7i tmnaediately-when dtm amt payable all grnerai'-taxes; special-'taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer seiv- <br />ice charges. and ot3wtrr taxes amt- charges against said Property, and ati taxes levied an the debt secured hereby, artd to furnish the _ , <br />Mortg~re. upon request, with the original nr duplieate receipts therefor. The Mnrtgagor agrees that [hare sha4- be added- to <br />each monthly payment required hrrrttnder nr under fire evidence n[ debt secured hereby an amount estitnatrd by the Mortgagee <br />to be suEicierst-to erialrle klee )tilettlCt~' t^ PaY~ as they hea+me due. alt-taxes, aaaessmenta, and similar chargca upon the p~rm- <br />isee stibjn't therein; -Sriy de[triency because of ttaa imxtfftciem'y of s[tch additional payments shall Fie (otihwith .deposited by the <br />Martgagar with the Martgagrr upon drmami by the Mortgagee Any default under this paragraph shall Fir dan+rted a default rn <br />payment nt taxes, asaessmentit, or ximilar charges required }u-rr„ndrr. <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also be added ter each ntonthty paymenE of principal and interest- required-here- <br />under an amount esiirttatrd by fhr Mcartgagrr to lx• sedf'ieient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, ¢rs it hernmes due, the insurance <br />premium rm any insurance Px~licy delivered trr Lhr Mortgagee. Anv deficit. ncy because of the insufficiency of such additianai:pay- <br />menta shalt tie forthwith rtepatited by fhr Mortgagar with the Mortgagee utxm demand by the ortgagee. Any rtefault under Chia <br />'paragraph shall ix dertnad a defa+sR ,n the lravment +if instirancr premiums li rho poiirs or polities depnsrted are such ;t3 home- <br />owners ar a!! »sk palirie>K, and the drpnart~ arr :nxulfictrnt tc. pay [hr colt rr Trremium, Fhe Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums rtn asks requirtd to hr insurwi by flits rr[arttage. - <br />Paymenta rnade by the \t+.rtga€nr nndrr the akxrve paragraphs may. at the nptton of the Mortgagee, be held by it and <br />r mmingi+rrt with Whrr .urh funds nr its ~ ~ fund.. &,r {9te payment of .nch items, and until s^ appfied. such payments are hereby <br />plerigrd as srrunty fnr flit nnltard balan: r• ••1 ±tr.• m:~rrr;aee :n<te htrtinr~,s <br />T,r pr+x-ure. d,•hvrr !.. an+i ?r.,untaur for ;tu~ t,«•n•ait ~ ~ ?!-~r '.i~*rt{aKa~e° .iunaM the :de of flies meet€aKe <vrKinal pnhcirs and <br />renewal: thertt,f. rlrfiv,•n~i ae ~ t -~.^. pia [ :r.• i rn•~a+t ,_. ~.f ar:} <h ;~r1 c:. <. :nxu rend a€amst Lire and other meu cable <br />hazards, casualties, and .-ont:ngr r:rs as flit Mnrtgag ;naa wire, yr ~ r :tmovente eyuat to the :ndrbtedneas secured by this <br />Mnrtgsgr. anti :n tsrmi.a ,. .sr.-elrtair[r t.• t-- it,: rr. r': _a gat ~ at- n fa:,.r =•f and en f;+rm acrelriablr fn the .`.tort€a- <br />ger. In {ire oven[ an, t - _t •* t ~ ` + - ~ _~ r. t. rnt-., rho i1„rtr~a€ may F~roru rr :n_uancr the <br />tmprwentrnta. pay th. r our ~f r .. t {._ ~ - r.^- {- re ~i - nil !:a--atl wilt ntrrrvt 3t he n+= wt <br />Forth to said nulre r+n{Y- ,ear 1 tort War. ... ,. - r.. -.-.. ~s< + ~ri,_ - - + .?.r arE -.f fhr _ tr,tgago - t r•msF u h ru•als <br />_ } ,. a? +tr --t . ~ if .,rtgayt ~ ns[ t n - _~e•faulr, <br />as are hrmm rrqutre~i !x; h. r. - 4 ,, r. •,,.,, ... - + u <br />under *.he trans of {ti: ,<. r?;,a;.F ~r }.« .e .. + . r - .:.. - _.r.~ ,.. ,ant -.t •.. fate.[ ma,utr an >,nmr al .1 !rm <br />rartm! p:rmtum <br />Aerv- ;[eras r ~. t `''• 'p, iT„_ ~ ! ih 1 I s, „r -n <br />and appiira tswani tr ~, m•~nr .t `t•r , r.. .... _ , .. .,, , .: ;-•r.tu - , ... am <br />_. i' t - r <br />pert may br paid .ever n. th.- 1 r .e~., :,.._ •. -~ ,~ ,traxr ,-r tn.. :~; am--~„. .,.tr ,: beer <br />other purpaa^ cm ^i~.µrt atrvfar-tnn ~ .... i4•,r --.... ,• ~ . - - , ., - - <br />ixv l,efurn sur_h twymertt ,-.~rr :~-•i, „i»..• <br />Iu pnxnpti '-i-arr t k- n z- - t _ 2• } } k +at }y <br />i ~ ~r t r. ! - r t Fr- . <-. a - tt_ -r _ th ern .:r <br />-^^~r c!ama:,trtl <sr cit. tn.r-=1. !+ [_ .a..t F r - "•• _ _#X - ., rst <br />claim +.f !wen rx~t rri-resr.i:v -u F. r.i sate+l : t • ., .r: r.., {a -int v t ;•r an. n,,..anr t ~ c:n <br />1 o-r i A rfet i . « [ }3A11 rtYYYmr <br />said [Tnrtrrrfv m+r tts +rarnuk »arit v. ~:r - --- - - .nth sl. ..rm,- aw <br />,i~ .~ .. ,.. t nt.._r weft: ~r-.ryrK~t <br />lt>rs valuator. rn>r to rttmtnrat+ ••x a+r , ,..a -,c. :, <br />to the tmtrtgagrri prrrn+.r. e,+„ fhr rase ?t~~rr~.=f <br />- - ( un f ! mt r -men[ , t - -:ndemnatinn <br />That .iwuld tF.a• peen-, .- t - r'. are _ t ! ~ _ - rFr +a; t - _ - . <br />proc'mling, .u under tt+a rrgh: t 7 nr tt t- --a: .-- r v - t n.;as=., t ii - tK. R ,murwr r* aptpratr rr ,amt! prrwrc~+tie +nr its <br />awards. and aaty otitrr payment ,.r rrltr~t n.~r.•fvr ,anJ -.halt he r-ntttix.i. at itn .-,,: n.n, ,<, , <br />own rtsme any ar:ttxt :+r prc:ercding. •, s. =trtkr _t t -- ,t,r+ezete:- -.s ar-tt m=-r.rt :r, - r rc~er•,n ?: +uc-h to krnt; r.r damage All ouch <br />t:rsmparrat.tanr ay+,artia. darnagr+, rtatti c,i`actr.~n amt pnx-+-rtis arr• fwrat} aatat{rra-tf 'tv '+dcrtgayCcw. ++ta. *naY after deductmR <br />thereieotu alt eta exPerax+s. release anY to<+teYs w resrrsrdrrrm}.rn:»aiwrskia[Pae;rlc~iamagra atrdrM htrsrart ac[n.a~amlrprucacrcPs an the <br />ta1Mr agree. to rr;ent!*r welt further sasigna.Xnta ~ any = 3 - <br />Mortgargee maY regtttre. <br />Thal to cast :rf fp+turr Lu prrf^rm an7 of the - - ra:.t -. ,hr 'tine?#aK.rr m,.sy do •=n fhr MnrtgarGtrr's heha[f everything <br />sir txtrrrnattted: that !!tr MesttlagtK^ matt also d+; arty act t n•ay ! m -~-ar-~-sarv u. ;,r.,tx-t ?hr Irrn thrr«ut. that {hr Martgagor wi[I <br />repay upon desrtand any trtaneya paid nr disbursed bt the M^rigaa r- for any ref fhr atxrve purpe*tes, artd wch moneys tagnl}ie[ with <br />is "aid sole atoll Frc<mw *u nsuch add+iisnaal iti:~htedru~ hrrehy securer[ and tnaY ~ in- <br />iatarxrt thotreun at ttte ratfi pruv'fdtai <br />eluded ih any rlax'rue fr,rrclwtng flits mortgage amt ts, paid out •;f ttx rents r.r {m.r:r.Yia of sett of .e+d premtars if nut nthrrwtse <br />paid; that it shaft cwt be nMtgatary uixsn the Martgage.~ ta> ,rrqutre roue trx +~alitlt[y of any hen, em•umhram:rs,. nr claim in ad- <br />vatrtt~ >~tates'a aa. above auttruriant, trot rttr€i:tng heeein c,attait+ed shell 6e aanstrued as raquutng the Mart;rtttr to advance any <br />tq~gfa tae anY tart9t Puz'P~ ~' Ada anY ax't 3xreit[alr;. ''~ that Martgagar shat! rwz incur an>~ peraurut! }iabitity iietattst` of any- <br />tbitt! it maY-8n:ot orrtit_ha do hereundar- <br />to tiro tvenf '3f the dalautt by Martgagar in the panne-ri[ of any rnatadlreetti, as re+;uirrd by the Nate xrrured hrrebY. or <br />to the pertarmartce d the eibliga4i~ttn xhia rtxtrtgage or in fhr no€e v±eured thrrrhY, file :tt^rtgagor steal} t>r entitled to de+clate the <br />3et:t aacu[ed hereby due anti PaY withrhit nati.-~. ant ?hr 1Ytnr{galPee shalt t*e entitled at ttb nptian. mithti{tt n!stiee. either by itself <br />+sr b~ k r~t,Yi4'eY ter hr at±pu'tttcett try the coot[ the:as,f, ar ~ wathan+a trganl ue eiw s.iw+wn-: ++r a••a ^e•.u,.tr t.x tttp itulcMednesa se- <br />~red lteretvY, to rntr•r upon and [site psi^tt of flat mortgaged prtms`srs- and to collect slid receive the rents, r.wurar <br />ttttre~# ~ a{+Plg flit zatrse, lt~ ea::rtt tsf` ngsrration and ca}tectinn. span si+e irtdaMedtteas aectired try this mtietgage; said mn4; <br />iauzas-apd >n being hrrehY aaaigtted to the Mottgagrr as farther seeurity fix the. Payment at elf truirhterineas arrcured -herahY. <br />Tttr 74trtetgagee ~hrttl hwe tke power k appuutt any agrn[ nr agent rt may desire fnr the purpatte of repairing wand prem• <br />iaetr t~~tiittl the same: e~teEtjq~ the nYtiia. revenues .std i~ltne, and rt ntaY PaY nut of rsick tnrnme alt exPetssrr= sacurrasl to rani- . <br />aztd matnapiasg the taste and d tx3#li+c€tttg tit¢ rentals !beret rnm. 'Fhe tsalance rrnutining, if any, shall 1+e apptked wwatd tbe-~~_ <br />tBet[~tttrter tri the ma.rf~{;c irvlet+iedi+ss+a, Thta aart~nncent +a to trrmittatr amt ixcome Waif and void uP~ rrieaae of thief mortRager-~ <br />6...._ <br /> <br />