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,~:~m. ~ _....~.... <br />k..-, . <br />~1-~.~t~291~ <br />AH?RTGAGE <br />r MORTC,AGE : OAN NO. ` ~ 23.951 <br />KNQ1yALLMEN BY Tfl£SE pRRSENIS: That E, Marst~s ~~, and Jaculyn J. Carey, each in his and <br />-her own ric,~2ft and as spouse of each other, <br />More~gor, whether one or lnarc, in cooddcsation of the sum of <br />Five 3"hcusand and No1100 -- -- oota.rtRs <br />loaned trs aid mortgagor by The Fguitabk BttrYding sad Lwn A~tioa of fiend Islmd, Nebradca, Mortgagee, upon .50 shares of :rode of <br />asiA ASSOCIATitRI, Certitiate No. L 23, 951 . do hereby grant, convey and mortgage intro the aid ASSOCIATION the foBmrieg <br />daaiixd teal epate, sitavtal in flab County, Nebraska,: <br />Lot Eleven (11), in Block Five (5?, in Clausen Country View Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska <br />together with ail the teneosnas, herediUmeots and appwtMrm^^~ thereinto bebngirtg, inciudiryt attached flour coreriu(Ss, alt window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, actin windows, awnings, hating, au conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acmwories thereto, ptuvps,stoves, <br />reGigeraton, and other fixture and equipment now or hereafter attarleed to or used in eonteation with aid real estate. <br />And whelps the said rsrortg:gor has agreed erred does hereby agrx that the mortgagor shall and will pay al! tun and astenmenta levied or <br />aaseaed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bored secured thereby before the sane shall become defingtrent; to fumislt approved <br />inuwttce upon the buildaega on said premises situatedin the sum of S 5, 000.00 myabk to said ASSOCIATION and to -delixr to aid <br />ASSOCIATION tht policies for aid innrraaex; and not to wmmit o: permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />fn case of defadt is the perfotunoa of any of the terms sad rnndilions of this mortgage or the hood secured hereby, the mmtgapx shall, <br />in demand, be entitled Ire igmeediate posaeraion of tls mortgaged premises and the martgagw hereby asegts, ttanslen and sets over to the <br />mortgagor a8 the rents, rt:vueuea and irrooette so be 3erived Gom t~ mortgaged premises during such tune as the mortgage indebtedrrus shall remain <br />Maid; and the mortgagee ahs8 tax the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premiers and rentisd <br />the_satm and arBetting the rents, revenues a~ inwme, and it msy pay out of aid inpimt elf expensxs of repairing aid prerises sad aeceaaty <br />and expcnxa incurred in renti~ and rnao~irrg the same arrd of ca:lecting rentals ihcrefrom; the balance remaining, if any, irr a <br />app/itd tosratd the dfscha:ge cif said matgage indebtedness; ttuse rights of ttrc rorrcigagce may be exercisetf at any time during the exiuettce of sudr <br />defatdi, iReapeaix of any temporary waiver of the same. <br />These Ptexnis, howevu, ue upon the Condition, Tint if the said Mortgagor shall repay said Man in or before the maturity of said :hues by <br />payment; p.y monthly to aid ASSOCtA770N of the surre specifeed in the Road ser:urrd hereby as intttest and principal on aid Man, on or before <br />the Tweruidhday of es<ir arul exry auvnth, until said hue u fully paid; pay all races and assesstrtents levied agaiaat said premises and on this Martg~e <br />and the Bond segued thereby: before deiiagrrerecy; iumish approved iresttrancr upon the buiklisegs thereon M the win of S 5, 000.00. WYabk <br />to aid ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon deroand all neartey by rt pad fur such taxes, assesamenu and insurance wetb in[eteu at <br />the ratximum legal rate thereon from daft of payment ail of which Mortgagor hueby agrees to pay; permit in waste in aid premises;keep and comply <br />with a8 the aBwa~s sad condition of the Baml for S 5 OQ this day given by the aid Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, and 4imPH' <br />with ~ t5e regrtitstntmts of the C.anuitution ad! By-Laws e~'s>td ASSOCIA7ION: then rhea presents shd! become nuU nerd vied, othtzrriae thry <br />shag reritain is fell force and may be foredoaed a1 the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three trgnlhs to wke any o! aid <br />pymenu rrr be three months m arrears in nnkir>G said ntonthfy paymwts, w rn keep nerd comply with the agreements a~ caodition of aid Bond; <br />and Mastga~gw agrees to hex a rerxiver appointed forthwith in sorb forecMaurr grorxedings. <br />If rhea is any clothe in ovvnuship of the real estate mortgaged huein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remain indebtedneg hereby <br />aenned s4a11, at the option of The Equitable Bttaditeg and Loan Association of Grand Island.Nebraska, become iinoodiately due sad payabb without <br />faehu actin, and the amount rerrtainiog due rrndei said Mvnd, and nay other bond for any additional adanees made theceuader, sha8, from the <br />date of exacat of aid option, bear interest at the renxanum kgst rate, aced the martg~tge may then be faedased to satisfy the amount due on aid <br />baud, sad any other bond far additiortai adtanoes, togethu with a8 surws paid by said The Equit~k Buidiw% and Loin Asaaeration of Grand Island, <br />Nebradca far inauancc, taxes and assaments, and absttaetireg extension clnrge, with intuest thereon. from date of payment at tfte muimum <br />~ mk- <br />Aa psoviried io the Boast secured hereby, while this resutgelge remains in effect the morlgagce may hueafta advance arfditiooal :trine to the <br />makers of said Brad, rhea assigns or setaxssors iu iatuesi, wlach sums tdu!! be vvithM the recruity of this mortga~ the same as the funds originally <br />secured thueby, the total amount of principal debt eat to exceed ai arty time the original amount of this ntortgitge. <br />Dented skis 4 /day of Jt721e A. D., 19 81 <br />~~ --- <br />s <br />4, <br />Y~ <br />ATE OF v <br />C01iNTY ElF F;Ste ~ $. Oa :flu 4th ~Y ~ Julie !9 81 , baforc inc. <br />the uadmsigaed, a Notary I'ttfe4r: 6rt and for said-County, p¢rsanally tatoe <br />~tM~['n Gamy and 3aculyn J. Garet', each in his and her owfl right and ~spousef k ~ <br />r <br />sae m ~ ~e itkntirad.persan p rr!laac ~a~neg aI)fiaeed to the above iastt g and ihElr severally <br />tba Grid inYruaaeeet to be theiL vvltzRatp. act and deest: / <br />my tuned sad Nrstaxid Sant the date afatmaid. `~ . ' f ~`- <br />My tstineaqua €xpires <br />...~~...__!_ ._.a_...La'' <br />satatwat ~ Y /ayro~''if ~GE?iffiAiti;;:Ule vatarfNnOrashs <br />~A<MES w_ GlSQN <br />+~`~ t?r Cs+aat frt+. war_ 12,1981 ~ <br />