<br />81-o U 2 9? E ~~RA
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<br />Tleia amd eatsaed into tbi. a~ ~'d y aE Su,.~ `,..-
<br />l9$,- , by and betwesm John-E. Slattery. and- Nancy A. Slattery,- Husband" anal Wi€e
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Bnsiner Adtoinisiratieo,,an agency of%t1~e"
<br />Government of the United States o[ America (bereina[ter refereed to as mortgagee), who maimtainsan nice'and.
<br />plaesofb-risarat Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebrask:~'ft8102:
<br />~ttwtttnerta, that [or the oaoaidaation hereinafter stated, reoidpt o[ whichts hereby ~iowled~,. the
<br />isortgaBar does-herby mortgage, soli, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, hie wacewax sad"-aaai~us, all-
<br />of the folbwiog described property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of .Nebraska.
<br />Lot Six (6), in Block One (1) in Continental Gardens,
<br />an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Together with and including alt buildings, all fixtures including but not limited to all plumbing, Iteatirtg, light-
<br />ing, venliiating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />dcetering that it is intended that tbe llama herein enumerated shall be deemed to have beery permanently in-
<br />stalled as part of the realty), and all improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; rite hereditaments and
<br />appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the resersion and re-
<br />versions, remainder and remainders, ail rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profile of the above
<br />described property (provided, however, that the mortgagor shall be entitled 'to the possession of said property
<br />and to collect and retain the rents, issues, and profits rmiil.default hereunder). To have and to hold the same
<br />unto the mortgagee and the successors in interest of the mortgagee torev-er in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />if any, as is stated herein.
<br />'Ehe martbi6or eovmants that he u lew[ttlly seised and pooared of and has the right to Sall and convey said
<br />propeety: that the same u free from all ~ except as hereinabove r~itcd: and that be hereby binds
<br />6iasaalf sad fits ~ucoraapra in ia2erest.W warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and. every pars thereof against
<br />the aLivu o[;all p+-whattuapvu.
<br />Thu ioitnameat u given to secure the payment of a promissory Hate-dated ~Mt~.~.~°1gi --- ,
<br />ids the ptaocipal arm aft"1#,100.00 . si6tted by Jahn E. Slattery and Nancy A. Slattery
<br />in i.r6sif ..f tttetsaElves.
<br />'ii.1; 6,sw st, tY131 R.•Nw rt.n,o .ro ub~lw..
<br />