J~yi-A1l.R.ER$E OP M011'ItiRt3F.-~Cmporatlee Q 1 "'~~ ~ ~ ~., js Huffman and Felton & Wolf. Walron, Ne 68461
<br />IN CONS7DERAT70.N of the payment of the debt named thf-rein, the HOtAE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN
<br />CIATION OF GRAND ISLAND hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />jolt tlu following described tea! cs:are, to-hat: Tracts of land comprising a part of the E}zSE; of SECtio
<br />110, in Township 11 North, Range 9 1«est of the 6th P.M., Hali County, Nebraska, described
<br />ias follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Elg of SE ;, said point being
<br />1, 132.08 feet south of the northwest corner of E}zof SE said point also being on the
<br />south line of East Faurth Street if extended frog thde West; thence running northeasterly
<br />a distance of 371.91 feet, thence deflecting left 72 59' and running northwesterly a
<br />aj Scct4aa , in Totv+eskip . Range of the P. M., HALL t5ee bet
<br />Cownty, State of t;ebraskd mhxck is rrcarded in Rook 125 of Ii rat C..rtate Mortgages, page 433
<br />of the records of sand Chanty.
<br />7N TF_ST7Mf)N}' lt'HER the sa' E FEDERAL SAVINGS F. LOAN ASSOCIATION has eaxsed
<br />p . ~~~. .
<br />Bute to he esecutrd b1~ ds arde=nt Ana rfa C crpnrnte iral to hr nt~ixed hrr?ta thes 18th
<br />!RlA~ May , ,q81 HOtiE FEDERAL SAVINGS b LOAN
<br />_ 0 TID.N_OF...G AND---ISLAI4D.._..----------------
<br />' . ~ . - ._. _. ~ . csrf. - . -. - _.._.__..Y-1Cj: PresidentS~
<br />5 e hen R, a r~
<br />r _~~. tt hest _ __. -. . -_ ....:..........-- -. 7V7tdF)iklExX14li1;rifaK~J~X
<br />RASKA
<br />'1'13 CF_ ..... .... ...._ __ _ - ---- - ..18th tray .......--- 81
<br />~~ On tius_ .- day of.....-----.-.---=__.... .., 19.-.-....
<br />=f- "~- ....County i before me, the undersigned, a No Public in and for
<br />-'~ :~+i~- - _ ..... Lary
<br />card C -= , personalty came _.-_. ... . .__ .. ..Stephen ;?.--Bel tzer _ Uic~,~den~o~ the
<br />- -
<br />.._ _... ...__. .. .._ -vr^e. ... .sect-: ..- __ ._. ___ _ -- - - a Corporation
<br />to the p~aonally known to be the~f'resident and identical person whose name is affiaed to the above release and
<br />acknowledged the a:station thereof to be his votuntan' act and deed as such officer. and the voluntaty act and
<br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affiaed by its authority,
<br />Natatial''.,er;? at.`~'rand Island, Nebraska in said County the day and year
<br />,: - t'' - ~-' "`-- ... tiotary Public
<br />a distance of 92.01 feet to a paint on ts,e sautherly line of East Faurth Stn=e€; thence
<br />running southwesterly along and upon *_he Sou±herly tine of East Fourth Street a distance
<br />of 393.9§ feet to a point on the nest tins of the C=, of the SE';, thence running south
<br />along and upon the Rest line of the E<< ai the SE'_ a istance of '2.57 feet to the point of
<br />beginning and containing 0.355 acres ,no re or less; -alsc- First to ascertain the
<br />point of beginning of said tract, start at t!;e Nartt:west corner of said Er, of SEA„ running
<br />thence seuLh along and upon the }lest line cf the cast one half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />E=1SE';} A distance of 1,132.08 feet; thence reflecting Ieft blo2l' and running na~theasteriy
<br />a distance of 371.91 feet to the point of aeginniny; tt:ence deflecting right 107 O1' and
<br />running southeasterly a distance of 513-37 feet to a point on the northerly right-cf-way
<br />of the U.P.R.R. Company, thence running '.artheasLerby along and upon said right-of-way line
<br />a distance of 317.0 feet, thence defter±iny left 92 22' and 30" and running northwesterly
<br />a distance of 634.53 feet to a paint on the Southerly line of East Fourth Street; thence
<br />running Southwesterly along and upon said sautherly line a distance of 201.47 Feet thence
<br />deflecting left b3o01'40" and running southeasterly a distance of 92.07 feet to the point
<br />3f beginning and containing 4.002 acres more ar Iess,
<br />Part of the forthwest Quarter of the Southeast juarter {NW;SE!-,} of Section ten (10}
<br />in Township Eleven (11}, North, Range ,:ins ;9} hest of the 6th P.t".., more particularly
<br />described as follows, to-wit: Camfner,cing at the Southeast corner of the NW'; of SE?; of
<br />said Section, thence straight Borth on the east line of said taW~wSE'a to a point where
<br />said line intersects the sautherly boundary line of Fourth Street in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, as shown an the Plat of Jahn 4.. Lanrbert's A.dditian to said City, thence
<br />in a southwesterly direction along and upon, the sautherly baurdary line of said Fourth
<br />Street to a point where said line intersects the South ling ot` said NWr, of SEt~ of said
<br />Section, thence straight East along and upon said Sou€h Iine of said NWE; of SE to the
<br />place of beginning;
<br />Ai so, all of Lhe land contained and included in the blocks, s€reets and alleys as
<br />formerly existing and located of and in Blocks 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 ir. Evans' Addition
<br />to the City of urand island, Nebraska, said blocks, streets and alleys having been vacated
<br />by deed to Hubert }i. hake and Wife, dated 1larch il, 1h98 and recorded ir, 8ock 26 of ?eeds
<br />at Page 425 of the Oeed Records of Halt County, Nebraska; also the following tract of
<br />land, more particularly described as foliaws, to-wit: Con~tencing at a point on Lhe Wesi
<br />line of the East half of the Southeast Quarter {Ee,SEf,; of Section Ten {14}, in Township
<br />Eleven (llj, tlorth, Range dine {9} West of the Fth P.M., when? the South line of Fourth
<br />Strut in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, would intersect the carne, if extended, and
<br />runnint3 Lnence easterly along the Sou ti: line of said Faurth Street, if ~:xtended, `wenty-
<br />two and 54(lOtl :22.54; Rods, thence southerly fora distance of ?hirty-one ,tnd '•aur !lundrrd
<br />Twenty-two Thousandths !31.422} rods, to a point an the tiara; lane -,f the ri%;ht-of-way of
<br />the Union Pacific Railroad Lampany, Thirty and fifty-four r?unrSredths 30-54} rods f--act :5f
<br />the West line v€ said East half of the Southeast =Fuarter {CE.SE~'~b ~>f ~.•,i.{ ;action imn si(?E
<br />thence West slang Lhe North line of said right t;f way *_cr the ae;t line r,t thc= €a~.t halt ,~t
<br />t tlk i9ktt h~`a5t Quarter tiE•`t}SEfa} of said ~f'4t'. tan ?fin ~1J), th chid =amts '•rr tr't ;. 'wi? Anil
<br />i,ighty-five t#undreuthK, !}4.55} rctd5 ,tlttntl ;eid WrSt tit's t.o the ~;l~,ce• r;f ;eytnnin.t.
<br />