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<br />2922 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORM FLB 20A (Rev. 1-n'.
<br />Hate June 4, 1981 _
<br />Hunnicutt Land Co.. a Nebraska Corporation
<br />, Mortgagnra, ,
<br />>i
<br />of Hamilton county. Nebraska ,,Sn can$ide~atlon or ''
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited ir, LhE note •herelnaf ter described, receipt of which Ss acknowledged, hereby -~'.
<br />mortgage and oonvey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />tlortgavee {sublecL tc o11, gas, and mineral rights, owneC by ;,srtlea other Lh:-n Mortgagors; Pxisting easements of
<br />record: reservations in Unir_ed SLaras snd State pater.t.c- and the .richts o. ~.e puG11c ir, all highways), the follawing-
<br />des*_ribed real estate Sn _ Hamilton Nebraska
<br />Ceur ty.
<br />SEC. TMY. R8.
<br />Ng,;4----- --------------------- 26 1CN 8 W6thP.M.
<br />and the following-described real estate in Hall. County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />SW~NW~ and N4F~SW'-z {excepting a tract of ground one rod
<br />wide across the South end of the Northwest Quarter of
<br />the Southwest Quarter (NW~SWIt) of - - - - - - - - - - - 18 9N 10 W 6th P.M.
<br />Together with all wells, pumps, motors, and equipment located on and used to irrigate
<br />said premises, and any additions to or replacements thereof, which items are declared
<br />to be a part of the mortgaged premises and appurtenant to said real estate.
<br />This mortgage is executed in two original counterparts, to facilitate recording in
<br />Hamilton and Ha11 Counties, notwithstanding such duplicate execution they constitute
<br />one and the same mortgage.
<br />cant-- tinirig in all 240 r ~- - a -yry;t, r_ '
<br />{row owi:ed erhareefter a^,•ulrad; ;* t.^.e v r: - x _ .,- m r ~ ^t ~ v- - ~ -
<br />ar^app•irtensnc°a thvrenn ~r heresr .r u Y a e _ n -- - ~i ~ .zr ne~~ ~e.
<br />he_-°881 LSa:ants, ar~C appurtenancu_ tn_. er_u . , 1 _ a.. ~ ... 1. - _. is , g ,* - i ] laa<is - .td .
<br />the 1lorigagars* rlgh is Sn the Dublic deal e ~ e r -., ~r a ;r~ st-~ ~ -. em-t-,
<br />licenses, nrPrivileges. appurteaanL o^ ,~.r pL r _~ .-..~ ,.- -. a: ~e x.-1 -
<br />ar renewed to the Marta~gcrs by She ,'L..~ ..:__ _ ,- _.. .~. .. .. ah_-., .- iu~_ .. ^_^_ _.ri er„i _., . ..,a._.. _, i
<br />arty department. bttrest., or agEr:+'Y ~•,_. ,.. j1
<br />'Phis mortgage !s ~,1v=n to sec e - „^ -, .,,_ ^•, -r _~..;, •%•, ., .r:. ~. ~- .~ -~t- -- -f ~~ .~-a~es '.: Moms:. ,?eF v ~ -
<br />the principal sum or POUR HUNDRED THIRTY-HIKE THOUSAND SiX HUNDRED AND 'dO 0 - - - _ :tr (
<br />payable with SntzrasL aceo~din __ r the e r .~ r-. t -~g e s.d --ay sL•in on the first ^_ay
<br />of August 2010 ,^ , -. *'t. -.._ym r - r >aid pro^.issary note.
<br />ThSS mortgage Ss subJect to th t. n>,is:aus :: =E Arty ~-_:;=._.. A,,. v.~ i-: ~--~~ amendatory thereof ar supplements:
<br />thereto. ThE Proceeds of r_he loan sao~.tred hereby w±1. bg -.;sad '_. 'ha ,~urf;oses spec_fied to Lhe Mortgagors appli- ! _
<br />cation Por said loan and autnarizad oy Bald Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of 'hem, hErab;, +ra= act hat ray z ne ~ r e ~ rtga3ad real sroparty Chat they _
<br />will defend Lhe title against ell ,i.aiman-s -vha^tsa ar r r s a r~y roe rrnm a.1 comb srces: that
<br />ChEY w111 keen '-11 rite Smprovemerts, "'ixtt z nr -.- u ..n ? -~ ~ a- -r,-. +n s- v ^rpalr and ~-emit no acts of
<br />waste: and they~wi ll reSSnquish a1. rig`L ~> h.,m,;., t~..~ ._, .a1.: ;r~ml ,e_, s,,d ^neena:t land agree n, th the Mortgagee,
<br />33 fallffwS: ~ .-
<br />{1) {hat they will pay wY.ar, due alp taxes, liens, ,;:~?,.~_. ~. ~~_ss;:en.s vhler ;,ay ;,. '-awful Sy assessed against
<br />the property herein mcrtga gzd. 1 ~,
<br />{2) That they will insure and racy Srsured ^ _;tgs or ;,her '_mprovzmeris .Haw' or. ar which may Her asi Car ba placed 3
<br />on 5sld premises Lo the satls.faction of Lhe uor:gsi.;a?, sucitS;vararce p„lfcy shall be ardorseC wirh a mortgage clause
<br />with the loss thereunder to be paybie _ne hcrtgagae. A:t;,• w;s received .:,ay be uszd to pay .far recaustructiart -
<br />of the des raced improvemen[s; e^ Sf n., ray, c-p:,cr. ,,. to ?far tga;,ee, he applied in ;ay<^•;en_ ~f
<br />arty lndebcadnesa, ;natured cr u::.mat:sad, sec:ure~ tyAc.., ....trtte,a,~e. t
<br />1t
<br />t3) To pay ail rents, fees, ar charges Hex due i.r tc bzeema - _ :trader t-ne terms of each lease, permit, license, ~^r F
<br />prSvilege cn the pubilc domain w:,ic11 is sppurtanant or ~ ~-~nar;t tc ttte mortgaged Premises, whirr, has bean { -
<br />I3SUed, @xY.endEd, cr renewed by Gha vnlted .". aLaa ••r th _ s;a E wt,c.*, *_.'te abevva-descrlbe+ ,.r:;p=_rLy is lccatE-1: and
<br />t0 pertox2: a.7d observe every act-. covenart,+sondl*1cn~,e acrd stlpulaLion necessary tq keEp sae*, of the same in .2acd
<br />standlcg: snd to take every recassai-y -'rep to secure :.i:e relssu ran°rril. or extension of each of the same: an+ to
<br />a'ss1~i, waive, pledge, or Endorse to the Y,ortgagee each Sa-.Wa, P .^mlt, license, or privi lega !. MarcgYgors+ rights
<br />is pudic domain a.e required by HortgagE>_ for SeCL'ri ty t'ti pCBES.
<br />{a) Thst !n the even6 the ,mrtgsgee Ss a party r a,,y Yt lgaticr. affectSng the sEauri y ha Sian of its most-
<br />gegE, SnCludSng aqy salt by the tkrrtga3ee ±c ?aree.o -*t. r 3' gaga Jr arty s1 1 w1I ch ..:.E ,artgagee may e rare ^. 1
<br />a party dEfendant iti whiffh SL is obligate:? to p, o;._..t !~ zh ^ 11 en, Sn-1 -~-.g ^,; t;damt;atlnn and 'ua r u- _
<br />pr~aadistgs, the ttox^tgagEE racy Incur expanses a:d a•?v'i,^;: a-~.,..e., :vr :b:,ra_._ fe?~. ~_.crney ~z?s (except ..,- )
<br />QxtEht prAhiDl red DY Saw), CG~ta. EYpBn,^>25, and cthEr <~:targes.
<br />{E '11'ta[ In F.t;e eyar fihc MGr-a..go fail +-: peg w' rr--e k^,y '. axis, "tr - z T - a ses-"tit s
<br />mule a1n inSUi'~'t _e ar {tare r,:,.E ~rrE _•.S e .z fat -- ay -r Ee .t - ., ter t e . E rc nti
<br />peY"SSt, Sic 5 r f+-e1 iieg•. Mu ~~ .a YY n n. *+ '. r 1
<br />expetiae&. Y iv..LS:E. cit-a:~,.: ,n -lSn~leGt-en wt 1.tg3 1 i- ._M ~ ,t. ,y ~+ _.-F - 1' 3,y .s'7 ? ..
<br />`%r Ipeur >uCh ;xtr' Sgntta[+. at,i tt u~,:t,tC.~. Gsi;l *t t ,:. ;hst 63r~.tr . r ~ e + t .c !
<br />pmiyatil iz liaaeaia E,.ly, riht seal*_ tsar SntEresC x7~1;y~?- ?;a.e ~. ,-ay~,. r.. aL' re -.a, .e ,, ,.. gr..e...c.. -,. tee. a..,,i
<br />