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.,lt;��ia +P, - . _ �. • `'t 9 i ir 4i r :n• I <br /> ,., . , <br /> . . , . <br /> ;� �-•' .s' _ „'a ' , _�� ,.`.� .S,"� ' ' .. . . . ., Y -- <br /> �' n • . ' <br /> •, / . . . , .... . .. ... ' �. .,�P',fi� _— <br /> 1{6TM� .. �i:r..,-;. �q,.;.y���.-�_- ` a �.�i1�-.y.,°t �F�u!* � M . �I.VI'1 .n`. 3 �r-,.+rMan � � ----_-- . <br /> ., <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> �,. �t!.� tt'_ <br /> '"_.....0 :�'.i�..�—F.._..�i`JYY7Cw7iY4AlSlG�/1,i1ilM{y�l�6:OiB�i,P'u _ _'e1�' —��.�.� 4�._�..�.....wN N'«4 �_�._ ..,T.�.�.._.. _._.. <br /> .� . ,� . . ' "fil! . <br /> -' ^ _ . .._ . _ � . . .. ...� :. T . . <br /> . . ..-—__—:—.-__". . <br /> —— g6— x��a�7 9 <br /> . .., s. <br /> . �, <br /> le. `1'o pay evei:y r�,. such sum� a:. neceMsaxX to m��r. __ <br /> my oxdinary houseliold exp�nses, and also in �he cllecretion � <br /> of my attorney to pax such charitab].e subecriptions ae I <br /> have been in the habit of (and �o make such other <br /> pay�ments by way of charitX a� in the circum�tanaes my attarno� <br /> shall thi.nk that I would make �.f I were presen4:.) • _- <br /> 17. In general to do all other acta, d�Pda, matt�rs, <br /> and things whatsoever in or ak�out my estate, property, and <br /> a£faSrs, or to concur w�ith persons jointly interec�ted with <br /> myself therein in doing all ar.ts, deeds, mattera and thing� <br /> herein, either particularly or generally desaribad, a� fully - <br /> and effectually to all. intexits and purposes as I could d� in <br /> ml� own proper person a.f p�rsonally present. <br /> 18. I, �.he said An�oa.nette Maief ski hereby pxomiso a� <br /> al]. times to �'atify az�d aon�irm all and whatsoever my a�tarney, <br /> Ervxn Francis Maief sk�, ahall lawfully do or cause to be <br /> done in and about L•he prernises by virtue of theee presente, <br /> �.nc].uding anything wk�ach s}�all be done between tho revocation <br /> c�f these pre�ents by my death or in any oth,er manner and <br />- no�i.r.P of such revocata.on reaching my attarneys and Y hereb�► <br /> declaxe that as against me and a11 persor�s claiming undar me <br /> �v�rxthing which my attorney shall do or cause to be done in <br /> �urauance hereof after such revocatian as af.orosaid ehal.l be <br /> valid and offec�ual in favor of any person claiming the <br /> beneEi.t thereof who bef.ore the d�oing thereof shall not havo <br /> had notiae oE such revocation. <br /> 19. Pursuant �o the pxo^visions of Sect.i.ons .3u"lbb� and <br /> 30-2663, R.R.S. , 1974, � declare that this power of attorney <br /> shall not be affected by my d�.sability or �ncapacity, and <br /> tha� �he authority granted herein sha7.1 continue during an�► <br /> peri.c�d while I am disabled or. incapacitated. Further, <br /> pursu�an�t to said Sections, all such authority sha11 aontinue <br /> after my death, until notice of such death shall have been <br /> received by my attor.ney so that my attorney has actual <br /> knowledgo of the fact that i h.ave died. Any action tak�n it� <br /> good faith by said attorney during any period whi].e it is <br /> unaertain whether I am alive, before he receives acfcual <br /> knowledge of my death, or, in az�y eveni;, taken during any <br /> per3od while I am c�isab].ed or incapac�.tated, ahall be as <br /> valid as if I were alivP, coanpa�ent, and not dlsabled. <br /> 20. Any third porson may rely upon the oxiginal hereof <br /> or upan any copy herevf which ie ccrtitied by my eaid <br /> a�tar.ney to be a true copy to the same force and etfect ae <br /> if they hac� received a signed oxiginal. <br /> • TN WITNESS WHEREAF', I have hereunto set my hand this <br /> 8th day of DecemUer, I986, at Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebxaska. <br /> /� . � <br /> - _ (�•�j�+'t � •�t/ �1"�Q--cf'�� �°-' <br /> Anto. nette Maic�7fsk <br /> STAT� OF' NE13�18KA ) <br /> (ss: <br /> COUNTY OF HALZ ) <br />— on thia 8th dav of December, 1986, before me, the <br />— unders9.gned, a Notary public comn�issioned and qualified for <br /> - in said C:ountiy, personally came Antoinette Maief ski, to me <br /> known �o be the identical person whose name is affixed to <br /> the foregoing Powex of At�orney and acknowledqed �he execution <br /> - tliereof �o be her voluntary �ct and deed. <br />= Witness my hand and Not ia Seal o � d�nd y�ar <br /> l�st above wri�L•en. <br /> �flAl NDTAA9•St�f��� .!:`�{�C.t�' �--- ��'�{/' � <br /> - � Hp����� Notary Public <br />-= -3- <br /> _;� <br /> _ _ <br />