<br />MOR7C;A+G@
<br />--- MORT(:ACE LOAN NO. I' 23, Qyp
<br />~owALLt~Nev~t~lrserft~sr~[s:`nptr Robert S. Proffitt arld T. A. Proffitt, each in his and
<br />her aunt right and as spouse of each other , hltert~oa, .AseUrer aoe « move, m twsri0esatlor of t!r ttttat or
<br />Two Hundred Thousand and nof100 ._ _~~ _____..,~~ -_- - - ~
<br />ittped tss said raortpgpsr by 'fbe t~ utt Yleieab t~ttiaatg apd t.tw, wnacia{iam of f,rstad [a<nutd. Ne~lc.. Mtxt~ee. !!port 2UQ0 r~a~ of aMdc of
<br />sad ASSO('iAi'tON, tRTiifinte ?Jo. L 23,960 . tfn hereby ftrstnt, mosey and rautt~ tmto the sod ASSOC[A170N the fodaaias
<br />tt rea! saatc, situated in Haft CauMy, Weirtadta:
<br />LQT TvtEI.VE (12) , ItEX;FSX'Y -B3-THE-GRF.QU
<br />tIP.ANU ISZ,AI`~117, IfAI.I. t'r.X$dI'Y, t~33R1s`4XA.
<br />tndether wrtfs a8 the [ereeatents. hetratrtawent.s pmt atrpustrntsrsxs [htsrnneu isr6.xsetna, tn€#udisgt atiat3ud t7ast cvserinp., sii window saeem.
<br />wifdow sitat4es, bsaufs, uwm taetakrss, awpte~_ Fsniws. •u <sndtt wrnupt, atd phsmbs ¢ acd .+attt cgtttpwent and b'RalMies thereto. puntpa, stoves.
<br />rrriekertiws„ anti ulFtt ftxtum and rqutprssrar runs .a txsrxt trr attaclxd t:, .w sm~d m ~x;rnrctnm svNh suS neat exiatr.
<br />Atd as^fsertas the sad tttaxt~µaw has ytrax6 and dsscs hrretri' spar trigs thr ansxt~sn dtai1 and wd1 pat ail tiara and asRfOrKnfs levied a
<br />araesed spin sod preinses awi t>pcxs thss entxyryp& asui the tarns[! stvvsn! therrhy tsrfarrr ttsr casrte shall txsxxrter detirsyuent; to ftrsnieh sppsosed
<br />umuance s>.p<sn the IuaWraRs .sts sad ptctaaes »uasied rn the sow+,f S ZC;0, C00, u0 .arable to read A:;,S{lCfATtON and to dr{tMes to said
<br />AS50{'!A7'}CaM sloe p.sheaes fsa sad tntunascr. spd tw.t t., a~ssmtari e,.x prrnra any p,assr :+n ex stssxu; saai prctnars:
<br />'p cage „f defsnq as the pcrf.xtn`-xc „# any ad the t€stm aed tx?saditauns sd tits :nat~yr a.s ttss !rood aresurd lseteby, the ntarrdgfs shall,
<br />up destsapid. rte tatttled ass umsedeate lpaarsawm .d the mnetgFxt tsmtssaes isd she rzaxtp~tta Ittretry asatgs~, traprfaa gad sets rives t,> the
<br />tsaxita¢¢ td she !tots, revtasres gad racsxrr tss tae 6ernad from shr rxssxtd lxtnsacs itatrg6 such ter as tht muri~6 sssda4tcdnes !doll semfvt
<br />urspald: sad the sasxypyee shall !lave the pfrws e. appssrRt gay igeat cu q{'att # may dmae Fax the pwptpa at safuaims said ptemifm gad resststk
<br />the aster asd ,.xsYeaatp she mats, xrveBaet sad tsscume. aatt :t troy Pry :ran of seat uaarnsr all cxprsspts of repaugl read psemses pad sseot>oiy
<br />gad rxpesstrs ascwrat :p ,rnitssa pad rsarnsgasa the same pod at csilecsss~ r€atats tlrtrfrvut. itr btftata' rem, if gay. to be
<br />a~p8e-d tt,~pruet ehe daa'~u~e +.( sasei teurtttigpe vrdetrtrdaea. thctc a~lsts .:t t#yt trusses mty Lrr exesciaed ai any tier dpiuitt the cxgtdsfoe of such
<br />atdt,+ti€agesYns ss{ gat testyrtasry wtuVer .si ehe spat.
<br />i7rse fResrrtis, !x,weres, asr uptat ttte t :xu{xtrsa, 7lta[ d the sea! stzs tkatxx strai# rtpry sapi k,ass t.n vs before the msttaitY ~ sap! stoves by
<br />Ph'mmt, pry tnmtldy [o ta,J ASSfk: lA{Stlfr :!f the sum sptufia! to ttr {ksrnt ses.:utrd #srrts§y ss snimesr grad Pem'aPd on sod insn, on ssr isefore
<br />the 'llveatieth day sd rwls and r.ery rsa,ath, :mttt sad 4iret a t tray pad: tsy ail taxis awl asxssntersa levied aypttua asd prtswetaa gad sirs ttus Manpde
<br />got{ the Band rcttucs# tht:rby , t+rtsxe dehwttuesuy, r sassait xppsowxi spwsaact eP'rrn tlsr issaidna#{s !berate to the vein a{ 5 200. 000 . GO payable
<br />to salt! ,U`St1C~lAT7L1N, rrpry to read A'.rtitlClA~t1t.S?V upoes dratrnti ale a,naey t,y st prod Sex sort! axes, astmtsseata :sad irtsurueee with tnterset at
<br />ttr natitntsa iqd teas thrsam loins dart ,,F pagmsmt sit tct wltsch fdustptktx :catchy aftrers to pay, petrol! xps wawa oa sod Psenase+: keep and ~+tCIY
<br />+rdh zd the ajtttestrats earl cxxr{stpnu td the fluor! fcx 3 =.00.000.OOttw day gsuum by ttte teed Maregtgn ttx said AS5t7t:tATlON, and taaaply
<br />whit a4 tits spqugrrtomtts s,f tfr c"ssagHutw, ,red fly-i,atsn ssf seat ASS(lC{ATIVF#: s}ra itteae pttaeats ila0 betx~ oaf! gad raid, ottseswsr they
<br />thaU reaart u ftd! Fame gad rosy tae fwtcisaett at the sspttun ui thr sad ~'S-+'stk:`tAT1~# after Faifute Fw there mtm;,.t~ to !take gay of sad
<br />paymasta w 6a !brit rtvattta m aneass w mskissk sstd mwsthly Payramt:, ax to kerp gad cuwpiy wnh ttte apswetneats and eoatiitions of said Noad:
<br />gad idsxt~x aEsteat tv base a stsraer appsaatod rorehwtt{t w sttrf+ fwecitatpe prusxrdrr~,t.
<br />!{ th¢re s gay dsstaBe aA amaaalstip of the rani estate smtfyynd Aereia. by Sic of s,Fhaswia, ihasl the ratue rer~anttk tledehteddnCYY ttwa{ry
<br />seclard rittdl, W ths~ atprars cat TAe Eergabie lktddak gad taus Asrucntrua a><i.aod Ishnd.!iebsaaka, hecunr atdy dm gad payable sritittsat
<br />FstBse ssosiee, gad tits aaasrrt ref der reader teed I+uarl, gad any utirt raved ftx any add'siotssl ads eatdr thateuuder, rhaik, {roes t$e
<br />rites of rappr of said ~ bear mtrnat u the rrsutrman lrpi tart, xud ih» ntortEsg rrsty titers lee furtdtssed to ntufy the amttraat dug tan said
<br />fstaai,ased as7i rube istad fw atiddkioasai adrromt, engstttw vetch ail sstftss Prsd t'l` std 7'tse F~rtitslk Btdidiud a~ f.ssan Atxxntitus t:F i;raad 1s~1,
<br />tWhtaaka for ieuaraats, trim tad asrctaeaents, gad sLrtrttctu~ cxtrnsvn sispget, with tntesrst thtattps, from date of payment at the rtaxisrnstn
<br />~.
<br />As Ptso.~rs+itet xa the Btmd srawcd {,ueby. while !leas :nurt~s tetatass an rffec~7 ttse rrrrttgs~ee rosy herea}ta adrtaw atklitisatat sums to t{ee
<br />ttsiots td saps 8tsatt, !tilt assigns .a strxmiss en sattreu. +r4ua3t stems sitsti be wstltm rYte sr. rutty d tttis smri the xxuse as thr farads attgiwily
<br />tagged tiesaby, the total asaosnd a>F prsatapat debt mat ts. tarred x any stare the urrasssd anasunt of this nasrtgage. -
<br />ry,-.
<br />thr gllth ~ ut Jture: A. cl., lv 81
<br />T. A. Proffitt
<br />S7ATl r~ MEifRASKA, ~ ~, {ta t 11 eh day nr Stine s 4 $1 .berate tae,
<br />erxsrrrr t~ }sA11..
<br />li'~bert 5. Proffitt and T. A. Proffitt, each in ~il.`s~aciear~o~w i r'~~arii~ a"s sp~otri§~ro`~a
<br />et3eh r , who aC~ prrsoatisy kttawa Eo
<br />tr w be the idaatata! paa«,a 3 wiataa acme S are stCFaed to the !!rose t/tai ~ mwlgaEor s sad they ~~i'
<br />adlteuis>~ed rite and tttuRissmeste to sat thetl r rdunutrY act gad deed- t E.
<br />tlyl;'s'„4 .py fuse gad t~xta+ed seal tyre date a{aress.d. ~,~,..- -- J /
<br />>jr _ - '
<br />tits Cc~masatrr. ecpYaa /"r './~,~„rCgt . t~ `~d"~L'a'-'a„x
<br />tnrtna ar
<br />k#. kYSfARr-~taFS aty!iyosstio
<br />IaME'S tv rlt ;t7N
<br />sy #:eSbStt Fsp RSr 14E3
<br />