<br />$1-°t~C13ClU~a
<br />(6} Ta use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purpoxa authorized by the Government.
<br />(71 To pay when deer all taxes, liens, judgments, enrumbrancea, and assessments lawCul}y attaching to or assessed
<br />against the property, iarltsding all charges and assesmtents in connection with water, water rights, and water -stoeh
<br />pertaining to or rcasanably necesury to the use of the real property described above, and al] taxes and assessment~leviea~
<br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the na[e w of
<br />said indebtedness under the laws oC Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand rectipts evidmcitig
<br />such paymenu. !`
<br />(!#) Ta kaep the property insured u required by and andor insurance po}icscs approved by the Government and, at its
<br />reyueat, to deliver such policies to chc C,ovctnrrsent.
<br />93 Ta maintain improvements in good regain and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property m a
<br />and husbandmaafike manner; comply with curls farm conservation practuex and Faun and home management plans ae
<br />dte Government ftam tuna tb t"si`ite maw ppctesrribe: and not to abandon the pra~erty or cause ar permit waste, leasenir+g at
<br />impairment zsf the set7xxity etwered herrbg or, without the written cattsent of the Government, cut remove, or-lease any
<br />timbar,grave}, oil, gas, coal, or other minexa}s extept as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. '
<br />{ 10} To comply with al} laws, urdusaares, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(11} Ta pay ar reimintrac the Gt:vernmenc for expcnua reaso+,xbly necessary or incidental to chc protecrion of the lien
<br />and priority hereof anti to the enforcement of or the compliance with rite ;aravisions Hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br />rnenarr agreemznt Iwhtther before or after drfauh), mdndinq but not iim}ted to costs of evidence oC title to and survey of
<br />tltt pmprrty, costa of recording tiro and other instruments, attorneys' fees. trustees' tees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, nrllisg, and conve}°ing the property.
<br />t[?y ~3eithrr the proparty nor any peetion thereaC or interest tltetcin shall bt }eased, asaiT*ted. Bald, transferred, or
<br />crtcuartbered, voluntarily or etlterwise, without the written ronsrnt of the Government. Thr Government shall have the sole
<br />anu exc3usivt righu as mortgagee i:ereuncier, including ;>ut not }imir.ed to the ! ower to grant canunu, partial releases,
<br />subrndinarians, and sastsfactinn. and no insured holder shall have am zig}tc. ht}e or interest in or to the Tien or any benefits
<br />Itmof.
<br />? l Ji AE all reasonable rimes the C:ovcrnmcnt and its a}~rnts may tns}tcrc t}+e property to ascertain whether the covenants
<br />and agrcensents ronxatned hcrrtn or vs any strppicntentuy agrecmcrt art rrtng pertormed.
<br />14i 'Pine Government may ;a"; txtra+d or deter the martui:v ~Si, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt
<br />evidenced irv the ncitr er any indebtrdrras to-rhr (=avrrttnent sec.:sed t,s' .iris snstrunsent, .h`, release anv pam who is
<br />liab}r under t}se :sore <r frTt the debt i-tom #ixbiiire to the t;,>cernmrn:, _. rc•ieasr p<srttons of the property and subordinate
<br />its lien. and :c# i waive anv other of its ri¢}sts !mart then instrumen[, ,1nt .,rid a}l thsz ,an and will I:r done without affeexin¢
<br />chc #itn nr the oriorin ;sf this inatruraent ur iiorr;>u-en's c,r anw ;tne;^ern-', lcabi?vv tc; the C;evernmrnt fr+r payment of the
<br />rcrt of drlrt strurtd b}' tls is iastrume nt un:ess rise iix~ver:^.naer,t cars ~-~thrrc s.r in venting. i1UW[: L'EH, any i,xbearance by
<br />rite Garetnmenr-whether <>nri nr siren--tn + xrrrixin~, ans ri;;}st r,r remcciv ::ndrr t};is insuumrnt, :,r otherwise aCfarded hr
<br />app}ical+lr law, €ha}1 not br ..vaiwrr of ;,r Yrs.tlusle thz * a:rr<ise v:.n..u:; r:uis t :,,- reme;is .
<br />f15:. if at acv time it shad appear t« the t>uvrrnmrm t}rat Borrower may' ba ab}e to :obtain ., L,an trrsm a pcoduet}on
<br />credit assariarian, a Frdrra} }arxi wank, or ether rrsparsft,}r t ~opetativc ::r pdvare :.rcdit source, at rtasonab}e rates and terms
<br />far 3oans fcx similar purposes and penr>ils rsf rime. P:-orrrswrr wit?. ~.:p+>n ti,e t.acer^mrrc'x reuutst. apply tar and accept such
<br />Iwn in nffiesent amwmt to fxv the r-cssc arcf a::v ndri>tencss sr::trrd herrbv ar:1 to pay 1=>r ans zinc. necessary t4. ht
<br />pur>;hsscd in a eaoperattvr .ending a¢rncr en t onnrctst7n wish v~}: !..a:s.
<br />Ht4i [~efawa#t !eereundct sr;a#I =.=snsutute +~au}z under am =zthrt real tatazr, _~c csE:dre any haraonal property ,.r <,t}ttr.
<br />security inStr'Smrnt tirid [•S .nsirr-u` .`v tE1s t tlrrn!±iC 1:r J i•1 r=,°-<utrd <-r ;+c::_rt i`t3 i=t` .irJ'<r+!w[r. :tn4 :IcSault ;; ntl rr a:tt' YuCh
<br />outer security in:*.nimarst shall c•~rstitutr ..iciault '.:rrcun:'_tr.
<br />., - SFft_Y t[,.[) €3~F#!: [.T <. :its tdsr r...=i*.:rr=tas -..#e=, t -;! -. -. S:li~;ats_ -; is sr t .ru*. ;,r srrurtd i,s rP:is
<br />insxrument, csr shauid trtt }+f*tieanamed :s Ilorrowtr .,t =.r .. _,rcta. .:i .... t .>~so pc nr. ~:r shatti:i ::n}- ~:, :,+- the s~arnr+
<br />nstxaed as liorrtrwer be dec}atrd a bxni.rups, ~•r an snxs}want ar ,,^.ta~r xrs assi} tmrnt for the brnefst of crrdi' yes, the fiucrsn
<br />tent, at its csption, with ,x ,ritlsaua nar:,:r. mav• -a.:irciam the rncirr a~raunr unpaid under t:nr note and xnv indelatedaess
<br />to tht C;~~}vernmrnc hereby sreutrd trnrstd:aeriv ;!uc and payaa+l,-. ? i t:r= teat arc„usst nt Borrc>vrrr ir:cut asul pay reasonable
<br />cxpetsxes lot repau =x maintcnanrr „f and rake posxsv==n :,±. ;+Verate r.;r rent the prraprrty. it; upon app#ieativrz ty it and
<br />production of this utatrument, w+tisuut .,thtr rvide ncr and wstl:o=t s:ut:cc ci heanrsg ~:` said trplicattan, hoe a rc<eiver
<br />ap~oin1~trd sox the pro}srrty . wsth tnc usual } ewes ,,; rritivrts a eke xses i f xtc# ,sr this instrtment ,.s pmrided hectic.
<br />Q Pr' F.Fw. anti (r7 rniMSr any Anil ail c,rhet li~h _S anti lrmeil2e= t%. Pfti4v ~,er t f.r x+v ~r23tnt [)T 1L'tt:rc I1w
<br />163 The prarecdt c.t ;timcir»ure sale seta}i 'tx app#nrd :n the t'iiaweng ,srdtt to rise l+ar•mcnt t. -,+: ~.>zts and cxperues
<br />irtaident to cnfareing az rornplying svitls the pr as^.sions ncreof. ;F - anv prttu liens rcquuca oy ixw x . totn~ctcnt court t->
<br />Ise ors paid. ;ck the cicbt tvidettccd b>< rho a+atr and ai} tndcistrdnrss to Disc (;«verxtmertt secured herclty. _ aslerior Baas
<br />of retard required by Saw eat a tasnpetcna tours to tx su pasd..r ~ xt else ir:vernmenr's opttan, anti ether indebtedness of
<br />Butravrcr ewing to rat insured l:y rite t.:uvetnnxcns, aria : t; ant i=a#xncr :u f'.:>rrrwrr. ,1t t~arec}osurr c.r :>tltrr sa}r o aiI :,r at:v
<br />part of t#se p, ehr Gatret'ntncnt xnd in agoats trtzy ;.ld anti purclsau as a str3eg~: and may pay itte Govrtntaesrt's share
<br />ui the purc~prisx by rrr.:itissg sue= -atr+sxtnt ar. any .tsbts i,i Brtrrc;srer e,wtn~ t , er mxured I>y the favtrnment, rn t#;e
<br />order pzeat~il+ed above.
<br />,19j Batrawer agrexa that cite Gasrernmusx well rsac iat buun: t:y one prsstnt or inturc State law, ;aj providing for
<br />valtaatian. a sisal, hamcucad t,t cxeta~ttan y.f tier ptapercy, ,b; protsii:a*.ing muntcnance of an action for : deficiency
<br />irtdgmsrnt or 1unitittg the amounx aheteoi ur the rant within w}rich such action must be brvstgErt, ;e; yrestribing any other
<br />startttte of }imitarituts, id; xllirsvinr any rigxtt at rttitnap4ca at possession ivilxswinK any foreclosure sale, ~:ss te: Iimiting the
<br />conditions which the C,uvernment may bq rrs,•ttiation impost, inruding chc interest rite i*_ may charge, as a condition of
<br />a[sp[vrttsg a transfer +,sl rate property- to a new Ba:rtuwes. Borrower esprrxsly waives the isertetit of any such State laws.
<br />$atrrrsvtr hcrsby ttlinquislses, salves, and vvnveys u} ry~hrx. sachaatt r±r consummatt, a}' descent, dr>wtz, snd curtesy.
<br />,,,~,~
<br />
<br />