This form is uazd in eonner-
<br />Lion with rnortRaQes insured
<br />MQRTGAGE under the ore• to four-family
<br />provisiorta of tho Mstiona!
<br />....4 t r, ~ o ~ ~ HouainR Act.
<br />Tl?tS R!{}RT~PAGE. made aexd eaecuttd thix 9tkt day atf Jtme .A: D,
<br />1~ gl , by and betxreen James L. Fsrtingtan, a single person - - - -
<br />raf the Cautmv of Hall .and Statr of Alehtasica. party of ~iteftrst part, hercirtafterea}led
<br />the Mc+rtgagor. atad Superior E+~srtgage. Inc. .
<br />e cctrpnraticxs organized attd eXistin}t uttdtr the h W tf of ,h'ebras&a _
<br />pang of the sta:ond parr. [terti+safter caEEed the hfortgagce.
<br />WlTN€,SSETH: 'that the satd 4}oriRa}tor. t r and rn ctaaideratian of the snm of `~~X ~~ ~~ ~~
<br />h+xrtdre6 srtd HoIl00ths---------_^-_---"_-'--°"""- thtlEars rS 37.400. QO t. paitf by the Mort-
<br />gagtt. t}ue receipt of r•htch +. hereby acknuwlcdged. hts Granted and Sold and by these prexertxx +9oex t`trant~ Hari
<br />}tpin, Sttf. Cttnve} and t'i+nfirm unto tht„'ttort};ager. as ~ucctsser= aruf as4ipts. tonver, the faHosriflg-desrribcd
<br />real a5tatt. 'situated in €}te t':wns}' «~ fall , atkb Stott
<br />of l+iehraska. to wet:
<br />Iryt Sixteen t if 1 t Ellock ';7^.ree { 3) , in t3eves First nddititm to the Cfty
<br />of Grand Island, }Fail County, t:ebraslsa
<br />z±t the tii xtt! E't=+rn:t~~i ~ter+~! .tn ,,rrtarns»~ r-+.,1
<br />tatetrt lucre c
<br />
<br />Ttx HA++ E•.:i`~E} Tt1 }ftiaE E3 the ,^-etrrc+f* .,.~.:: r }e3:: €r~rc= s .. .. ... ,r.c+z,_ :. t.,;,;:RtE, t+e;:+++u+ng ;.nti +rxl++d:t+tt
<br />alE t+tapTetg, ~, ple€mMng atsd txgEtttng f+ittSit^- mrt-1 re+xe~rr€ra+ rx•+ ,.r 'err -t ,{., - ~.? .....t .,.:.+r. tract+..,.n t~sd ttai eet:+te
<br />+1#tfi~Lhf:Mi}3't~j1~.'te.-iir3i~SF: ttS V}}{~~[xY,):.ei~~-SytEn; _eftc~! xS!r Sf,=€+~.ia`4.i •. ~. .y... '!S:itl!.-.i{fEt. :}lYtif,:ft,('++-
<br />~e_ tlia! *ht ~ixlgi4Q:x~z fYV+ ~~at~i ~g.'st •t; r =, asaf uaxa<-r+ +ax# ~>cxn+~- etis. ~.hee ~,re e, -,,•~~ «usi^Frst+'s, antE ?hat thr
<br />A;txt~agear wifl rrartsni ate; dtftud !?'.r 1~rr€r a~atn,t +t+e ',zr- r:;, ,, ,;,:_.?: .-! .,;' ~=er+-~_;,. ~., ^..•n=:+r~=~r, n:i thr ,, -«+u 11„rt>i:+t:.,t ht+e
<br />t+#?t4S~€a alE T_i~~-4 e~ E~~€_~~vt_::.r~-=.+' ~ans_a! fit, -x€k- -„~. - ro „~tt; - r_,~ae-r -,,rtttr~eel+t tntet4it~ ~,i the
<br />Nortga~r +n attsl tar the ~t+xr+x-dcsrnTkei ^rcm+~e«. +hc ,n+entif=^ +~e+~x t:, ~,•t7 ' r,r;c>••~ . n r~,.,i;: .::te. t:+ Ee:e ttmp}r. enrlud-
<br />ttg alE tty,}tix <,t Ewnrestaa+i, ansf ==rlraet tagitt, and tmrsa,?~ ~+ =.t,-r~•~,,;:F
<br />Fftf}YIUF~Ll at.5~4',A 5'S„ stW tEttu prrstnts str t x<. oxt? .n,, u.,.scrs:.t , , ,~ rT=,: ..., u a+: , .. '=ia,ns, to u+t
<br />'E'ftr lvt€r.+grce<c;;>;c=athe ~;-r:parr -r,-=urt tr:YCt-.r_cfi--! u,r "Yairty heven frntr h:tntires3 and
<br />aTOi I00 e-ria --------- ---~..--__.___ ~~a~'€a ,7, 46fl.00 '-
<br />xrrth :nttrtxt trams ,fait at itse rats :,t Si.~te@7t ;+et ~, r+~tu:-;: ; if .00 f_ 1 per lent+m .ut
<br />:l+e t+t~foai t+alnnrr anti} pars l'tte Maxi prmcrp°al srtzi interest ~#+aEi t,c ~at;tfl,e ,s rAr .o?!i. r .,E Superior t4ctrttjage r IAC.
<br />sn GraauE Island, t~tebx'aska :=t .;a ~uwh ether ptat:r as fhe }xth#er of
<br />tfte +xrte ntx} do++gr+ate rn x,€rtut+a. tt+ t*arnth#} +st.tailmtnt, ,rl ; accord.i.nq_ to Schedu;e A on said note )
<br />i.kaiS,+t, ;~ ;_,.nr attns*+tut tm tits ficxt da} +.sf
<br />1ruq,cst Bh a~ :,n the nr>t sa> o. as h m.x.~te tt-x€taitct urrt+t ffve ;rr+%rpai and in-
<br />terest ,zee fully patd. tx.e{~t that the n,+<i "arf^cnt .. ~ +rn:+p.e; :nil :ntrrc.s.:i ,zest -.,»net , :r,il. •`t+.u%! ht il+ta ,mt
<br />paystt}e :xe tttr ttrrt da} =,t 3u13 r ?Oll at; e;.;.rdn>g rst iht tern*i ,«t a certain pr+amis-
<br />,arx *rote rfif tree ilatc httcwtth rxci ested h: *:}~ ~r€iil xi«.rt
<br />I`ftt >1<+rttxager rn+:rdrt n±+~rt f+sEE}- tn~ prc+test ;t+e' .t u:+tt x•f ?hu}tr-.ii.x+
<br />st.~ tx .~+EI ;fit the e+~teauRt?tm.~x, , !>;.etn:.w4,,,r ^tc•.s+!,_+ I't+st€t~t ;, . _ _,t-a~.t :<, 3'rt,- the dei+t rn a#i.vlr, or is an
<br />*+trrt tapes texts =?r ire rt+entt+ty pa}'eetnr+ ;xa tf+t tn-t 'r^<+i ?h:rt -rr nr ? r. _hr =•:r. ~; a e,r tits; ,t;~r ;,( nr month
<br />ptiw tc€ rttaxtp~rty: ~rrrs+~d, Gtetweret. That u~rnen csr~ttet :€t as +ntentrtu? tr= rxrrctrr ~=r.:5 pr+:+~rirt s+ ktvrn iai ier+.t shttty +kl?
<br />d~}< x tst#~3=}atent
<br />i- t`hut_u~ethrx wtih, an 373ute so. thr, rvunihtr :.ay~ee?> x;f prut~pai ana +ntare~t pa=w?Ir u+~,lcr the cCttnx of the
<br />e~~+ctiut~# derrt+s. €At ~!c'rrtx >Fil; p;Fp +_+ the Mortgage, ;,€+ tf>r faro ala _ t --.+..}e rxeaLh ant+l tfx -.;rsi! n,?;e r- 'ttify prod. six
<br />fceEl+rtrttgf sumr
<br />ix) Ar?+iuyr+4 rtrfnx;}txwt tae t€tx±+°tde lht haildei ixett.xt artth ItawSx sr+ ['Sy <ha rarxt ie+x+tsgaye 'atsutaftrr rkrrt++±?~tto +l th+:,
<br />=nraturaeat attp the nxgc ++ac~.+tcd loctebs are t+tautetf, ++r ;t ;as€ettt}:Ey c?sar~s .".e tee r ~,} L ,=+«=rrttt~s ,>zvftvn.'e =>*r
<br />r+ewrut; if t3tittr are }te#t} t€Y rht ±~ttc+~rEary r:t }Itauairrg acrd ['ci+a+; tbrr'?Cgx«cxxnt a< f,-.71.>g.
<br />€l3 tF and cs+ farm ~ zital rxc>fi^ of attest d¢Sa end thrn +xttr,natrc+ ;rt sttssrr<t ,.*,e;.° =cttex€s=e:f -;sak., +tsF ;~,:,
<br />vssraw# Tsf six *+latumai Fk>t~it~ ?~cE. art arrer~;ai sufl"x-t;'h! `t+ H-~a<.r,+.tiatc s++?tsc a„m•l~ ~~i ++r>< ttr~€ir; ,.tn
<br />.LIr~pSrYt t H A -,T t l~dd wN=itR ~`'wr ny ++M+~S 33?*iH k,rfWNy if al lih.TV tt~6 .- .. .. I+t iN ':.'A ~sl
<br />