MOIITIiA~-aa~gn aid lama Fat-!Df»et CrWk Plat) 1<66~4 tspedo4
<br />v Ym/f~ ~ VASE ~ 1-°tl ~l 2 9 0 `~
<br />kart No~
<br />TIiDa aloes trM _. 3rd a..p a SUKL' ig.~~. b1' and bettreea
<br />CAL`VAB][ BAPT15T Cid#TRCHa 7.NC, a By Charles A. Hines, Pastor: N>ral Rowse. Deacon and Truate
<br />Roger @, lenses. Deaeaa mad Tzustee;$y~Cr~p1~r ne,.rnn rind Tr.+eroa
<br />ot- ~I-I- r1'ayaty Ae6aaka. m asmtgagor:-. std Hasse Fedetd tiaHaq. std Loaa AseotSaMon of Grand Island,
<br />a eorporatba orgadasd and ,eshtleq tlndx the fawr a/ Nehraeka w1W Ns ptSeApd olflee ®d pass d Iatsinsr d Giaad Idaod, Nebraska.
<br />m mangayes:
<br />NR4NffiBE7H: That .aid atatgagla___ for std m avmideradon or the sum d Ten Th01•eand One H>Mdred Th}33rty
<br />tad NO/100-~----_--~--_--_~ - - fe+tarr ts10,230.DII_-1,
<br />the mwlpt d which b h.nby admowbdged, do_ Irp Wale p»senb mortgage and wmraat uslo wld marlgagN. ib etraoessots and
<br />attatttas. fareser, aU tM toilowittq dseerfbd red estate. drooled in tlu ar+mtp d HALL
<br />sad t11a1s d Ndsmka, tavrlt:
<br />Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter {NW 1/4 NW 1/4} of Section
<br />Seventeen (177) Township Eleven (11) Northr Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />Cottntgr Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Cot®encing at the Northwest
<br />Corttex of said Section Seventeen (17) Thence due South along the West Line of said
<br />Sectiott Fauz Htmdred Seventeen and Four Tenths (417.4} Feet; To "U" Post; Thence East
<br />~~ on a line Parallel to the leorth Line of said Section a distance of Faur Hundred Seventee
<br />and Fouz Tenttfal{417.4) Feet to a Steel "U" Post; Thence North on a line Parallel with t
<br />West lice of said Section Four Hundred Seventeen and Four Tenths (417.4) Feet to an
<br />Iron Rod in the North line of said Section; Thence Nest along the North line of said
<br />Section to the Point of Beginnfngr Excepting Therefrom a Tract of Land more particularly
<br />described in Warranty Deed Book 180 Page 465r Recorded in the Register of Deeds Office,
<br />Hall Cotufty, Nebraska.
<br />3
<br />Si together with all Iteatlag, ilghtinq. and plumbing equiptssat sad lteturr, inetudlag etoke» and bur»ra. saeau, awnings, storm windows S
<br />~~ oad doo», and window shades or blinds. ussG on w to cmoection with void property, whether the s®e are now loeofed oa said property j
<br />O! hereafter placed thsaeon. j
<br />t
<br />TO NAYS AND 70 BOLD TIfE SAME. together with all sad singular the tenemeab. 6erad{tmaeab and appurtenances Wereunro be' -J-
<br />Sag, of in ®pwlse apper/ais3ag, tarever. and warrant t)>, title to the •ame. 5dd mortgagor- hereby ewanant&_ with said mortgagee S
<br />that _ >BC ~.~ is of the delivery hereof. the lawlui owner-- of the premtsea saws convsped and described. and t a j
<br />t sdred of a good ®d mdefeadble ednb of inheritmtce theroin, tree sad rleat d all eacumbrmsee, and that __~R i t will wan®t ®d
<br />debnd the this thereto forever against the claims and demands of all peraoas wltomawvsr.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this iaatrumsd is executed and delivered to series the payment d the sum of Ten Thousand tf
<br />S-gg Htmdre~, lilt y and ~ t nn~ fan i ,, ~+$$
<br />wYW {nbter thereon. together wish :uch charges and advanwa m may be due sad papabb b said mortgagee sus er terms and
<br />coadit3oas at the prombsorp cote d evsa date lts»wiW sad aeswed hereby, asectrbd DY said asartgagw_ to said atortgagee, payable
<br />d ettprsaad in said sob, mtd to sx.:te the pexfa:. wage of all tiw terse sad aondilioas aoatmaee tl+erebt. The terms of said note are
<br />lureby incoryorated herein by tltb »brsnn.
<br />T'
<br />St is the fabntioa sad agreement of the partws hareb that this mortgage aball oleo rtcvre sap futa:a odvnoen made to said i
<br />mortgagorr~ by wid mortgagee, sad any sad all iadehbdaess in addidoa to the amount aiwvs stated which said ntoAgagon, or ®p t£
<br />o! them, mop ows to said mortgagee, however evldeand, wheWsr by mole. book acrouat o< olMrwlre. This morigage shall remain is full it$
<br />force sad e1fM 6eNveea the parties hereto and thNr hei», pmsmal reprermmaw, ataeeaaors and assigns, until dl amounb aebvrad
<br />hereunder, mdndin9 lutttro advances. are paid Sri full with iabreat.
<br />the tsortg~r- he»by S m tmd rsoctgtsgee all »am sad incoms aabity at any and all times from raid Iueperly sad
<br />hereby authorise raid taortgagee o: db agent at ib option. uptm Mladt to take chtage d cold property and collect aB reab and income t
<br />tMrehom sad apply the same m the payment of faterW, priaapal, laattcant» p»mlums, t®u, mssrmeab, »pai» ar improesa»als aecas- {S
<br />nary to >wp .ofd property is teamieble condition, « b esker chmga o: papmeats provldsd [or heren a in the noes hereby secured This
<br />not asdgamaat shall aaatiaw in farce uatll the anPaid ba~Q d said nab b fully paid The takiaq of poaaesaian hereunder shall in m
<br />manner prevent ar retard said mortgagae in eke collection d raid sum: b7 forecieeure or otherwise. ~
<br />7Ts ldlara d eke ssprRtegss to assert atrp d its righb hereunder d oar rims shalt as Ise t:onsattsd as a wain of i+~ tight to assert
<br />rhs carte at sap iatm time and b iasyt upat._aatl ea(orce atria compliance wiW ail the terms sad provisions of said note sad of ttds $
<br />~,,. $
<br />If said shat sulfite to~ bt paW b said mortgagee the satire amoum due H hereunder, and under fhs terms mid protidons f
<br />d said nett 9~ftl~j _ aite~.w, and sap estesafons or nastraL fkend W amacdmty wild /he arms and provisiow j
<br />tltsrsat, and # said ttepelgogavJc~,....shall aamptp wMh all the provlabns at add note sad of skis mangage. Wen slices preaenb rtaU bf voiQ
<br />Z othvwbe b eetglt b lrlt taws esd efhsy, tmd add semtgagst altall M entllbd to the paesaeNm d an or sold prapertp, sad ttxip, at Eb
<br />option, eael~a dw wlate d .ota nob and a8 tadebbme«. repreeeetad thereby to b lmassdfabip dw one payable. and may toreclaee !his
<br />aad4gtge ee take asp a6ee ievat ratsfotr w peseM tee ~ oad tram the dais d soe8 deaatt au items of ineebtedaur secured hereby
<br />ehctl Wnw febrem d alts per a~ Apprafrmanl adsee. ±s
<br />~e respieeb ~ irae~a. ~4 '~ ate ekatl esa» ps Ws bsarpf d t6s irks, esxvlsrs, ts8opdsaato», ardweas sad oedgae or SF{
<br /># .WSW'., stile hfengogre ..-,-.ha_a._ kereuab eN ~~ eta ~a We day sad ystu tiro abate F
<br />., -~, j .
<br />.r'` ,
<br />ors Cb~l+~x d. i!lmea,, Pxstaz ----'~ ay: Row -"
<br />r'
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<br />