<br />- ~~`--~t30301Q
<br />E L E C T R I C E A S E M E N T
<br />The County cf Ha11, a political subdivision of the Stara of ~Fehraska, herein --
<br />called Grantor, in consideration of ~i"'L ~Qv~~~^' , receipt of
<br />which is hereby ackaow2edged, hereby grants and canvegs unto the
<br />a mssnicipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a permanent
<br />and perpetual easement and right-af-way to survey, construct, inspect, maintain.,
<br />repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon, overhead sad underground
<br />electric utility lines, poles, anchors, cables, terminals, transformers, surface
<br />markers, and other agpurtenances connected therewith, in, upon, above, along,
<br />across, underneath and through a tract of land located in part of Lot 14 of Hayman's
<br />Suhdivisian in the Ssest Half of the Northwest 4}uazter (£:~f,;dW~b} of Section Twenty-five
<br />(25}, Township EI.even (11} North, flange Ten (i(3} kest of the 6th P.M., ir. Hall County,
<br />?tebraskarmare particularly described as follows:
<br />The Southerly forty (.iO.U} feet of the Easterla~ sixteen f16.~3) Ease of
<br />c}se maid Lae 14 of Hayman's vubdivision. Saki tract of land containing
<br />f3.G25 acres :a~ore :~r Iess as shown an the , lot dated l; ZQI$1, marked
<br />Exhibit "A", and attached ,±Sereta and incorporated herein Fry reference,
<br />together s€itt; the. following rights:
<br />Gnrestricted Ingress snd egress to the above-described tract of land far
<br />installation, m..aintenance, operation and removal az such utilities and appurtenances.
<br />Sur2s rigicts of ingress and egress vtrall '_ dude ail rights necessary far the
<br />full and tamplete use, occupation and enjoyment of the easement herein granted,
<br />including the right to excavate and refill witches and trenches, to remove, clear,
<br />and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and other abstructioas interfering
<br />with the surveying, eonstructian, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement,
<br />eztension, removal or operation a£ such utilities. No impraves~nts, structures,
<br />buildings, fences, or other obstructions of any kind c.~ttatsaever, shall be allowed
<br />in, upon. above, along, across, underneath, or through the easeeH st herein granted.
<br />Ursntar and Grantee a~zee that Grantor shall have the right to pave aver the
<br />easement area and use the easement area fez parking and ingress and egress, provided,
<br />if Grantee needs to carustruet, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, ex__nd, remove
<br />err ape~te anything within such easement, the cast of removal and repair of any
<br />paxfng plsceQ aver such easement shall be paid by the Granter.
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