8I-- U(13i~0Ei i
<br />USDA-FmHA Position 5
<br />Form FmNA 427-I N$
<br />Z~iis MC*RTt:AtiE is trade aad entered into by ^ALOYSII7S R. PANQWICZ and EVELXN Q.
<br />..-.------_PANEx±1ZCZt husband and wife .____.~~.._.._.._..._._----------
<br />~ ~ __ Fia13 __.__~___._~.____.___......~...._ County, Nebtaeka, whoa( post office- atldtcas. is
<br />rttsnte 1 ,,,$_ox 321.-B~ Grand_ Island--.------.------------.W__._.___,..--. Nrbraska ~ ' -
<br />_-___~
<br />h~ra+ ca~lea •`sarra.+tr,,• and,
<br />iYHER]EAS Borzawrx is indebted to the Unittd States of America. acting thtaugh the Farmtn Homt Admiitmtrarlan;
<br />United Stotts Departtneat of Agriculture, herein calkd tote "Gurtrtment," a! evidenced by one or more promisaorq note~sj
<br />or assmtptian ag;temrnt(z3, herein called "note;' which has been extcuted by Borrower, is payable to the order-aft t _ -
<br />C`,orerament. wth+srizes acceleration Df the rntin indrbtednesa at the option of the Government upon soy default:bq _ -' - -
<br />Btnxawet, and it described as follaws:
<br />R rinse! Ratr lAte Bate of Eitmt
<br />t\rtr o f lrtttrrrrirr» 1(rir[rigol,+3 mount o lrtterrst Irutalbnertt
<br />June 10, 1981 5150,500.00 5$ .Tan 1, 1992:.-
<br />,Tone 20, 1981 44,000.00 13.25 San. 1,199b
<br />!lf the interest rats is lras than _....-.-.____''3 far .arm ownership +r. aperacing (Danis} zecurrd uv this instrument, then the
<br />rate mar br changed as providtd in the nau.± .
<br />And tht note en#daMtz a #bin to #:Drrower, anr# tare G`.vernmen=., a one trine, may aszigst the note and insure the pay-
<br />(nenc thsreof pursuant tv tut C:unsc+#uiatrd 1=arm and Kura# Drvt#atpmcnt At:, or Tilt V ui thr Havs#ng Rct of 1949 of soy
<br />ashtx statuxc adminittrtrd uy thz Farmcfs H<msc Adminut(anon:
<br />And tt is tut purprne and tnccne of t#zu uxstrumet(t that, among .;titer thm17,S, st at# tames ib•i:rv the nDte is held by Llte
<br />iwrernment, of in tut runt rhr (;uvrinment siruu#ci asatKrr ehrs insirurtrnt wrthout :nzuranu •.:+ tr:r. note. this irutrt(snent
<br />dzall xcure paymrnt <ai the note: t~uz ai+rn t±rc r: iltt +z i[rid irv an ~nsurru ho#:irr, ;I;:s u(strumritt sit,t## r.Dt srcuze oaymrnt
<br />of rht not( to attxu to tlrr debt tvtdrmrd chrrrt*y, k,ur as to the -+->te an:# suc3:.ict,i ;ha1# ~anxt[tutr. zn indemnity mortgagr
<br />to ifC[I(re LhC Gi:rvernn(rnt arta(aat 1<zss l![i:i Ct k**-S in5r.[ran4C ~_urtttaCt t•V ie;<u:n 'tt .::x} ,fora;.IS itY Itttfrf; Wr(:
<br />Attd tun instsutnrns also ztrurts tut tecagturr o'. any tatrrest ::red,' .sr sukrsi+iv :vhtr]o may Im ~,sntcd tD the Sartmvtr by
<br />t;sr t:shrctnmrnt aurstsant to $2 l1 S.i:. ~3 d9!~a.
<br />ti/`}W, 'T'HEREFORE. m .onsx#e(stcun u# .ne i„an; s, sad '.. .. at ai# timrz z:•ucr: tke [r:rsc u held ;;y tae t..rOYefnmen G. yr in
<br />dts turn( the C;overnmrns surwld azait[(r tisiz tnstrurneat withtwt inztzranee .,i rite paymtnc ;,f rhr notr, tU stcure ptamgt
<br />psrmrnt of rhr uctt and oar renawalz and rxtrrtsiezss dzettvf anti one s;aresttears c_rntaured thcrrin, including any pctreision
<br />~w the payttxnt of an tnsurancc ~x oturr cuargt, h at all times when ;rte nDU :a he#d by su insured holder, m zrcure prr-
<br />fotmatsu ut 8onovver`z a~rterteenr i:trrist (--s andcmnils and sa+re uarm#tsz rhr i;,,rvernment against toss srnder its #nsuratue
<br />caettact !+y resaon of any default by kusrDarrc. and sc, in .try evtnt and at ail tunes to aerate the prompt payment of all
<br />advatters anti ra.peraiitu[rz ez:a.:::., t::r i:.<rtrnnlcnr. wire i~ie(esr, ss itr:etnaiter :sescnbe~s. a(t.l ti:r pezormance cs: every
<br />crxttnsnt ami a{~eemtat t,t Sorr•3wer iuuta[,zeu lser>?in ur u: any suppEtmentary° averment. fSormwer .Des #arreoy gran[,
<br />bargain, sell_ eonvev sad aazip. a'tth g~-ncr warrar;ty. ;urtu the t;avarnmeni rizc i:,l7rrrriitg property vcvated in she Slate Df
<br />Ntltraaka, C-artnty+;ics:i of
<br />T3fe Southtreat Quarter {SW~} of Section Twenty Two (22} in Township
<br />T~lvc Ci2) titsrth, Range eleven iT2~ ides( o€ the 6th P, M„ except
<br />treat t<'seded to the State of Nebraska by Deed recorded in Book 85,
<br />at Fags iR, subject to the right of way of the Grand Island and
<br />Wyoming Central Railroad Co_*nnany, and
<br />FmHA a2~-# '`x tRer. ~-I5-79j
<br />
<br />
<br />