<br />(6) To use the loan evidenced by the note solely far purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />(7J To pad :vhrn due al! taros, liens, judgments, encumbrancfs, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />against the property, including all chugs and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock
<br />ptrtaining to or reasonab{y necessary to the use of the real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mortgage or the note ar any indebtedness hereby sect€red or against any legal holder hereof or of the note nr of
<br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebnalca, and promptly deliver to the Government without drmand reeetpts evidencvsg
<br />such payments.
<br />($} To ketp i}te property itssured u ctquirfd by and under insurance policies approved by the Government:and, at its
<br />request, to deliver svsh pa(isiss to tl€e C_'.Q.tntmtnt~
<br />9j To maintain smprwettunu in grad repsit and mater repairs required l,y the Gayer»ment; operate the property in a
<br />and husbsndmanlike matinee: tYmtpl. xlth aneh farru.cansrrvation pnotices and farm and home rnanagemenc plans as
<br />ehe Government from time to time may ~escribr; and not ro abandon the praperty, or cause or permit waste, legestingar
<br />impaittnest of the security : ovrrrd here y, or, without the written canunt n the Governmenx, cut remove, ar Lowe any
<br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal, yr athrr minerals except as may br necrssan• fnr atdinary domestic purposes.
<br />%}4} To caxttply with all laws. and=-nancts, and regulations al7rcting the property,
<br />3 3 ; To pay ar reimbnru the Government for expenses reaapnanly necessary to incidental to the protection of the fleet
<br />an3 prior;:y hereof anti to the rnfor<rmsnt a? ar the cnmpiiancr vritl: zi,e provts'rons hereof and of she Hair and any supple-
<br />mentary agreemrnt iwhrther isefart or after defar;ht, indudinq t+ut War limited m ctssts of fvide»te of tit3e to and survey of
<br />d€r proprttc, c-osts of recording this an.s other instrctments, xtuirneys' t'ets, rnratres' fees, court case, seed rxpensa of
<br />advertising, selling, and ronveying the property.
<br />{12 Neither the praprrty nor any portion thtrrof ar interest therein shall be leased, assigned. sold, transftrrod, or
<br />ent:umbrred, voluntarifv ae athetwitr, without the written consent of rhr Gmernment. Tht Government shal} have the sale
<br />aau exclusive tights as marcgager i[errun~ier, incln.iinu but Hat limited tc, the paver to }crane-ronsontc, psrcial releases,
<br />atsbordinatians, an€i satutaftian, and tu> insured ltaidrt shall have anv titlht. ride cu interest in ar to tier lien ar anv benefits
<br />hereof. ,
<br />(1s? At aA rraaastablo nraes the (;avrrnmrnt and us agents may rrs{{lr-et thz p:eperty *.,; ascertain avhether the covenants
<br />seed agreements can[ained herein <s is any :uppiemontarv a}}reement are 2=cinst prrfarmed
<br />;1x1 Thr i;<avrmmrnt rnaa~ a cauad .x :Erfrr rhf ma[ur.ty •,i, ..nU renew ,•,d €tscieedGir rhr ##rayments on, rhr debt
<br />tvidezrcrd b}. the Hate <ar am ndeetednezs ttt r}se Gtrvrtament .-rc:tted :ra t*tu instrument, b' release art' parer: who is
<br />LiaEsie undr. rte Haze oc for rhr keet ir:rm Iiabilits to r.t;r r;,rvernrnrat :: release t tuttr,ns nt rhr r:`?pertV and subordinate
<br />its Ei'tn, attd rd} waia7e an' r:titxr :?! its r€ghts under rhzs +nszrtun€•n±. ~}n, ,n,i .. t thu : a ; atr:i wttl L:r ;font w-it-stout off€eting
<br />ttxe lien t=r tl:c prsririzy of this ;nstrirmttrt ~-:r }4*,rcowrr': ~.,: anv ,~tt;cr ;~ar:a-s tiabtiisv to the t:avccnmear for payment of the
<br />Here err debt tcx:urrd .:y t#€s ins[rr?mrnt ,rr3rxs tL:r t;..vecnmcot vvs •:tn crw.ir to wnting_ tit)li=£V~R, ant forbearance by
<br />the Government-whethfr arse or nften-in rxr:t.ts:n{: ans :i}irt ..t r-ntedv ~:r:drr ti: is instrumrnt.:~r t:thrnv;zr affardcd by
<br />appueable law•, dsal7 not be a waiver of mr parc}udr rhf a€rc ssc t.t anv »cn ttpttt rs remrdv-
<br />.15; l! at arty smr a shall appear :a ehf (,:)vernpztnt that $t.€r:,wrr teat' ltr a61t to +,btxitr .. 3:~an ire>m a prnductior
<br />tstdit aaataciation, a !<edrral lane banl[, ::r .-.this ;rspc>nstbic ...,<,prntn~c ,;r },rtrate c rrdit saurtc, jt rcasonahie rates and terms
<br />for loans frx simtlar }*rrrp'3srs art-^ per s ;f stn € >nrrn 't- -.ep n _;t, r •+n:crt's request, ar ptv -~t and accept such
<br />taut in aufficienc un<+unt . ~. tray ;6r .<xr .:na ,nt .nde.,trstntss ueu.ea l~rreEa, and tc }*aq ~~r at . ..tak accessory to br
<br />patchsae;! sn a c~~pfrative Ir n•atng a}trn~.- ire .:ornrcts..;r: «.tl; s:ec l: i=,an,
<br />=.Tt3~ t->Zfant[ !terelinitr7 sl[atl E bn S[Set:-I[ u£td'rll: •~n*irt +fl }' r~ttt-rf `CYl i3€~E:, t,T t_{dtt apY flee 3ilTl~l praptS):F .~[ Gfh{C,
<br />sre-.ir€ty cnatrucrr212 leers U~Zi tnsni Cd :~' 2F:.r F_et>Ytf:YmT'42 <: tti 2t rf UtCa1 '~S a>$itrn r,j !)4' ii .tr ;q't'=r. s2.:I ::et'aGtt undfr an S' SGT h
<br />trtisfS SCSartl F' rn5[fltmrn€ Xsatl t.Jr.§t€tGtr :SPtdF:tt Tic f[!:::-:ire. -
<br />SY.i~t.;=l..u r,•Ji:Pfit-f s -.cctir. cr: rhr t_.- n :.;:nor .- . is ==-:atce ~% .tnr -rrii};stivr: ~,. th:s ueat rutru.nt ...r ue cared L:y this
<br />insttumrn[, ar shtneid [hr t:atttts Warned sa R=3rrowtr a!r :,, -c .: tc ~araf :.: ;nc,;ar,,arnt. ~.r '.bor. i.:nv am „t rhr }laftcCY
<br />taamrd as Bi?€rrawrr L:. drtiatrd a 1>aaarni?t. ;•. a.r :r s+~;+r €aal,r a.r a:>;t;;srt nt is:r t- i:rnrlit •--1 editors, rite Gt:vrrn-
<br />ntoa~; at its trptxin, ari[lt cr mit4oGt z c, tna -- - SrcL r .~rst €-.car pa,d -..-t r t t -.vtr at:d ans ':ndebxedrtest
<br />to tpr C;n.rrnmeat h-crrha st,.Grrd tmr..rt':.ate;t' -..car .,,d t--sa~tr. . ,. ,t,= . „r,...e S,"„t..wrr .escua and pap rrasuttable
<br />expcnus for tetra"air •sr =naintrnar.tt t€ ~ =site }- -ssrsstr~t t[ at -nt fr r.r-,t,er[ " <- p}.lu:araan by it and
<br />prtauucttan Vf L[[: 1nS6r3fnrn(, wlrh t:?r[ -l~tr HxY a t w9 ^ .. t e :~t a€t-,$ ~ atL±}a 1CiUn, iraYr a lee[ivrr
<br />apptrutteri far €hr proprrt}, wrest rhr -su - p,.vr n .' *e;, terse -;1 - s rci,.sr ~h i,ta,rurnrn± as lTrovititd herein
<br />:X by law, steel +t t°nturcr ar.Y and a3J ;tart rti;ia,s ar,d ,rn€e.,slrv [. crt i.r:i ..etcu,' t 1. z f*t-x - ,- furore ;aw.
<br />= S$ 'The jrrvtefslt .i1 fiafslasurr foie Viral. Ere ai-3?fird n hr ?t>- wsr,~ =!raer tc r:r ,avtnrnt •,,. a, coats anu exprnafs
<br />trtfident .n fntattusg tit c: vetspp yn:~ wsrh rhr l:lJ S? 5 t:r-r t E., • sr ri H fit r,p .`teLUiiesl V w : r o: rt ppi tent cJUr[ tU
<br />be so paid> cj tltc debt _ iricncfd •.ry rhr -tote aa,l a:i ,..dcbaednr>s , , -hr t:.>arrrsment ,ecu.ed irrrrisy. di !nfertar liens
<br />of ret:+~rd rrqu.itrd by law tt a r.:;rupetr»t r=•u•t t.; ar +u r cal, r•. € the ~;ovrrr+nrc+te's .,•ption, xnl .>t`ttrr tndthtedness ok
<br />Brausnwrr irwinyr ter ar ittsu rtd by ear Gavrsturrfnt, and `f; at.y E,aian.c ,u liurrowr€.:ai i•:rrt'v truer •., ether sale of a8 or anv
<br />put of the ~+rrrp~rty, rho C:t3•c#ntnitdt ans its agents may bid ana~surci:ass as . strat7;trr and treat' pay rl[c Gvvemmrnt's Shur
<br />of the purtn~ ptsec by err.-ttLnq suc3e .unc>=snt tree sny >irhts st fiarrr=.a=r rwia~, rc= or inns rr~+ t=v .}er CGVrrnrxtrnt, nt rhr,
<br />seder prescribed above.
<br />`ly5 Borra[vrr a{prros that the Governrssrrt will not !x batsnd ? y any present uc [;:tare ';tut law, st providing far
<br />valYSti4n, appraisal, hnnaetsrad or exemlrrion c;} rhr pra}xny, 'E;; }.±tahi'ttiting maantenansr of ,n act;gn t:,t a defu:iency
<br />jw~scnt ¢r limiting rise amrxtnt tlsereot or the ;sere withirr w};it?e such a:tion rtusc be Lrrougrtt, _t; (Srescribing any <*thrr
<br />stat[zse of iitnita[ions, idj allo€n•i.ng an}~ rigtlst of rrdenrptiots :~x >s:ssrsrdan ;e Eiowing :ny iurrclaaurc sate. ,~r rr Limiting rhr
<br />co[iditians whicLt rhr t,averrtment =*€ay by tettulatitxn imp:sso, including the inxrtst care it may charl(r, as a condzttar. s,f
<br />approvisrg a tnnsfor of tlsr properly ra a new 8arrawrr. Bcrrswrr rxprmasly watvts the Lxnttit of any suck State laws,
<br />$osrowtt horflx} rclinquisfarx, waive>, .cad ~..•nsxvs ail ri~Etts, iRS;hoatr ..r ~,>;tsu;nnratc, cE .:e:ernt, .iowrr.:nd curtest'-.
<br />t.....
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