<br />Viz--- )1ti~3O~3
<br />MoR~rcecE
<br />MORTGAGE LL3AN NO. I. ~z nG~
<br />KNOtY All. MEN BY 77iESE RtESEN75: Taut I~alis D. Jankovitz, a single p~TSOt7,
<br />MortysSor, whether ove m tttote,sr msaideratim of the am of
<br />. ~ ~ --- - -- M"""1)OI.LARS
<br />ksmed xrt said M The Equitable tdiaS std Loan Asstraattoa of Grand tshtad, Nebraska, Mot~ee, upon 240 tieuaa ~ stoct of
<br />mid ASSO('dA770N, Certifr~te No. L 23 , 957 . ~ tterebY Sant, convey std lrswtga6e cots the saM ASSOCSATl~UN the f(rlloa~kaS
<br />dacribod teal mate. sitt~ted u IWI C,wmty, Netxaslta:
<br />LOT THRE£ (3) . IN BItOC".tt SIX (6) , IN
<br />OF GRAND ISSlu'+ID, ~.
<br />roSetha weth all the teaenrnts. heredrtaterats srrf appurtenanrxs ttterettnto fxktnpsng, rteriudittS attached float w>Rtirl6s, all vrindow seseans,
<br />armdar shss>es, trhnris. gexm warriors, swntryp. tratrtl6, alt arltdnianirgt, axd pirunbing ztrd watct equipment and acr.~riee lheteto, ptnapa, stoves,
<br />refra}etaxrars, sad abler lixtiaes sat egwtotrent tulrrr .» hcrcaf:er attadxd ea arc used in ctxttrct&rn wcth raid real estate.
<br />And rtrerut she rid rruxt~r has a6tccd and does hcrrtty a6rre that the tMrrsga6rrr !full and will pay aB taxes and aau+otreets levied or
<br />aactned rryoa sipd ReinOCa aid irprM tha mwtariee and the hand secured :hereby frfr>ce itrc snare skis(! tretrmr detioqutot: Eo furnish appeomi
<br />sutasacc upon the tsuddiryts .ts1 taad prcmaes sttuatW is• the zum arf S 24, Q00 . t30 fxiystrk to sari ASSOCIATLON sal to deliver to said
<br />ASS(X'lAnCki the prdu:ra tw sid rnstrraaae. and rnv-ta axxmmn ar prrmn any waste rm or aiiout said fwcmivo:;
<br />In ~ +x deftvdt m tM pMnrrrwrct ai any .» the terirm ainl sanditiwn of skits mort6a6s ix the trtttd setrucd hereby, the ntortySet alts((,
<br />aar derntsed, kre rtunied to rtmaedtau pcasemrrrl ai the nuut6a6ed premsscs arxi floc strarip~6ru hcretsy sscypu, traaefeta and 9exa enter to the
<br />ttMrrfLaet ah fire reMa, rt+eartra std 3r1~"`Sne to tr[ derrvsel tf(ria She nr)iRgi~.'ct p[cma+rr (11![816 t13Ch [slat is ttre mOrxs>~ Iadebtedtaesa shall IefmiB
<br />urtpRd: and the raarrt6ttSx slraS hax tlr purer to appoutt say a6iNrt or a6cnts ti troy desire fac tht purpute of tttpaHhg said pteatmss ttad teatiBS
<br />Nee same and adleotmS the !eau, reveaies and !!!!same, sari rt may pay crux of said itresnue aU czperrses of repsrrirtS said ptetrtiaes aid terry
<br />sari cxpettses tttcmred w rsntm6 and smtue6tn6 the tame std aft earFketrtl6 rentals therefrom; the balaerce •eauin_9. if any. to be
<br />toward sir das#urttc .rt' said mrn-t~s6c rm#ebtcdtreta. titesc rl6hxs ar!' itx *.nartSaRee !lazy tx exaemed at any time dttcin6 the existetrct of writ
<br />~. rrtespcesrve .~ srry leargroauY wane! art Ctrs snac.
<br />7tseie t4eaaru. svrraem, are uparrr tbt ('.rnditram, drat rt t~ sand irkxt6a6os skull repay said kraal an ar beiorc the arstwity of said shares by
<br />pryroant: pay mxnhly to card AS.~(%'lAi7t??V .*f i ire +rrm sfrec+t~c+i rn ttx Norut sec:rnsd trrcby sa rrctarat arad pturerpal on said fan. vn at befoee
<br />ter ltieatreth day of each and every mtmth, ImW sad Caron n (oily pars, pay a1i faxcs acrd amestiarnts (curd a6ainsi said prcttrises std on tlttis MortpSe
<br />aed itr lbntt secured ihertty, berate hcltttqurncy, ftrrntdl agpn xd insnrairx ieprxl t he brokla~ ttrttmn m the rues of .S't4, fl(IO. i-}0 paYSbk
<br />m ~ ASsti0('lA"ftC3N: repay to caul ASS(7C2ATt(h'v nptxr atamsmt xiI tlrirray tY a peat frn srrcti rocs. assewnen[s std inxoratux with interest a[
<br />the mtxirarrrrr kSa! luxe thetttxr Gam date arf psyarnrt sd art whr-a Martpyxor ilettby a6rxs to pay. pertrut ew waste axa mid prcmees: keep and corttply
<br />srulh aN fir aSrcxmetttsstd ssnrdrtronaarf the lhtrd tw S tq r~~ t#ua clay 6rverr by itte mrl MtrriSLStrc to said AS3(X:tA170N, std cogtply
<br />+rrtb afl the regn»YnaNlu o! Cbt Crtluattrrtutrr sad llY-Laws d tAflCYN7; ihre three presents shall bemmc ntdl and vat, ofhetwis they
<br />titaif reruaitt in €nU ftacc a1d tmy He ttrlectusrd at tit! atptwrs .d the sad .>SS(7(1A710N after fzdrrrc for thra rigaths to ttalte say of said
<br />pttymenu .n kin tlaee months 1A arprs m tnak.ur6 cart «uiothty payments, ax w kup and rattrply wit'. the aS[eemeeta aid maditioea of said fond:
<br />sari Mortpgat antes t4 have a ttaenRr appreatnt fIXthrrtll in sntjr faredorace pruceadnr6t.
<br />IL throe u say ceraerSe ut awsws(ep art the teal estate rraort8tl®ert hetam, try Sala aF arlhetras[, the rite etstite rtaaaiein6 itdebtsdncss hrreby
<br />setansd shag. at the optisia aft Tire Eatwtabie 8widaaS sad Lana Asspprrturo art (:rid island, Nebtasita, hecome itoatediatcly due std payirble without
<br />ftailra rustice. znd the atarruat remaieatg afar cadet sari trims. std sey ,after bond fox say additions) advaaue tirade therauader, stia9, from the
<br />dais err aaertita arf said trptum, heat mterex u xbe rnartuaum iqW ntc, and this mext6a6e may then be fttcedaxed w satisfy the amount due on said
<br />bewd,and tray aihrr ttond for additions! ratvstrses. to6etbrr w,th a8 utnn pod b3' mid 771 F:quiubb SuFidia6 sad Loaa Amcfatioa of C.raad isLnd,
<br />Nebssaita fm ilxiraana, taxas and ameanaer+ts, and sbnadmR eateasrnr char6es, wilt( mtettu (hctara; frnm date of paytmnt st t!r raaxitrtum
<br />lepd taxe-
<br />;4z providett in the ekaut sttvrerl trreby, w#s0e thn m.ISi3,aSs rr:nears m rtt'ect the tncxtSa6ne maY tter+xifter advancr additimrat stems to Ltic
<br />aalkets all rand 81rm1. thou atargu as wr:rxwara in wtlerrst, rrht.;h ram shall ire wrihrn t#te sectsity of this ttrrrrt6a6t the satrts as the (lards anSuraify
<br />rat,~si ebersby, t$e total agrarpi of prsnegsat debt tech to exasai at any irme the axr~irltat anrtunt oC ibis «unt6a~e-
<br />~ this 11th- dal a,t' Jtute A. n., tv 81
<br />IF~.t3 23. ,7d}2k~.pVik2 ~`
<br />S°fATfstJia NEBRASKA, tl~ tkw I It3t 'tsY of ,TUiTB $1
<br />st,. 1Y , brfarc ms,
<br />CL711h"fY t)f? ItALL
<br />the wsderstyrai, z YlotaxY Vrs6liic to sad fw laid Calmly, psswedfy mare
<br />1Ai€~~t 13. .7it2, (t single pei'st>at,
<br />who ~ pxacusuHy kooarn to
<br />sat (p ba tbt Maatiur4 P+tm++ ar6use truae 1g a{Curax xa the rbora am~t!*~ a`s moat~tit aa3 ~S 111~~
<br />adrstq+aledl•at1 t6a said ~ tra be Y:is ssitarnasy set and daad~ l
<br />. #-- -
<br />ray hurt and Nma~ scat the rises af4acrtud. .- / ~ :
<br />Airs tomtasarraosr exsixa. ,~. 6~ iEf~~ 4-,
<br />taaswxat ,~ ~ ~. f ?' .• S ~ ~itk '"sRr rase xd kebr~y
<br />.-a.AS n ,; Silty i
<br />tiv mortar i~ ~ !v. t~l
<br />